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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. I wonder if this means Hore will be gone. I have high hopes for Turner, but probably not until 2023. So given our defensive system, it might be clever/safe list strategy to have May, Lever, Petty, Tomlinson, Smith, Hore and Turner to choose from.
  2. Richmond are hopeless, but I reckon GWS could win it this year. For the simple reason being I think they could beat us.
  3. Taranto. 😍 He can be my next Dion Prestia.
  4. And before anyone says our midfield is the finished product in terms of contested ball players, let's look at a side on the up like Essendon. They have Merrett, Parish, Shiel, Stringer, Caldwell, Langford and McGrath who is probably more outside. Compare that will Oliver, Petracca, Harmes, Jordon, Viney, Brayshaw and Langdon on the outside. I reckon we still need at least one more maybe two contested players. One could be Rivers. I'd be importing another.
  5. Unless he wants to go, it's not a great look shipping off your captain.
  6. It's interesting. I'd absolutely pillage GWS. Their talent is amazing. Whereas, the Suns, not so much. I'd only be interested in Miller or King, and maybe Greenwood at a pinch.
  7. Yeah, don't get me wrong about Rivers. He could well be an absolute gun in the midfield and provide us with a good kicking decision maker who is a bit more outside, but can win the contested ball when required. I'd prefer Hopper over Taranto, but I wouldn't sneeze at Taranto if he wanted to move to his spiritual home. ;)
  8. Hopper and Taranto, and to a lesser extent Green have all shown they can win clearances and run the midfield. I think Rivers will be a star, but we're not sure if that'll be in the back half or in the midfield. The aforementioned players have looked contested beasts from just about the moment they stepped into the league.
  9. If their price was affordable, I'd target Hopper and Taranto too. If Clarry or Petracca goes down, our midfield will really struggle. Need to add more here and both are 24 and 23 respectively. A good age for the demographic of our list.
  10. If you want to be conservative, you'll be conservative. You don't become conservative just because your feelings have been hurt. You become conservative because that is your value system. It's the same for progressives, centrists or anyone else. By the by, Trump appealed to those that had been forgotten by big capital and the neoliberalism of the Democratic establishment. Ironically, Trump is from that very same establishment, which is why he was friends with the Clinton's and moved in the same circles prior to his presidency. And there's nothing extreme Left about the Democrats at all. You've just bought a nonsense reactionary line parroted by the likes of Fox News/Sky. Democrats being viewed as the extreme Left is the Overton Window in overdrive. It's the same sort rubbish said by those who think universal healthcare is socialism. The latter of course is something the Democrats and their current President would never in a million years adopt - Biden is aligned with big pharma and the private insurance firms. I'd love to know what you think is extreme Left. 😂
  11. It'll be interesting to see if we try some tactical flourishes against Adelaide. I can't see how they kick a winning score (Walker) or get their hands in the ball (O'Brien), but you never know with Melbourne and this competition is close. With Hunt out of the side, I assume we'll look to release Bowey as the runner off half back and bring in Hibbo to play closer to defensive goal. Will Hunt's injury mean we have to shelve some defensive tweaks we were considering or does it have the opposite effect and force us to rejig our set up a bit as described above? And what of our forward half? With McDonald's injury, does that ruin any tricks we had up our sleeves there? Conversely, does it enable Weideman to get game time just in case McDonald or Brown pick up injuries during the finals campaign? I'm not expecting bigtweaks, but I reckon we tried to move the ball faster against the Eagles and were aggressive into the corridor. With better kickers back there now, will that enable us to try to attack the corridor more? If MCG finals were guaranteed, this would be the perfect week to try some things that are MCG specific, but it's sounding increasingly unlikely finals will be played there. It's all well and good for the other finalists whose home ground is not the MCG, but it seems our advantage will be out the window.
  12. Yep, me too. That's why I've been avoiding the COVID thread..
  13. Maybe we can pay them back for taking our big Melbourne fan in Dion Prestia? 😉
  14. But the ither half is on massive coin. They'd have Cripps, McKay, Weitering, Walsh, Saad, Williams and Martin chewing up a fair chunk of the cap.
  15. I reckon you'll usually be able to prise a GWS mid as they seem to grow mids on trees up there (mostly through their academy). I'd be thinking it's less about coin and more about opportunity. Lever is a great character too, but we chased him hard and landed him. I really hope we're still keeping tabs on Tom.
  16. Yes. Similar to how the majority of the money supply is created by banks when they make loans. As for Government spending, the Treasury instructs its central bank to credit/mark up Exchange Settlement Account balances of the appropriate bank and numbers go up on a screen. These numbers are called reserves - they're digital dollars. The reverse happens when tax liabilities are extinguished. When I pay my tax, my bank Westpac uses its reserves (digital dollars) in its ES balance to settle my obligation, and the RBA marks down Westpac's ES balance at the RBA. Victorian Gov is different to the Fed Gov. The Vic Gov relies on revenue as a currency user (including GST, which is funnelled back to them by newly created reserves to match the revenue taken in by the Fed) and the Victorian bond market, as well direct foreign investment (see the Chinese deals thst were done by Napthine and then Andrews). The major bond holder of Victorian bonds since March last year is the RBA (ie, the Fed Gov is funding elements of the Victorian budget - and the rest of the states and territories, to get them through COVID). Taxation is a control on inflation and is what provides demand for a currency like the AUD. Here's the Bank of England on money creation in the modern economy, which is mostly bank credit - https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/knowledgebank/how-is-money-created (this also has a breakdown of the UK money supply, Australia's is similar - last year at a point, bank credit accounted for close to 90% of the money supply). And here's the former head of the US Federal Reserve (US central bank) talking about how a monetary sovereign spends in the modern economy - And yes, I'm looking forward to seeing what the larger overall development of this site is. Will it involve a further cash injection from govs down the line?
  17. His fairwell game was his 300th in a win, in front of a big crowd on the MCG. It was the perfect send off.
  18. I'd be all over GWS' Tom Green. He will explode soon and his inclusion would enable us to be less reliant on Clarry and give us more midfield depth.
  19. How would Carlton have more cap for Cerra? He is the type they need though.
  20. Daniel Talia is being delisted by the Crows. Surely he'll end up at the Bulldogs next year?
  21. I'm right on board for a Vax passport once everyone has had the chance to be vaxed, but not when half the population haven't had access yet.
  22. Gotta say it's particularly impressive to have identified talent last year too. Sure, they've been following some of them for years, but without a lot of footy last year, our recruiters have done a brilliant job here.
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