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Everything posted by DV8

  1. Hmmn, care factor. You have to care first, to have the ability to be hurt. The deepest hurt, is usually caused by our loved ones. no care, little hurt. .... ext': defeatisms. care-less, defeat comes easier... and hurts 'little'. >>> our clubs nemesis.
  2. What ever it was, it cut him deep.
  3. No, playing the man DD. You remind me of a wannabe TV star doing the rounds. Short on talent but will do anything to get a gig. This one, Andy Lee, happens to be a Carton supporter.
  4. https://www.bigfooty.com/forum/threads/gaff-to-melbourne-with-a-side-trade.1200555/
  5. Probably symptoms of the same injury. corky.
  6. I've been hinting Wagner. For this reason, run speed. I was thinking run-with. Cover one of there hard running backs. Whitfield or other. Leave Fritta's role alone.
  7. I think M Crstn was brought in to manage and stop players from being suspended for minor infractions. A Sin-Bin would work, as long as it doesn't interfere, with say the Brownlow, for instance. You serve minor abuses in the Bin. If after the game, it appears the action was worse then just the sin-binning sanction, then another suspension may be added, and that should impact on the best and fairest. Yellow cards, and Red cards are just too inciteful, & then too heavy generally, and are too soccer. Not Aussie Rules culturally, and not suited a to a heavy contact sport. .
  8. Congrats & all the best to Alex Silvagni... and his Pa.
  9. Or being stung when riding a marine creature ! dmstn.... a Hep Sea 'orse. .
  10. Scully was more abrupt, and honest in an awkward way. Instead of continuing to use us, he left us. Nothing parasitic about what he did. He just lied to us all. sort of betrayal. Betraying consistently with a M$mile & glint in the eye, and lazy efforts, to me is worse. .
  11. Yeah, your right. Fritsch has been a breath of fresh air, thru the list.
  12. That helps next weeks opposition. Sin-Bin, bk_nkd. 5 Mins in the cooler. 10, or 15, depending on seriousness. Plus an after game inquiry, to see if justice has been measured & served.
  13. Some find the faults ahead of others. Some always look for the negatives, first. Most tho' when finding negatives, give up on players. This is the saddest part of it. The writing off, hastily. organically? hothouse? hydroponic?
  14. Here ya go Wls11, have your way. But remember, if you have to phluck it, pkluck is slooooowww. enjoy.
  15. He's walking, because he can't sit in the car. Constipation, sore hammy's, and glute. Trying to walk it out. ?
  16. And Harmes. They have lifted their responsibilities.
  17. Thats why we're outside the fence line, DD.
  18. I agree jk1d There was 50/50's, both ways... I think the game flowed nicely, and I do see penalties during games, which IMO should not have gone our way. So I think i'm less biased, than most.
  19. Well the celebrations should have ended at midnight last night. Time to Re-Focus. And get nastee.
  20. There is a feelgood push 'jb', by the AFL. But not just for us, but AFL wide. especially Via Ch-7 commentary. I would hope the umpires are instructed to 'feel for the underdog', within their minds. Rather than the other way about, which can also happen Re 'home crowd decisions'.
  21. Some people do not understand, that sometimes exporting out old attitudes,,, is crucial to the clubs needs to refresh. Nothing to do with their playing abilities, but more about attitudes, and change.
  22. No. Frosty got another chance,,, after he started to use the ball differently, better, more creatively.
  23. He is a player well worth persisting with on our list... only his second year, with 'imo' a lot to look forward to in future. hopefully.
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