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Posts posted by RalphiusMaximus

  1. It's all been said, but they have a bloody good coach in The Rat and they don't have any stars eating up cap space so there is plenty of money to throw at players to get them across.  I don't know that they have what it takes to develop into a premiership side, but Ratten has a record of getting a team to play well above itself and they should play finals. 

  2. I'd take him as a (near) freeby. Has pace to burn. His kicking isn't any worse than 90% of our list. I remind you all that Bartram was a disgraceful kick, but he worked on it, learned his limits and became solid if not damaging.

    • Like 3
  3. 2 hours ago, Yokozuna said:

    Just putting it out there, and before anyone asks and says i am trolling, I will not be giving any names (my source has demanded I don’t) but I have heard we are really trying to get a key forward from another vic team!!

    I will let you all guess away (or conversely have a crack at me for not naming anyone and making it up), but I will only say he is from a vic team and has been mentioned nowhere in the media.

    We all know Elliott was not the only player we have been talking too!


    It's Tom Boyd, isn't it? He's decided he wants another shot.

  4. 36 minutes ago, Macca said:

    I'm tired of the references to AVB as well

    He's constantly injured and we can't be relying on him.being available.  Hannan is overated.  I don't dislike either player but one doesn't play and the other doesn't play very well.

    Got any other options?  Show me some talent

    As for fitness,  try bone-lazy.  The team hardly gave a yelp all season and should be called out for it.

    Actually,  Lewis did call out the playing group with his speech at the B & F.  Don't let them off the hook AF.  We've let them off the hook in the past by sacking coaches.

    Look at all the assistants that have departed.  What does that tell you?  It tells me the message isn't getting through and the players are calling the shots again. 

    Occam's Razor.

    Do you actually understand Occam's Razor?  I ask because your second last paragraph contains assumptions, and Occam's Razor states that (assuming a lack of evidence in favour of one explanation over the others) the explanation which requires the fewest assumptions is usually correct. 

    Also, it is neither an argument in and of itself, a form of evidence nor a proof.  It is simply a reasoning tool for use when you lack real evidence (which is admittedly the case with 99% of forum posts). 

    • Like 1
  5. I'm a little annoyed we didn't make a play for Bruce. He's not a word-beater, but he'd fit in with our mobile talks. 

    As it stands now, I wonder if it would be worth taking a punt on McBean? He has size, can pinch in the ruck and had a big season in the SANFL. At 25 he'd be ready to go right away and put some pressure on Weed to improve.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, dazzledavey36 said:

    At the start I didn't want him.

    But now I do. I want us to be bold with our recruiting and start to take risks on the Harley Bennells and Marlion Picketts of the world.

    Exactly.  It kills me every year to see other clubs take a risk on highly talented players and getting great rewards while we play it safe and get good clubmen with great character who will do a solid job on the field but never set the game alight or win a match off their own boot.  We need to find a way to get some serious elite talent into the club and he's a free hit that could turn into just that. 

    • Like 1
  7. My biggest issue with this is that he's going to the Hawks.  [censored] the Hawks.  They refuse to release an assistant who by all reports was desperate to come to us.  They took our one and only AA-quality player when we were the worst side in the league.  $cully plays there.  I'd rather send him to Collingwood. 

    • Like 4
  8. 9 hours ago, Demon Disciple said:

    Yep, and fail to comprehend the big problem in the real scheme of things..............how the [censored] did we end up 2nd last on the ladder?

    That's easy to understand.  Our coaches have no [censored] idea how to play.

  9. 1 minute ago, chookrat said:

    Agree fully re Gawn, not only his onfield performance and presence but also his maturity as a leader and ability to communicate and command an audience. 

    Im supportive of Gawn being our sole captain and Viney and one other as VC. 

    I can't remember the game, but it was a come from behind win.  They interviewed Oliver after the match and asked when he thought they had the game won.  He said that they were down, heading to the centre for a bounce, and Gawn looked over, gave him a wink and said something along the lines of "no worries, we've got this boys," and he just knew that they were going to win. 

    • Like 4
  10. On SEN earlier today (4ish?) they said that this deal is all but done.  I don't know how highly you rate that information, but it was in response to a text asking if Melbourne were doing anything.  They said Tomlinson is done bar signing the paperwork, Langdon will get done and we're ahead in the race for Elliott. 

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