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Posts posted by Robbie57

  1. Ricky the tackle machine

    Good on you dee TV for putting this together

    Shows the players what is valued by the club.

    No doubt kamikaze McKenzie leads the way in this area, perhaps we can ironically call him Kam McKenzie.

    Other players must hate him he is like a mosquito buzzing around them and the ball but i love the guy and Petterd's efforts on the weekend

  2. He looks all class when he isn't the prime forward target. I mean, he looks good either way, but the way LJ covers the ground when he bursts through the middle and hits a forward team mate on the chest is incredible to watch. I think he almost becomes a little predictable when Aussie or Flash play. They always look for him.

    I thought he was really good on the weekend and very natural.

    So I dont think the Davey or Wonna type is essential for him although I am sure he would be missing his flatmate and concerned about him.

    That said Watts and LJ seem to have a connection, they are always the first to congratulate each other.

  3. I agree - his early high pressure short kicks are no good but some of his longer kicking was impressive and his run back with the flight in the last quarter was impressive. Like most big guys when in stride he is quite quick. I think we should perservere with him.

    His immediate problem is that in the back half his kicking and decision making has led to opposition goals.

    His disposal has been woeful and he does not contest consistently.

    I'd like to think he will make it but his time is now. HE must start to do the right things for the rest of the year.

    nothing would delight me more to see him turn it around.

  4. I cant believe I just read all of that, I need to get an appointment with a shrink.

    Can we all take a few pills and relax?

    I look forward to the game tomorrow.

    BTW Scully is one hundred per cent professional, some might say too much so for his own good (witness his knee from over training) but I think that means we will see him giving his all for the MFC.

    As for the future well we will find that out in due course.

  5. Mr Max Gawn has a long and hopefully brilliant career for the MFC ahead of him.

    He got his shot & took it with both hands. That Tackle on the outer flank should be part of all training video going forward.

    Learn more Max back at Casey & at training...i bet he plays in the MFC jumper again this year....

    Onya Big Maxy.... B)


  6. Can everybody please take a deep breath & maybe a Bex!!

    1 I know Tom well & know what drives him, and it certainly isn't money, mind you he still has his lunch money from year 3!!

    2 He will start talking after the end of the season (As advised by his management more than 12 months ago). Has not deviated & will not, which is understandable due to the fact he is only able to earn a certain figure in his first 2 years.

    3 It appears the only people of importance in this process are the media & posters on this site. He will sign when he is good and ready!

    4 Most of the leaks seem to be coming from GWS, who need the publicity

    5 I know he would not like to be the highest paid player at the club until he IS the most valuable.

    Move on guys, nothing to see here

    Good post.

    Can we just leave him alone for a while except when cheering him for bursting through Dustbin someone this weekend.

    All indicaions are he just wants to play some footy.

  7. Old fogie that i am I shouldn't miss his tweets but I do.

    I think its a mistake to ban players from tweeting as long as they realise the risks and that its like any other form of public communication (ie dont tweet before you think of the consquences). Importantly its what all teenagers, young adults and not so young adults do these days and players should be free to have some normality in their life. There are too many other demands on them.

    So Nathan if you out there a surf update would be great.

  8. Maybe not.. He confounds many currently for he doesnt reveal much, but honestly in his current position he wont. When he eventually settles at where ever we might see a different Scully, more open and forthcoming....not all this secret squirrel sh!t of present.

    From day one his personality has been pretty much the same.

    Everything he does is atypical and will not behave like other players would in a similar situation.

    If you look at it from that perspective and not the "he is hiding a secret" perspective then it makes sense.

    Of course that doesn't guarantee any outcome.

    But it does mean we will just have to wait to the end of the season because thats what he said adn he is not for turning on that issue.

  9. I know its reading far too much into something, but that might be the case if thiswas something in isolation and I dont think it is. Icomment upon the body language and demeanor of Scully at teh singing of the song. Is it just me or sid he look just bloody awkward there. He didnt really come across as 100% . Came across as rather mechanical, no spirit. Probably lurching at shadows, and I'll wear that but all these little indicators would have many an observer wondering.

    Was almost tinged with a little of " I know something you dont"

    In his case more likely he felt he went off the boil later in the game and working out how to fix what I bet in his eyes was a substandard performance.

    The guy is a perfectionist he is never going to look happy until he achieves that.

    If he goes to GWS he wont last, he will hate being in a substandard group, in a city that doesn't care about footy like he does.

  10. The festival of hand wringing continues....

    Scully has his own unique personality, time for us to accept that.

    The more someone tells a guy like this to make a decision the less likely he will do so until he is ready.

    He is going to drive the media nuts over his career by not revealing much in interviews and that should be fun to watch.

  11. Who would we get?

    I agree Eade is not an option and really hasn't performed as a coach.

    Roos in my view would do a great job but he still has kids in Sydney and no need to take on a hard job, I doubt he will want to coach in the next couple of years.

    Malthouse Do we really have the stomach for him and the financial demands he would place on the club in the footy department?

    Who else would we consider?

  12. This thread is like The Bald and the Beautiful. I don't watch it for 4 years, then one day I'm home sick so I watch it, and guess what... nothing has changed. The plot is the same, this guy is still trying to crack onto his half sister, this other guy is still drunk and somehow Tom Scully is a cheating, lying scumbag traitor who is going to GWS because Sheedy drugged him, had some girl impregnate herself with his sperm and now he has to make good to his baby mama.

    Worst.Thread.Ever............. (which I of course cannot stop reading)

    wake me up when it ends....

  13. LJ is a square who is trying to fit into a round hole. He is an instinctive player who would be great at the fall of the ball, roving off a pack, using his feel for the game to gain the advantage. He is also quite long and athletic, which he uses well when a defender can't lean on him and retard his run at the ball. At the moment, however, LJ is the one being kicked to and he's trying to outmuscle defenders who are much heavier and stronger than he is whenever the ball is kicked in long. For example, on Monday he was delivered a ball that hung in the air above him and O'Brien for what seemed forever. They were isolated, stationery and wrestling for position. He had NO chance. When we have enough time and poise to hit him on a lead he is dangerous, but this happens rarely.

    To achieve 50 goals playing a role that he isn't really suited for is quite an achievement.

    He needs a power forward up there with him to enable us to get full value of his mecurial skills.

    I also think taking pot shots at him is unfair.

    We forget how little supply he gets compared to other forwards.

    Our conversion rate for inside 50's is good we just dont get it there enough.

  14. Can we talk about his on field performances for a moment instead.

    I am curious if others think that he and trenners are complimentary in their styles.

    Trenners a hard ball winner with scully having the ability to make space and run (and run and run) a la Judd.


    I tried to hijack this thread without sucess.

    Now we are on the loop, I think I softly said this before but now to be absolutely clear, there is no evidence to support a suggestion he is being untruthful and before you indulge your own paranoid desires think about his reputation. Its bad enough the press are trying to paint him in that light, supporters should be taking him at his word.

    He has only shown signs he is a straightforward decent and hardworking team player.

  15. Can we talk about his on field performances for a moment instead.

    I am curious if others think that he and trenners are complimentary in their styles.

    Trenners a hard ball winner with scully having the ability to make space and run (and run and run) a la Judd.


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