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Everything posted by DV8

  1. The club was already destroyed, Pre Neeld... a ruddy mess, Pre Bailey. Full of big-head fish in a tiny pond. with no real work ethic or true professional attitudes. We again thought, we were way better, than what we were. Tried to rebuild with old boys, and made things worse. Pointing fingers of blame, is only doing more of the same,,, of that which was happening with the players at the time, before Neeld was even a thought. He crushed what was rotten and allowed a cleanup. To replace a foul ingrown culture, you have to incise the wound, cut away all necrotic tissue.. and swab out the wound with saline & anti-septic, cover and seal. Let healing begin. Then look to grafts to cover the old wound area, if required.
  2. He inherited a 'Humpty-Dumpty' on the wall. Had the guts to crack it with a spoon... Then got the all the kings hoses and all the kings men, to scrape up the debris; and build a new one. a New Millennia Demons.
  3. He was at the beginning of the rebirth. He had the job of pulling the big craap wall down. Like him, or Loathe him... he did it, and he started the regrowth... by crushing the bad old habits. He pulled the rug from under some very very cosy attitudes, inside our club. Wattshisname rebelled, after having things on his terms for 3 years. As did others. Neeld rid us off those who were damaged and sour... some remained. Who here really thinks Watts was cursed by Neeld, or was it the other way around ? the culture, Pre Neeld ? Who here remembers the rumours coming out of AAMI park back then,,, supposedly from the mouths of Melbourne Storm players... about our habits in the GYM and our training methods. Not Neeld's habits. He smashed those things... and allowed a Fresh Sweep of the floor... which allowed Roosy to come thru, amongst The Renovators. PJ the AFL, and associated assistants. .
  4. The thing is, in the thirties, forties and fifties... we weren't snobs... It was a time after WW1... the great depression... polio... and WW2 It Was Pre Baby-Boomers... and the class thing... higher education, and Elitist Snobbery. Our time was before Political Correctness destroyed our Spirit.
  5. I will wait until IT Happens (we do that), then, I will live IT,,, in the moment.
  6. Go 'Sam' !!! Surface2AirMissile.
  7. DV8


    Report the bastardo's, straight away, on the day. Scumbags doing the wrong thing to our game.
  8. The Hawks lyrics, is one of the most uniting and driving set of lyrics going around; & I have no doubt that when self doubt arises amongst them... It helps them to stay positive and fight on as a united team. It relaters in the 'present tense', so is always relevant to the current group. I love our Tune...... but Our lyrics are about different times, different values. About a club, a flag, an emblem, and our past. (things) (almost possessions). But not much about the players as a group, having a red hot go, and, the teams fight... fun... and love for club & one another. (spiritually). ... we need to write our own contemporary Story. A dare... play this video with mute on,,, and read the words as they appear,, with no sound. ... then replay with sound on. .
  9. WaddaWe Sing... ??? hows this, 'sons' ?
  10. Traditions are built on ideas. Good traditions are built on the back of accepted Great Ideas. Should we all just continue to smoke ? Should we all remain standing at the back of the cue when waiting for the train or bus. .. and miss our spot altogether ? sounds Melbourne/Mcc. Times change, and so do people's thoughts, ideas, & values, as we all cross examine our past and its thinking,,, as we grow. Its time we shed our old bark, and grow another growth ring as we put on New Growth. We've been 'dormant', in a self-imposed 'Winter'... for far too long. .
  11. Over in the Ponsford... 'Ere go Jim... If your lucky, she-mite sit right in front of you. nibble away, while you watch ! bon appétit ?
  12. I have 'never' believed.... In NEVER !!!
  13. I suppose it 'did', 'MR'. 'Mary-Anne' was around my speed, as well... GinGer was just, a bit too 'spicy',,, for li'lle ol' me.
  14. He has to come across as measured,,, because he'll be castigated either way. Also, if he wants his players to be "composed"... then he has to show the same example.
  15. paywalls... and the state of the globalisation. And the frustration of how business is undoing all the good things of the recent past, for mere margins & share price gains. The antichrist is hard at work, and It's pulling things apart as we live ur lives under more and more stress, due to 'It'.
  16. LoL... ummhh, Chris from Camberwell.. HaHa. I've heard 'CfromC' speak on radio, a couple years ago. i'm very afraid to say, I'm nothing like him.. I'm probably more a cross between 'Skipper' on Gilligan's Isle,,, and the 'Professor' on the Isle... now, where did I put that darn Cap down..
  17. What a pleasure it is, that I have detoxed from reading the H/Sun. Just in the 'nick of time', since the Far-Out Right are taking over around the globe, controlling 'All and Sundy' In the absence of real church leadership, for the people,,, the antichrist of commercialism is showing its ugly face, & is taking over. ... wanting everything, to sell for money and power (greed),,, and not pay taxes at the same time. - - - - - Bless you Gough, rip. . Who's the driver ? It has to be one of two I guess ?
  18. Hi 'jcb31'. Tim Smith and Mykelti Lefau, with cameos P/Qtr from Pedo.
  19. Congratulations should go to the supporters, for taking the time to attend... in big numbers, creating the atmosphere. And thanks to the Army and Admin for organising and putting all this together, for the supporters, and the club. This is how it would read if the supporters were being thought about first to last, and not about the money and atmosphere just for the players. _________________________ Its the supporters who want to go to represent the club and to watch their hrero's. That's what supporters do. That's giving. It's the clubs job to think of how they can give back to the supporters; and a part of that is to put the best team on the park they can, to represent the Red&Blue. This is the synchronicity of footy and of sport... Giving and taking equally, to each other. The game of Aussie-Rules is played at lower levels, exactly for the reasons you mention... but NOT AFL Pro level footy. No I did NOT say that about myself, not even in the slightest. As I was not there in attendance, and could not be; I am only there in spirit. I say it for all other Demon supporters, past, present and future... and in so doing, for the very Mfc club, itself. When you have something to sell to some people... they are the most important part of that transaction. and IF they are to invest in the sell able item. They are to be satisfied. So they are happy with the product and want more. Its not about me; me of today;;; Me of the past, maybe, I did wish for more, back then. But I don't know IF I would even be at a Melbourne Grand Final nowadays but you can betcha I would be watching and recording it for my future to view again, and again. I would be as happy as any... if we won, and I would be somewhat satisfied that we have broken thru, after all our amateurish ways & days. Its all I hope for from Footy. Apart from this club growing up, and leaving this elitist dream go down the toilet, where it should be. Clubs are not about Sects. Clubs are for people, and in Australia, it should be for all and any people. Irrelevant of colour,,, cred,,, or wealth... and certainly no snobbery_ Everything I do on footy forums, is built around being for this Club, and for Footy. And for the supporters of this once great club. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - big picture items. We are ALL pawns in life. All living things are but temporary, and so are pawns within Life-Itself. The only problem is people, some people think, or want to believe they are more worthy, more smart, more relevant. And that's where it all starts to come unstuck. The Colosseum, have you noticed how rough around the edges it has become, over the past millennia? somewhat dee-cayed... oh, & there is a rank smell, deep down in the depths below. Maybe some of the original participants and patrons of the time,,, before it all ended in craapp . Lets not let Melbourne Demons go the same way, of the same arrogance, and Footy, likewise. .
  20. I agree on Levers knee, his 2nd Reco on that knee. But I'm concerned because it went so innocuously.
  21. Since Frosty has taken the next step, this back-end of the season, I don't think we need May so much now.
  22. giving his best impressions to his supporters... leading his supporters with example. he's been watching Bo Bo again.
  23. I don't think we've had direct replacement opportunities for Oscar, until mid this season. I think 2019_ will be different, now that Frosty has found his way around our gamestyle. he's arrived it seems... so with this, Lever hopefully trouble free in 2019,,, we will have the direct replacement depth needed.
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