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Everything posted by jackaub

  1. Now there is a dose of reality Just wow! We must make the G ours this week.
  2. That's tempting Biff so just a normal evening in District 1right?
  3. Having a business in HCMC Biff I couldnt agree more as I travel and stay there many times each year Makes Victoria seem like a PC hell.
  4. Why do the media continue to call this the Supplements scandal? Why not refer to it as ORGANISED iLLEGAL DRUG TAKING FOR GAINING ADVANTAGE IN SPORT IT WAS NOT SUPPLEMENTS AND IT IS NOT A SAGA! It is drug taking and it was club sponsored.The media and AFL are trying to make it apppear less than it was and they continue to do so
  5. The premise that we react one way or another in our economic outlook depending on the prices of bananas probably says more about our distant knuckle dragging forebears than any sense of fiscal reality
  6. Surely it depends on how good Salem becomes. Yet to fire! If he doesnt then we have lost on the deal
  7. Who is this Turnbull Hem?Do you mean Trumble?Now he is a guy I could vote for. Trumble for PM!
  8. What a waste of a lazy $50 Billion Blind Freddy with no tech knowledge could have predicted the eventual delivery system and it wasnt going to be Green fibre in the ground to the home or node What an absolute joke
  9. Just saw the herald sun spread on the return of the Bombers Not one mention of the PED saga just good news story how hard they are working Blah Blah Blah The AFL must be pleased it is so easy to bury It is some kind of sick joke
  10. This team deserves to be booed everytime they take the field especially their former capitan Is Hird the T#$d still at the Sorbone or has he graduated to some US based business school
  11. He shows us exactly the type of person he is. Appalling behaviour and shows a complete lack of integrity or self awareness. Gil made me sick talking about how honourable and difficult it was for Watson! What a joke of a human being Gil is.Just so typical. A person of proper integrity would have gone in hard and used it as an opportunity to reinforce a zero tolerance to drug use Lost opportunity Gil make you look like the pissant you are!Its hard to agree with anything this AFL do.
  12. Yes Azz good old Big pond Cable old n reliable like me
  13. Yes AZZ I live in Vic 3004- Not available.Just unbelievable!!!
  14. Yes George thats exactly how it will play out I agree! As said before if Jobe had any shred of decency or integrity he would have already made the sacrifice Tells me all I need to know about the man quite pathetic really.
  15. Tuff tiity Iva. These guys were complicit that's the issue and they should sue the club to make them pay commercially
  16. If Jab had any integrity at all or sense of duty he would end this whole sorry saga and hand it back voluntarily Says it all about the man and his p%^s poor club really If he keeps it I for one will boo him every time I see him take the field
  17. Love your sense of humour Fidge But so right!
  18. Not what we need we have halfback flankers to burn Outside mid backup ruck /Forward thats what we need Why buy two halfbacks?
  19. Is there any news on La La Lamumba. Seen or heard nothing other than some off hand comment that he may retire hurt.
  20. There appears to be no other team chasing this guy I wonder why? We should low ball him and see what happens Third round pick is all and be prepared to walk
  21. Well I hope he is a good judge of quality AF would hate to see two busts.
  22. Well I guess he is used to injecting. But remember he has been out for 12 months could make a big difference
  23. Well I hope he is a good judge of quality AF would hate to see two busts.
  24. Could Agree more Wayne Better players available easier to deal with and no drugs history If Goodwin wasn't there would we be even looking at Ex Essendon players? just dont like it !!
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