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Posts posted by RalphiusMaximus

  1. 2 minutes ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    Our problem is we are co atantly questioning our direction, like we have some ongoing existential crisis about what we stand for

    There's a lot of truth in that.  It would be amazing if we could get the admin and coaching to stop trying to copy the successful models of other clubs, come up with our own blueprint (that works) and then stick to their guns and follow through with it. 

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  2. If you look at the history of the club, right from the beginning we've been slow to adapt and embrace new realities.  The MFC has had a history of relying on the prestige of being THE MFC, the FIRST club and assuming that players will just want to come here.  Back when the league first agreed that players could be paid "travel expenses" for coming to games, guess which club refused to do it?  Player payments.  Recruiting zones.  Paying players to move into different cities so they could be recruited by your club...  Melbourne have always been the team that missed the boat.  Then when they finally did try to do something a little bit dodgy to gain an advantage, they stuffed it up, failed to capitalise on the advantage they had worked for and then got caught out and fined half a million dollars. 

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  3. Oddly, one of my favorite plays from the Ox came near the end of his career when he lived up to the nickname.  He faced two tacklers, ran through the middle and they grabbed at him from either side.  His size and momentum carried him through and they swung around behind him, crashed into each other and dropped like stunned mullets.  Classic slapstick football. 

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  4. That game just reminded me of how much we lost with Watts and Kent gone.  I know they both had issues, but we are so desperate for players who can deliver to their forwards.  We seem to have focused too heavily on contested ball-winners and forgotten about the ability to use it once they have it in their hands. 

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  5. I just have to say this.  Watching the umpiring from tonight's game is really highlighting for me how much the standard of umpiring has dropped in the last 20 years.  We're not seeing any of the ridiculously soft high contact frees, no ducking, shrugging or lifting arms to milk a cheap free.  They are policing incorrect disposal properly.  We're not seeing players dive head-first at the ball.  It's just amazing how much damage the AFL have done to the game in such a short time with their over-emphasis on head-high contact and constant rule-changes. 

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  6. Honestly, I think we'd benefit from a bit of Mick Malthouse.  Maybe get him to consult? 

    My reasoning here is that his great strength as a coach was in having his team insanely well-drilled and disciplined.  Every player on the ground knew exactly where they had to be at any given moment.  Have a look at the kick-outs they did at Collingwood under him.  There was a designated player to mark the ball.  There was a runner going past them for the handball.  If that wasn't on they knew to instantly wheel and hit the switch kick where there was a teammate waiting for the uncontested mark.  Compare that to our play.  We throw numbers at the ball and then bash it forwards and hope that weight of numbers will win the day.  How often do we see our players get to half-foward and then not know what to do next?  Imagine if we could get that quick contested ball out and the players know exactly where their teammates are going to be and what they need to do with the ball next. 

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  7. 3 hours ago, faultydet said:

    Know what I find interesting about this Chinese virus?

    The fact that we have all been happy to share the flu with our families for the past 200 years, with never a word about mass hibernation, even though it kills scores of vulnerable people every year, and will again this winter..

    This is not the worst virus that has ever hit the world, so what changed?


    And before you snap, I am asking a serious question, and not downplaying the need to stay off the streets right now, as I am following the current guidelines.

    Realistically, the biggest problem with this virus that makes it worse than the regular flu is that it's more contagious.  That means that the number of people infected grows at a far faster rate.  Current estimates (last I checked) are that around 5% of people infected will need hospital care, possibly Intensive Care.  As of a few days ago we have around 2230 intensive care beds in Australia.  That means 50,000 is the magic number.  Once we get to there, people are unable to get into the care they need and they die from inability to access adequate medical care.  You will also see people being denied ICU access for other things such as Heart attacks because the spaces are all occupied with people unable to breath, thus there will be a lot of secondary fatalities not directly attributed to Corona.  The advantage of delaying measures is that it buys more time to prepare, meaning that we can create more spots for those patients and keep more of them alive. 

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