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Posts posted by RalphiusMaximus

  1. 2 hours ago, Petraccattack said:

    Come on Jason Taylor, pluck us another A Jakovich  or L Jurrah from somewhere.   There are surely hidden gems all over Australia.   Inject some excitement into this boring club.

    Undisciplined, don't train properly and only last a few seasons? 

  2. Just now, Wadda We Sing said:

    I think that players have been doing that as long as i can remember?

    Probably, but it just struck me and I kind of look at it as in the same ballpark as the English Cricket Team and their special lozenges or Trav Cloke's sticky glove.  There may not be a specific rule against it, but it's certainly not 100% legitimate. 

  3. Just looking at the beginning of the Sydney v Collingwood game.  These players seem to have terribly shiny upper arms.  Surely there's some sort of rule about not greasing up the players?  It looks like every one of them has been slathered in Vaseline. 

  4. While Petracca is the worst set shot in the side, there are only a couple of players I actually have confidence in when it comes to these kicks in the entire side.  One of those is Brayshaw, and the reason for that is that Jones took him on in his first couple of seasons and really worked on his set shots.  They used to have set shot contests after every training session.  You can clearly see the difference when comparing Gus to Petracca or Oliver.  Neither of them have any confidence when kicking for goal and their technique is terrible.  While a specialist kicking coach would be nice, it's possible that we can't fit one in under the soft cap.  What they can do with the structure we have right now is set aside some time every session to work on it.  Turn it into a competition.  Challenge them to improve against their teammates.  Even ask our better kicks to work with the worst ones on their technique.  It won't be fixed overnight, but it's clearly an issue that needs to be worked on. 

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  5. 52 minutes ago, Gunna’s said:

    Good call. Would love to see something like this to make the umpires and the game honest. 

    However cant see it happening without it slowing the game up and we all know the afl’s thoughts on slow play......

    The last week has proven that they can’t/won’t own their failings, so we need the media to step up and take them on. The questioning of bias toward teams, star player, etc. needs to be done in the public forum, not behind closed doors or secret coffee meetings or letters to HQ as we the fans deserve answers and respect ✊? ✊? ✊?

    Also it would become a tactic to stop play and allow the defence to reset.  A quick-thinking captain could spot a fast break about to happen and burn an appeal to stop the game. 

  6. The AFL needs to introduce some form of appeal process to allow captains to have decisions reviewed on the ground.  That blatant throw in the goalsquare should never have been allowed to stand.  Beyond that, WC are masters of blocking players out of the marking contest.  One of the umps justified giving a goal to Kennedy by saying that if you block their run at the marking contest you need to contest the ball.  I lost count of the number of times a WC player ran diagonally through the contest to take out one of ours and give his teammate an uncontested mark.  Every one of them was a free according to the umpire's own words.  We need something like the NFL system to appeal bad calls on the spot. 

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