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Everything posted by Footynut

  1. That's cool don't answer my question. Just lose the plot and be sarcastic insults referencing people who have a blindness. Well done. Feeling better?
  2. I agree with you. My point was more calling for Neelds sacking and blaming it all on him really doesn't make sense when our players aren't following basic rules you would expect. I'm addition I'm sick to death of people recalling the 'good ole' bailey days. Really we have been this bad for a long time. Same players same results.
  3. Don't insult blind people by calling me blind. So you are comfortable that Neeld needs to teach the players how to cover a player in the goal square? Yes i did see this under Bailey all the time. Name a game..west coast, geelong, hawthorn you name it we have done it v all of them under bailey.
  4. Yep O'Keefe marking uncontested in goal square? Clearly thats Neelds fault right? Players wouldn't know they should cover players in their goal square would they. They need to be taught that. It really does sum up this rubbish about blaming the coach. The players cannot and do not do the basic defensive things that should be natural. Well done Bailey on the attack mentality you have built in.
  5. That's an outright lie you have been on here bagging Neeld since round 2...
  6. If you have a Telstra phone or tbox you can watch it live by sigining up to the afl app on either of those devices.
  7. I thought you gave the MFC up?
  8. Yes Adelaide - the club where Neil Craig laid the foundations.....good observation.... Do you think Sanderson just walked in and all of a sudden the list got better? Neil Craig assembled a good list. We should let he and Neeld do their job. Clearly you haven't read any of my other posts. You don't understand what he has had to do to get the club even to this point. But thats understandable you have your view. And not sure if you read that I did state one preseason and 7 games? In terms of insulting other people - I didn't realise it was offensive to ask supporters to stick with the 7 game coach who has a plan. The club needs all the support they can get. What I see here is meltdown and people saying they wont buy memberships. (Understand that isn't you) PS Im the real 'nut'
  9. Yep lets get Neeld to re-implement the old game plan hey? Worked really well didnt it. It was so much better winning 6 games a year and finishing 12th rather than building a gameplan that takes pain and time. Should have had pressure after round 2 hey? Wow 1 preseason and 2 games in. How would you go moving into a new job with no structures, poor systems and a myriad of issues both on and off the field to turn around. And what in 3 months of a preseason and 7 games? Yep really realistic.
  10. I think its extremely simplistic to say our plan is Collingwood's and therefore outdated. He is teaching one side of a Collingwood gameplan. Tweaks are still to come. He is starting by building a foundation.
  11. So you are running out of faith within 7 games with a side you know is rubbish? How is that logical? How long before you want change 8, 9, 10, 11 weeks? Stay the course. We are all unhappy and angry but you need to maintain faith this time. I know you have done this before but Mark knows he only has one shot. Believe me if anyone can do this - he can.
  12. I'm with you RR. I have said this before and I am lucky to have more insight to the internal workings of the club than most. It does take balls of steel to do what he is doing. The size of this task again cannot be limited to the outcomes we all see on the field. Bailey certainly couldn't do what Neeld has done. Every week these knee jerk emotional reactions to losses fail to consider the holistic point of view around everest that the club has in front of it. Its easy to get caught up in week to week emotional responses and much, much harder to stay the course and have a long term view. (Here come the posters telling me they have been waiting since Norm Smith was sacked how much longer blah blah blah) Well fair enough we are all frustrated and bloody unhappy deep into our veins but if we are to go anywhere we need to let this man build the foundations of this club ground up. Unfortunately people seem to go into meltdown, disown the club, not renew memberships, call for sackings and question all his decisions being incompetent. He is one preseason and 7 games in. No other coach has ever had so much expected of them in such a short period of time. Let Mark Neeld do what we need him most to do. Once again I urge you to continue to support the coach and the club.
  13. Actually no we dont. We don't need people who come and go. We need supporters who want to be Melbourne people forever. We need to grow our supporter base not have people who are willing to walk away and not renew memberships. The people looking forward to having the club fold because it's easier for them to cope are not welcome.
  14. But still apparently Robert Walls says he is an overpaid 'good ordinary player' He has been worth every cent. I think he has been the only glimmer of hope for us for our entire season.
  15. Totally agree. No one is holding you here. Go follow the netball. We don't need fair weather supporters. You stick with your club through thin and thin and more thin if that's what it takes. If you can leave that easy you were never truly Melbourne in your heart.
  16. I'm agreeing with you and have said so twice. Apologies I can't seem to articulate myself perfectly so you can see this.
  17. You think this club and players were good do you? 186 says hi... Im sure you agree the players user Bailey had a flawed gameplan if there was one which was pulled apart week in week out. Oh and now a 7 game coach is supposed to turn it all into gold when Bailey as co had how many years and couldn't get it right? People love pulling out the words Mark Neeld said in his first speech but reality is you know that the aspiration in those words was never going to come to fruition that overnight. Sure Mark is really enjoying losing. I'm sure that's what he is trying to engineer? He is 7 games in you surely can't expect miracles?
  18. Agree no one is holding a gun to his head. As he stated if you don't wanna be here off you go. We dont need senior players who aren't sure if they want to play for the club.
  19. Which is exactly my point...having bigger bodies is all good in theory but useless when the have no impact...we are no worse off by trying again with kids at the draft table...Agree it's a point we have been at almost permanently for the last 4 yrs...
  20. There is a real danger we are going to end up with a bunch of kids with no bigger mature players to provide protection. Having said that would we be any worse off than we are now? Neither of them are winning us games or in fact doing anything to protect their younger team mates. Therefore we may as well see what we can get for Sylvia. With Beamer I think we should offer what is fair but if he craves success more than playing his heart out in red and blue he should follow his own advice and head off down the road to Carlton. It will be his choice with FA not ours.
  21. Thanks....gee we really have been continually shafted at the draft table the last few years...then again if we had have picked better...
  22. Just a question....can we trade pick 3 for a great player elsewhere thereby enabling us to pick Viney with our second rounder? Sorry I'm guessing this has been done to death on another thread...
  23. Yes I recall seeing this ploy from Yze alot....the year after signing he would be rubbish, the year prior a star. Difference here is Brent is not starring...
  24. Agree there are certain players in our side that are responding very well to the coaching staff. Great to see..Go Cale
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