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Everything posted by jackaub

  1. Wonder what our football department has? Hopefully they are making up their own minds this time
  2. Blue sky! Wow are you sure Its blue?What is the colour really without the rose coloured glasses?
  3. The way the season is panning out there is every chance we will finish bottom So who is currently at Pick 1?
  4. Just watch howfast his hands are makes all teh difference
  5. He is as good as it gets Fantastic So much more to come Pick 40 something just so good
  6. Jackie is really playing well
  7. Ohh if Jackie boy had just some of Pendleburys' skills and desire I wish Jackie is a serial prentendelbury
  8. Yep he is definitely back Ohhhhhhhh Dear!
  9. MFC ladies are long suffering in my experience but they are much quieter than BFC men
  10. While we are at why not discuss draft 2015 coz we are sure to be in contention again It is going to take 2-3 years of hard work,drafting ,list management, hard decisions and rigorous development to fix this mess. It will not be over this year for sure
  11. So whats Gonna change this year? Pray tell
  12. What time frame are you suggesting we are working to this year this decade this century?
  13. Just because his old man played for us doesn't make him an auto selection does it?
  14. I personally hope we engage in serious trades for mature players this year again.We have proven over the last 10 years that we waste early picks by either poor selection, bad culture non existing development or by necessity playing them too early and ruining their potential. There is always the next big thing at the MFC a new messiah each and every year.
  15. Hey Redleg all I did was ask a question I made no judgement no analysis just a question People like you and Saty seem to have agendas that go way past my simple mind, my question was answered and big thanks to those who read the post and answered it Geesssus!
  16. Thats why I asked the question P-man for some insight Thanks for that I didnt mean to scratch old Saty up and appear to be revisionist and be negative about the past> Boy you can get doing nothing at all!In all this i got my answer thanks to you all! So now I must be so carefull of Satys wrath and
  17. I was perusing some draft history last night trying to figure where we went wrong in terms of draft outcomes selections etc One thing that did stand out was 2011 national Draft 1) Available selections - Our first pick was 36 Taggert games 0 - Our seconf pick was 52 Tynan games 2 - Our third pick was 54 Sellar games 23 2) Rookies all failed 3) No preseason selections My memory has failed me Why didnt we get a higher selection? Did we lose selections for some infraction? Given that we finished 12th something must have happened?
  18. Gee Im so excited Jack is back Hope he gets motivated and plays a great role at the Dees No more pathetic efforts jack !
  19. AHHHHHH the old lack of a preseason have all our players that excuse
  20. Do not get ANY Carlton players never ever they are softer than our lot
  21. Yeah great just watt we need !
  22. Best avaiable means nothing if he cant play
  23. Hey Sambo what about the point? You think Toumpas was an inspired selection Watch the game before you comment you obviously were either asleep or you didnt watch
  24. Hey Mate doesnt seem to effect Jones does it you apologist along with half the idiots on this forum
  25. Jumbo yoo are so right!
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