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Binmans PA

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Everything posted by Binmans PA

  1. We've actually gone backwards dramatically though. Yes, it was going to take some time to turn it around, but Essendon managed to do it in one pre season. He's gone altogether the opposite of Bailey and killed their attacking flair. Bailey was no good, but Neeld has played his hand horribly. The arrogance with which Neeld came into the club, blaming it all on Bailey (a guy that a lot of the players seemed to like) was not smart. What is so bewildering is that this guy was a teacher. An educator. How is it that he's completely incapable of communicating? It defies logic.
  2. Craig will be instated as interim coach if we lose by more than 5 goals to GWS. I believe he should go if we lose at all, but I think the club will play it conservatively. That's the MFC way. I'll certainly be rallying for his sacking at that point. I probably already am. If we weren't three games in, I think you'd have found him sacked after last week's effort. We leak goals at an alarmingly level. I think it's goodbye Neeld.
  3. Third in agreeanace. Very surprising. Consistency is his problem though. MUST continue it.
  4. I think we're suffering. Neeld himself is inexperienced. Our last four coaches have been untried senior coaches. No wonder we struggle.
  5. I agree to an extent T_U. I remember one stoppage in particular, where we had our entire midfield on the one side of the pack. We had no cover goal side. Shuey's thirteen for West Coast isn't he? Anyway, 13 waltzed into the space left free, receiving a handball from an Eagles midfielder. He then kicked it down the throat of an Eagles forward. Not one player was goalside. Not one. That's an indictment for me on Royal and Neeld. How can something so basically not be drilled into the midfield group?
  6. A fair selection of the media will be in trouble too.
  7. I thought he was passable. Just. I also thought Sellar instituted a handful of good spoils in the first half too. The goal he kicked in the final quarter was actually from a beautiful kick.
  8. He and Royal are the big issues with the Melbourne midfield. His work rate is atrocious. He doesn't get to contests. He's too slow. He offers nothing up forward. He taps generally straight to his feet. Rarely marks those kick ins on the back flank. He needs to go. Bring in Spencer. Gawn should be brought in once match fit. A hopeless decision to re-sign him for three years.
  9. Yep. Ridiculous playing him at the moment. Give him time with the ball in hand at Casey. I felt sick for him when he was tackled in the back pocket today, receiving a handball from the admittedly passable Grimes, but without the hint of a shepard offered by his captain.
  10. I'd agree with you. We need to fix up our line coaches at years end. Our senior coach probably before year's end.
  11. At least what I saw from Garland today was annoyance, when he was beaten. This demonstrates passion and desire in him. He hasn't been the same player since Wellman left. My god, all our defenders have been hopeless this season though. They can't spoil. Garland initiated a couple of spoils, as did the passable McDonald (who at least provided run) and Sellar, but Chip Frawley either isn't interested in playing or he too has simply lost it since Wellman. I can't remember Frawley initiating a spoil today. There was one moment where he was in front, apart of a large pack of players. He didn't get a fist up and the Eagles player behind him marked it and converted from twenty out. I don't think you can put it all on Garland, when Frawley's been worse considering his ability and has shown less desire. He used to thump the ground when his man marked it. Now he simply walks around with his hands on his hips.
  12. This was one of the major factors in our second half capitulation. Our tackling was horrendous. If you look at Selwood's tackle in the last quarter and compare it with the majority of attempted MFC tackles, they're worlds apart. Laziness is a big part of it. No finer example of this was watching Matt Jones get no higher than a jog at one stage on the wing, while Jack Viney tore around after two Eagles players on his own. We made mistakes via poor decision making and skill execution in the first half, but at least there was intensity and effort. The second half today was worse than Essendon defeat. Lazy, lazy, lazy.
  13. I wonder if when they are banned (say a loss of all 2013 premiership points), whether you might find one or two players leaving.
  14. I would have the Ox down in some capacity if we can get the right position. I believe we need someone who is a strong business person, but also obviously has a large knowledge base on the football side of things. No from me for Prez certainly.
  15. I think we've gotta be careful with egos. Too many in the FD could cause divisions once more. If Neeld is still struggling next year, let Craig see out the year and decide what to do at year's end. It's a no from me. I don't see the point in hiring someone (probably on big coin and probably with a bloated ego) that could potentially complicate matters. Further, we should not be hiring someone to provide another interim coaching option.
  16. Not a bad suggestion. I'd try it.
  17. What is Clarkson's contractual status? I thought he'd signed a new four year deal a year or so ago. Clarkson would be my first choice out of that lot. Inventive, hard-arsed coach. That said, I don't think we can sack Neeld unless we continue to loose by 100 points. Neeld will at least see out his contract if we start to become competitive again.
  18. Well, I completely missed this. If this zonal defence was working an iota, would they not also have a plan b? If it merely takes the winning of clearances against you to clear the zone, it's a very flimsy plan. I do agree however that the game was lost from the middle. The ease with which Essendon cleared the ball from the centre stoppages was beyond alarming. I know we've got a young midfield, but surely they'd be going man on man and not zonal. You can't do that from the stoppages. That said, I noticed Jones playing an odd little zoning role at times during Essendon forward thrusts.
  19. Gysberts? Really? He had two good games. I watched his first down at Skilled. He was hopeless after that. Lazy and slow to think. Meanwhile, the last time Petterd played a great game was his first and only great game (2010 against Collingwood). Don't even get me started on Moloney and as for Jurrah that wasn't Neeld's fault. I'd love Roos to coach though, despite being a [censored]. I'm not particularly concerned as long as he can get us climbing the ladder.
  20. Yes, as I have said, onfield improvement will come sooner with a change of attitude and/or probably coaches. We're no longer in debt due to our supporters donating exorbitant amounts through Debt Demolition. We still receive hand outs from the AFL. Jimmy and arguably Schwab managed to get supporters opening their pockets, but that is unsustainable. We've heard from certain Foundation Heros (ie RobbieF) that Schwab's treatment of these wonderful supporters, donating their hard earned money, is less than personable. As a result, we're now losing some of our foundation heros. So I'd be interested to read how we are more financially stable, as a result of Schwab and not external reasons. Schwab is consumed by the past. While we had a glorious early history, we've had a thoroughly abysmal forty years. We should be looking to the future, not the past. I received my membership letter on Thursday and the first paragraph was rabbiting on about the past. Start with the present. The fact that he ever meddled is enough for dismissal. The board was weak. Letting someone stay on after committing such potentially harmful acts sets a dangerous precedence and says a lot about the people serving on it. Let alone a three year contract extension. My goodness! I'm not saying he has to come out every week in the media like Kennett did. But if you've put a bunch of people offside, you won't ever get them back. The issue will merely fester and be passed on through the next football department. Finally, we must look ahead and although current onfield improvement may come from a change of attitude in the present and possibly coaching changes, future onfield improvement will be buoyed by strong leadership from the top. EDIT. I didn't hear it, but apparently McClardy is looking for someone to relieve him of the presidency. Did anyone hear this? That's at least a start. McClardy knows he's out of his depth.
  21. There's a chance that if we were to sack Schwab and keep the current coaches, we would remain rooted to the bottom of the table. I believe it's a bigger problem than simply one person, hence my identification of a number of areas requiring potential tinkering. I would start with Schwab, simply because if we get the leadership at the top right that will flow through the entire organisation and improve areas that may currently appear weak. I have three major beefs with Schwab. 1) His business plan mainly consists of AFL hand outs and MFC foundation hero donations. This is unsustainable and frankly not good enough. 2) His meddling in the FD and their day to day operations is Jeff Kennett-like. Hawthorn cut the Kennett cancer out as soon as possible. Clarkson would have walked otherwise. 3) His lack of leadership when the heat is on the rest of the club is simply condemnable. He may have been issued strict instructions from the board to lay low, but either way, this is not conducive to a harmonious and united club.
  22. I see sacking Schwab as the start of the clean out. It mustn't stop there. It won't happen overnight unfortunately. We need a challenging ticket to appose the current board. That won't be entirely suitable until the end of 2013. We need to appoint strong, successful football people to roles within the FD and the administration. Importantly, we need a strong leader as President, not someone who wilts under pressure. We also require major changes to our coaching staff. Not a single line coach is proven. Royal is a liability. Rawlings as a backline coach. Really? Who knows what Brown is capable of considering his forwardline is rarely able to get their hands on the ball, due to Royal's inept midfield. It must be said, Brown's forwardline has not shown a great deal of structural competence either. One brick at a time. Take risks MFC. Do not disappear into obscurity. We're currently teetering on the edge of insignificance.
  23. Grimes has already been more effective than Jones this season. Grimes and Trengove should remain captains and Mitch vice captain.
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