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Posts posted by Robbie57

  1. What struck me as strange was the on the couch it was said we hadn't put an offer to him and we had better hurry up.

    Now if we were in that position on Monday night it suggests we weren't serious in chasing him or did I miss something.

    What it might suggest is we knew he wasn't on the table or we have another iron in the fire.

  2. On top of their poor form generally GWS announced this presser which conflicted with one for Adam Goodes on his 300th game.

    Goodes is a real star of the game who has quietly gone about doing a lot of work in the community.

    Very very poor form from GWS.

  3. I know as supporters we have every right to feel let down by a player leaving after only 2 years but i think much of the above is misplaced.

    I have said before Scully is not like other players and is more in the Judd mould of being a focussed professional.

    So when Gary Lyon says he thinks he hasn't made a decision and Scully himself has said he will do his thinking at the end of the season then without any other reliable information (grandparents of someone who was a mate at school etc) it is fair to assume he has not maded his decision.

    If thats right surely we should be displaying that we want him. (i really hope he doesn't read this forum.)

    Personally i wouldn't have approached the situation by delaying it but would I rather have him?

    I think so.

    Every step so far looks to me like someone who is yet to decide and will do so when ALL the factors have been weighed.

    Looking at the facilities is the kind of due diligence a focussed professional would undertake rather than an quick decision based on the dollars. The best thing for a person like this is to help them have all the information at hand, I hope Gary said "here is a ticket to Sydney , go have a look and tell us where our offer is lacking."

    One big factor is the access to the business community, we have it and GWS wont.

  4. They asked him when do you think the Tom Scully issue will come to a close

    He talked about how as a player he expects him to be there and plans on that. He also said Scully told them he will be there next year

    "He has said to us he's going to be here next year and I take his word on it"

    That is a big call I wonder why no one has picked it up?

    Too embarrassed if its right?!

    I am wondering if this is all linked to the Lyon rumour,I felt Sylvia was a goner but there was a sudden turn around maybe the players have been given the inside oil to get them to sign on.

    If so it would be a bright spot in an otherwise dismal year.

  5. I would have said Flash time to reset and take a break.

    He has been injured and out of form makes sense to start his rebuild for next year from now.

    I'd like to see him stay and think he needs to work on what role he can now play he is a little slower.

    Having watched him closely in the last couple of games its clear he wants to do well and I think he can be a good player for the team if we give him a specific role.

  6. or we have been playing him injured to stuff him up for the GWS and he has commited to the MFC so we get him right for pre-season.

    Or is it just he pulled up sore after training and is unable to play.

    Often the truth is less newsworthy (and forum worthy) than a conspiracy.

    My 2 cents is after weeks of struggling with the injury its caught up with him and Viney would actually like o have a fit team and try and win this game.

  7. Wouldn't it have been simpler just to clone the August thread and re-title it?... that would have saved everyone the trouble of having to retype the same comments yet again.

    I repeat all I have said, not that I can remember now.

    Why would it be announced quickly? If he was waiting until the end of the season he might be interested in the collective pay deal and who our new coach will be (and we all know that will not be announced until after the GF).

  8. Martin, given the base he came from a top effort on his part.

    Then Jones, he has become far more consistent this year and has stepped up. We dont talk about him much but his attitude is so positive and with a work ethic to match I suspect he will work on his game (yes slowly) until he irons out the flaws so we may see him take another step up next year as well.

    Finally Watts. I feel a bit unfair putting him third because he gets marked harder as a numbe 1 draft pick. Our base of expectation is very high and he has really improved on last year and as said above gone from handy to accomplished. Cant wait to see him again next year.

  9. HaHaHa! that video is epic....you really should send it to the club so they "really understand" the serious pain we go through.

    I felt like that in the first Wet Coke game this year, before this website went into meltdown!! That sort of calmed me down a bit.

    We need a top line Coach NOW...the learner bit is over.

    Yep send it to the club, I thought I was bad but good to see others get frustrated.

    MY brother literally picked up my TV once fortunately the window was closed.

  10. Mick also had a contract to coach West Coast in 2000, Bomber Thompson had a contract to coach the Cats in 2011. Talk will change after the pies season is finished

    To clarify, of course I dont know what is in the contract other thatn it extends into next year if you take the public pronoucements at face value.

    My main point is this: MM cannot do anything that would put himself in a tricky legal situation at this stage. Yes he could go to Eddie and say "look i am bound to you but I want to coach the Dees and will do that in 2012 how about we talk about my current contract and a way out of it."

    And sure eddie could say 'Yep lets tear it up".

    But until then MM is no going to spoil his chances of a deal like that by doing anything prior to the GF this year nor is he going to put himself in a position where he might be said to be in breach of the current contract. To do so would be p*@sing it up against a wall.

    I agree nothing will happen until after the season. One thing is sure Buckley doesn't want him anywhere near the palce next year.

  11. MM cannot coach us next year.

    His contract clearly prohibits that and its clear that is why he is saying he wont coach next year so he has no legal issue and is paid in full next year.

    He will have to honour that contract until he can get out of it.

    It may be possible that if Collingwood cant offer him something that is consistent with their agreement giving an out.

    So the reality is if we want MM we may have to wait. Telling him its 2012 or nothing wont change his current legal problem.

  12. The Sydney market is going to be hard to crack at the best of times, let alone during an economic recession, so the game doesn't need this sort of publicity - Ground Zero: why commission must tackle 'sporting apartheid.

    As a resident of Sydney I am convinced the AFL has bitten off more than it can chew.

    If they think they will attract crowds (and support) to 2 AFL teams they are "dreaming".

    The gold coast at least had a high level of ex pats to help support the new team.

    Port are struggling in an AFL obsessed town.

    NRL dont get big crowds to matches and unless the swans are doing well their crowds are not flash.

    I expect anyone going to GWS matches will be outnumbered by the coaching staff and away fans.

    It will end up a Canberra team and the AFL will be pouring money into it for decades to come without any light at the end of the tunnel.

  13. Not sure if this was mentioned anywhere else, but Gary Lyon was quizzed by Caro and Co. on ch 10 show last night about what Melb was doing re coach appointing strategy and Gary said there was a board meeting yesterday and an announcement was scheduled for today.

    Stuck in Sydney is this online anywhere?

    And +1 with redleg.

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