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Everything posted by dees189227

  1. The last 4 game we have had at least 2 injured players on the bench before half time. Yesterday I couldn't believe it when we didn't have a bench then poor wheats had to go back on with a busted shoulder cause brown came off. Give us 3 weeks and we will be forfeting matches cause we won't have anyone. What did we do to get all these injuries. Poor Davey wanted to come off for a rest and had to be waved away cause there was no one to come back on.
  2. On mmm after the game he said his aunty passed away last week and he had the funeral on friday. He looked up tot the sky and blew the kisses for her and also he knew his daughter was watching so that's why he pointed to the arm.
  3. Yes I got one to. I'm not even with 3. I was shocked and thought how did they get my details. I actually rang the number to there client services department and said I have no idea how you got my name but I don't even barrack for Essendon. They then took me off the database. They are the club I hate the most and I hate Lloyd so much. I couldn't believe it. They wasted so much money sending out letters to the wrong people.
  4. Yeah I must admit when I first heard the story I automatically thought I bet Trav is one of them. Hope he isn't. Suprised to hear Ward though. I know he had a few problems years ago but I thought the club helped him through it. Obvioulsy still a gambler.
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