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Curry & Beer

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Everything posted by Curry & Beer

  1. you are perfectly to happy to contribute every 2nd post to the thread with an "OMG LOL AND THEN THERE WAS AN ALIEN AND IT WAS TOM SCULLY' utterly dismissive type comment, while you humbly admit you have "zero" clue what you are talking about that's exactly what I mean, I didn't say "every game" I said "any game" you have substituted your own words for mine and changed the meaning dramatically. This makes a mockery of the discussion. It is a point to be considered, that he seems absent from the club. Having seen some stuff today of him doing stuff with the other players in his red and blue suit that point is thankfully killed to a large extent. The rest of the 'evidence' in combination to me still paints a grim picture and I have every reason to be concerned. I know we have all been over it plenty of times but this thread is about ANOTHER MYSTERIOUS DELAY for him returning to the field. It feels to me like there is something else going on there. Weren't we expecting a round 18 or thereabouts announcement of his intentions? Well they are edging closer to that aren't they we now know for a fact that he could sign now and have clauses included to incorporate changes to the CBA... that takes away the best reason for him to wait, so why is he waiting?
  2. what will be funny is how utterly ridiculous you and 80% of others in this thread will look if he goes if you think the chances of him leaving belong in the conspiracy theory basket you are just a stupid person, heavily in denial, simple as that
  3. Isn't that good enough for you? Highly-credentialed assistant coach, formaer captain and father of future draftee has no problem making this public statement.
  4. Thought we went over this already - just because you don't want Scully to leave doesn't mean you can't discuss the subject like a grown up. I don't think the unfunny sarcasm is doing anything for anyone
  5. this is a good thing. However, I still don't get what exactly the point is of their trip, why are they taking our best prospects on a tour to see how the media works? Part of our non-finacial/networking/future prospects/mentoring idea to try and keep players who are offered more elsewhere?
  6. that's not true if later he signs with GWS he can always say that AT THE TIME HE WAS ASKED he hadn't YET been approached Mike Sheahan certainly seemed to think he was full of S at that presser
  7. the question is 'how can we increase our chances of losing the next match while simultaneiusly halting the development of Jack Watts?'
  8. I watched the last qtr last night and he was pretty good. If he had 4 quarters like that it would have been a decent outing. The commentary team were giving him a bake and then failed to even comment on what he did right. At one point he did a nice little air-tap to Davey who gave it Ozzie for a goal, the replay was shown twice and his name was never mentioned. Leigh Matthews was talking over the top of it about how good a player Shaun Hart was in his day. He did look a bit of a goose at the very end though when he dropped the ball while attempting to bounce it. If he hadn't done that he probably would have had a shot from about 50 with like 1 second left on the clock. A goal there would have been nice, I think he is having some real confidence issues, afraid of making mistakes and being a bit overwhelmed. no way should he be dropped
  9. highly sought after talent + contract negotiations stalled + various media types making claims about him + highly unusual injury keeping him out + apparent/possible absense from club activity do you really think there is nothing going on? what's the sand look like down there? PS Does anyone have a clue what this business trip is all about, seems a bit odd to me
  10. sorry is Robbie Campbell potentially the player of the next generation, holding out on contract negotiations with the club? NO HE'S NOT, SO WHY SAY THAT? Why do people 'argue' like this around here? It makes zero sense. Who the hell cares about Robbie Campbell, we are tlaking about Tom Scully. Very annoying. equally as dense is suggesting I have to speak to every crowd member in order to make a comment. Seriously, think that statement through. I would have thought a poster would have said by now that they saw at whatever game sitting with the group, but apparently not. my point remains that the kid seems absent from the club right now and nobody has said shizen to convince me otherwise. all we have is another memo from the club buying some more time with a picture of him the last (and perhaps final) time he wore red and blue
  11. and as yet nobody has been able to claim they have sighted him in the stands this season
  12. no, what you aren't addressing is my assertion that your argument makes no sense because we performed very well against all types of opposition on about a dozen occasions last year. If we are so primitive in our tactical approach how do you explain that? It's like you are saying that every club has gotten 30% better since last year, except we have stayed the same. It's the two-week memory syndrome that 90% of this site are afflicted with. What has been so bad about this year anyway? Good effort round 1 against a decent side, week 2 we were bad but at least we smashed a premiership contender for a quarter, the Lions game was one would have dropped in the past BUT WE DIDN'T, and a 90 point win . All games had one thing in common and that is we totally stopped for one quarter in each. We all know that with such a young side we are expected to have these lulls in consistency, but clearly the lulls are the exception, not the rule. When you realise that many individuals in the side have simply delivered way below themselves thus far this year you realise you are seeing a watered-down version of what we really are, and even that has us at 7th on the ladder. We have three poor-to-average oppositions coming up, if we will beat them all, like we should, we will be on 5.5-1.5 and probably 3rd on the ladder, 3 years ago we lost round 1 and 2 by 100 points each. Some people are suggesting we haven't improved at all, that is mind-blowing to me
  13. I heard yourself and nutbean are in the middle of drafting a script for a sitcom on the comedy channel another delay hey? if it wasn't for you humurous types cheering me up I'd be feeling a tad suspicious and worried the mayans lol
  14. oh yeah brilliant argument you really stitched me up there PFT
  15. must admit I didn't notice him much except a great goal near the end, will watch for him in the replay
  16. you've got to be joking, have most of the people on this site suffered some sort of head injury over the Christmas break? 'the odd good win', we had several great efforts against top4 sides and thrashed several others, only just missed the finals by a few kicks in reality. Everyone was talking the shizen out of us last year and talking up Bailey for bringing us back from the brink. This is the same side and the same coach you know, the only difference is that we lost Macca and Bruce and replaced them with Gysberts and Tapscott like we inevitably had to. now we're not thrashing sides by as much as some expect us to, so all of a sudden we are a basket case of a club again, revisionism at its absolute worst. Bailey must wonder why he bothers with this ridiculously disloyal and impatient attitude so many of us have. As I mentioned in the player of the year thread, we have a huge bunch of players that haven't given any where near what they are capable of this season so far, you would expect that to change, and with that the comments of Paul Roos and the media, and 'supporters' like yourself will change like the blowing of the wind.
  17. good post at the end of the day it is 44 blokes, 8 posts and an oval-shaped ball just like it was 150 years ago
  18. just tell us what the boys have to say when we are on 5.5 wins/1.5 losses, sitting third on the ladder in 4 weeks time, it'll be blah blah blah cat-like ball movement, dynasty upcoming etc that's what they all said last year when the wind was blowing our way
  19. oh sorry I didn't realise we were talking about statisticians, I take it back
  20. I wasn't aware Mick Malthouse was the head professor at the University of football, conducting examinations annually what a load of rubbish
  21. yeah but I haven't clicked into my other gear yet either
  22. what I find inetersting is the list of players who have barely contributed, or at least been well below themselves, this year Green Davey Jones Garland Petterd Frawley Grimes Morton McKenzie Watts Scully it says to me that we have a whole other gear to click into
  23. yes and Jack Watts is planning on having a cappucino with Dermott Brereton, magically transforming him into a tough animal of a player who kicks bags with ease this is the fairyland most here live in
  24. no, but I know the players always sit together and watch when they aren't involved it's called being part of the club
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