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Everything posted by BangkokDemon

  1. It's funny how little mention has been made of the missing players, today. No one has commented, on what might have been, if Davey was there; if Sylvia hadn't been a last minute replacement; if Grimes was playing and in the forward line, Petterd had been there - they weren't. Instead, we had to play some second string players and ask them to step up, just as Dunn did a few games back (even if he was quiet today). Unfortunately, I think the games they played, showed they will most likely, not be part of the champion team we are developing. I don't buy that crap, that some guys didn't put in. They all put in - to the best of their abilities - and some were/are, just not good enough. If anything constructive came out of today - apart form LJ's Mark of the Century (although I'm sure we all want to see him do even better!)- it is,the recruitment guys know now which holes have to be filled, before we can move on. Of course, it was not good enough. Of course, we should have won - if for no other reason than to get that away game (especially in Adelaide) monkey off our back - we did't. But, perhaps now we know why and it was not lack of endevour.
  2. That's true. But in my 50+ years of following the Red & the Blue, this is first time I have really felt, there is a plan. This year was enough to tell me, it is the right plan. As we all have been told over the past couple of weeks, we're only at "base camp" - true. But, I also believe, at last, we can see the mountain ahead and finally know what we must do, to climb it and more, reach the summit. For so many years, we have been little more, than a disparate group of individuals, with a million different agendas. We are now, a club with a single goal in mind. And that agenda is success! Go Dees!!!
  3. True, but I don't think these guys will want ice poured all over them or want to hear Jo Cocker sing "You Can Leave Your Hat On". They'd rather be very hot against the Hawks and sing It's A Grand Old Flag", for at least one more time!! Go Dees!!
  4. Same problem here in Thailand and becuase of copyright restrictions can't even listen on radio. Am trying to find a feed...any clues?
  5. Okay, in the spirit the good feeling about the club, this emblem is bringing out, I'll apologize. He did at least say, her preferred a solid background. But as the rules are an integral part of the background design and I think should be included, I'm not sure where else they fit.
  6. Hey Bananas, got an example of what you'd like to see ? Regarding the background, if you watched the video, you would hopefully have remembered the background is an impression of the original rules of the game. Seeing Melbourne played a significant part in their earliest development, it makes sense to include them in an emblem which pays tribute to our past, don't you think?
  7. Agree 100% It indicates how progressive the club is becoming/ has become, by embracing new concepts/technology,whilst also paying tribute to the club's great heritage, with the subject material it is applied to. After 50+ years of being a supporter, I only hope, I am granted another 50+ years, to keep following : Go Dees!!
  8. Good point Rob, I'd forgotten about the Red/Blue box. The one on the back of my car faded after a couple of months. I'll be happy to replace it with this one - especially as it is "proper" one!
  9. I don't think anyone is having a go at others for having a different opinion. I for one, was trying to explain what I see as the logic in developing a fully fledged emblem, with meaning. Just saying it is "busy" with no explanation as to what "busy" means, nor how to make it just as an important symbol, by being less "busy" indicates that maybe some more work needs to be done to explain things. 100 years ago, "emblems" were very important. In this age when we are bombarded constantly, with images and branding, perhaps the concept of what an EMBLEM is and what it represents has been lost in the wash. This is not like "sunburst" launched by the Gold Coast last week. That is a "logo". They don't have a history, yet. We do. Not just more than most. But more than everybody else in the comp. That is a great "brand" factor for us to use. That is what this "emblem" does. Some other clubs - particularly Collingwood - developed their "emblem" many moons ago. We were "late" to the table with a really convincing emblem - the emblem of the team we love...now we have one! Be proud!
  10. Of course it's "busy". It is telling a story of the club with the longest history of any, in the game. Emblems (like family shields) are supposed to tell a story. This one, along with the video, set in stone, the traditions of our club. If it was plain and simple...what would that say about our club ?
  11. As an earlier poster said an emblem is not necessarily a logo. It needs to have some depth to it, or it means nothing. The emblem for Australia is quite complex and has a story,which I remember having to learn as a kid in the 50s - not sure if they teach that now? The video sets the story in stone. It is a brilliant piece. Every piece of the "puzzle" is clearly explained. Everyone now knows, what the symbols mean, in very clear terms. It will be used as the club identifying symbol where appropriate. Out of it, might come a simple version, which will be recognized as the (or,a) club logo. In other cases, the Demon will likely fill the bill. I am not sure if this will be on our RED & BLUE jumper? But, it should be! After so many years in the wilderness, I now feel I am a member of a club who is proud of its heritage, but more, knows where it's going ! Go Dees!!
  12. I totally agree. I have no idea who this writer is - so no ego problem with what he said. And, what he said made sense to me. Are we all frightened to stand up as Proud Demon Supporters, because we've had to accept 2nd class (Victorian) status in the comp for so long ? Of course there's no need for us to come out tubthumping like Collingwood and Essendon do. Rather, we can do even better, by taking the measured and "softly, softly" approach, Jimmy has been so successful with. This club is going somewhere, at long last. It's not there yet. There are many things still to happen. Winning on the park is the most important thing. But it seems we are doing something about that. Standing up for the club and its traditions, is also starting to happen - the new emblem and the way it was rolled out today, shows that. Being the team of the RED & the BLUE - home,away, or anywhere - is part of that,too!
  13. Very funny. I am just using what seems to be the pc terminology for this. To me they will always be "jumpers", anyway.
  14. Ever since Wayne Jackson - what about Sir Kenneth Luke, Alan Aylett, and any of the others. AFL (when it was the VFL) were not much different in relative terms. But ther best example does go back to Luke's time, when VFL park was built to break the influence of the custodians of the MCG and in particular, their football team. No club is bigger than the AFL. But that's another topic. The topic is the "white stripe". Interestingly and without my initiating it, some friends of mine (Richmond, St.Kilda and Hawthorn)have been discussing the same topic on Facebook. Even more interesting is their mutual dislike of an "away" stripe - especially those, who like ours are a radical departure and feature a lot of WHITE.
  15. And, an appropriate date (1st April) to put a stop to such nonsense...but not sure about fluoro pink...LOL
  16. There's nothing we can do about the white on our jumpers until we start winning and making the AFL money. Think I said the same in my earlier post - so whilst there might not be a lot we can do about it until then, what's wrong with discussing it and putting it high on the "must do" list? "Do you like the design?" No I don't like it. Was a poll or market research done ? I don't know - do you ?
  17. Tell me why supporting a "brand" is not important ? I follow Melbourne - Demons. The team of the RED & BLUE 1. Where's the argument ? 2. Why is it a storm in a teacup ?
  18. E25 I don't agree that the "white" factor is minimal, with regard to supporters. I moved from Melbourne, to Sydney in 1990. In 1994, I moved to Hong Kong, before moving to the Middle East, in 1997. In 2000, I moved to Thailand and have been here since (my wife is Thai - otherwise, I'd be there every week -as I was before). In all that time, I have continued, to both be a club member for most of those years, and an avid supporter, via TV, wherever I was. Okay, I am not in Oz. There are also, a lot of Collingwood, Carlton and Essendon supporters who, either don't go to the MCG, or Etihad and live in Melbourne, or like me, don't live in the same "pond", or have the chance to go to the games. The difference is, they know what "brand" they are getting. What we have now is like being a VB drinker with great brand loyalty, but because the brewery don't deliver VB to our area, we are forced to drink that horrible "Blond" stuff, because the brewery think it's what we need. Did they do research? That's the question I would ask. The answer is, probably not. Should supporters who don't go to the MCG be considered here? Most definitely say, YES. This "brand recognition" matters. It has contributed in a major way, to the strong clubs, such as I mentioned before. It must contribute, in an equally strong way, to the OLDEST club in the competition. The team of the Red and the Blue. Go Dees !!
  19. Daisy Cutter I cannot respond for WYL, but I would think TV opinion, would be only one factor in this - not the only factor. For example, there is a valid point about colour clashes, for the players - just think back to our "pink" day. There was the obvious confusion at such a vital part of the game, because the umpires were also wearing pink. The need to try and make one team and the officials as visually different from each other, as is possible, makes sense. My point is, every consideration should be given to the tradition of all clubs - not just a few. And to me, and I am sure many others, the Red and the Blue, is a vital part of that tradition. To me the colours are just as important as the Demon...and that's coming back.
  20. Rhino, WYL makes sense with what he says about colours. I also know enough about TV, to think he is near the money shot, regarding TV rights and what goes on around them. What gets me, is that whilst other clubs - particularly, Collingwood, Carlton, Essendon and the Saints can get away with just tweeking their jumpers, whilst we are forced into a radical re-design. I hope the club is reading these comments and taking notice. This is an important discussion and now, when we've all waited for so long for what is happening, both on and off the field to come about, is an ideal time to have such a discussion. I was told on a club realtime board last week, by Matt Bergin (who is doing a great job in getting the MFC website away from the dull Big Pond template it had become), that he was waiting for the day of the "Invincible Whites". I don't think he meant it quite how it sounds. But to me it came across as an attempt to put a positive spin on something, that perhaps the club has so far not been able to do much about. I guess as was said in an earlier post, (perhaps not in the same way) "success on field and in the bank, will give us power". Go Dees!!!
  21. Good points again WYL. Many years ago I had a boss who taught me the expression "traffic lights". I had been in charge of design for some point of sale materials, and committed the cardinal sin of using muted brown and white. The campaign failed. Then, we re-worked it, changing all the POS colours to RED, GREEN and YELLOW - with RED being the standout - he was right..I kept my job! White is the colour of "peace" and "surrender". We are the team of the RED & The BLUE...
  22. Thorold Merritt was a Maggie. Clash jumpers seem to have originated in Europe and in particular the Premier League. Although, I think it would a reasonable guess to assume the concept was first used in US Grid Iron and most likely by American TV producers who rely of the KISS principle and the mass marketers...maybe someone on this formum knows the answer? If you think we might be too caught up in tradition, I would say you've missed what Jim and all the club has been doing for the past couple of years. For so long, the club administration only paid lip service to "tradition". This administration, by its actions is showing not only us long suffering supporters, but hopefully the AFL administrators, how to be "progressive" and at the same time hold on to what makes us different. If not, then why are they launching the "Bring Back The Demon" campaign ? And, in the same spirit, as daggy as it might be, "It's a Grand Old Flag" which ends with "Keep your eye on the red and the blue" is part of that same club culture.
  23. I'm with you WYL. I started going to the footy in the 50s (last century)and can remember some games where the grounds were so muddy, when teams such as Collingwood, North and Hawthorn played each other, it was sometimes impossible to tell Thorold Merritt, from John Kennedy..but you could. For starters, one had white shorts and the other black shorts. But I do recall even then, it was not easy in the quagmire at Hawthorn, because of the rather black pitch in the middle of the ground. Then, you'd come home and have to see the last quarter(that's all we had back then)in black & white (and no colour TV). But, we did. I don't want to go back to those days, in the sense of the conditions the game was played under (and as I'm sure it still is, at the lower levels). But, I also wnat to see the team of the Red & The Blue, play in the "Red & The Blue" - not White with a token gesture to the "red & The Blue", of our club song. As I sadly don't see the boys live these days, being a lifelong Demon supporter, I try to never miss them when on TV. But, I want to see the team I love, The Team Of The Red and The Blue!! Having said all that, it is good they still managed to win and dispel any notions of a white "voodoo hoodoo". But, then of course, would they have won "better" if they'd been wearing the Club Jumper ?? Go Dees!!!
  24. I hope you're right that we will get a "glut" of AFL. It would be good to have all the other programs like the Footy Show and some of the Pay TV stuff too. But when you say you have it on "good authority", you make it sound awfully like one of those very frequent Thai Rumors...haha or as we say here 555!
  25. Whilst I am sure there are many P2P sites where games can be viewed, that doesn't really help the club, or expansion of the game internationally via legitimate sources. Being in the recorded music biz most of my working life, I know the legitimacy & piracy issues very well. But this thread is about today's game and our fantastic win - could have been better if they hadn't "eased off" in the last 15 minutes...but much better than "easing in to the game", eh ? Perhaps we should start a thread about the international media coverage, but then again, who'd be interested, except us overseas Demon fans ?
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