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Posts posted by TheoX

  1. I would like him but I hope the club plays hard ball and tries for Shiel and pick 9 for our pick 2 and second rounder (18-20ish). Some other sweetener from us may probably be required.

    GWS have a massive abundance of mids, they will most likely want Scharenberg to fill their defensive void - I can't see them passing on Boyd and he won't be around at pick 9 (another midfielder).

    Difficult to play hard ball when the player is contracted though.

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  2. Go hard at Shiel. 4 year offer at $400, 000 per year. Fair swap given Tom "valdemort" Scully. We giveup pick 2 for Shiel and Anthony Miles.

    We should go for Miles regardless, we'd get him for a late pick

  3. My money would be on pick 2 heading to the GCS for Swallow.

    He fits the criteria Mahoney was referring to.

    A former #1 pick who may not have set the world on fire, but has 3-4 years of fast-tracked development at the Suns. Ready to go.

    I think the Suns would probably agree to it too.

    As a half back flanker!

  4. I'd be happy if we got 2 or 3 of Hallahan, Michie, Schroeder, Miles and Weller. At least they're realistic targets. We would be able to do that with our first 2 picks intact


    I want to use 1&2 in the draft rather than recycle.

    That's what I said: our first 2 picks intact as in, we still have them.

  5. Hi all,

    Just a quick question to ask regarding what would happen if Colin signs or doesn't sign with us.

    What is he currently being payed at the demons? I ask this because if we were to lose him maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing?! I realise we don't need to lose anymore experienced hard bodies like we usually do each season but correct me if I'm wrong.... There could be an upside. Let's say he leaves, from what I've read it seems a likely scenario that we could receive a late 2nd or third round pick.... But what about the extra money we would have during the trade period to look at getting another younger quality mid? Now like I said I'm not sure how much he is currently on and I'm sure it's not enough to get a really top player, but surely all is not lost if we got a pick but also had the capacity to bring in another quality mid with the money he was getting?


    We've got more than enough cap space to go after a quality mid, it's whether they want to come. I hope Col stays, and all his wanting to stay at MFC etc wasn't bs.

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