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Posts posted by RalphiusMaximus

  1. I think the mindset needs to change a bit for supporters.  We've kind of been conditioned to look for top picks over the last decade or so.  The club fed us the line back when we drafted Watts, Scully, Trengove et al that we were looking for the best talent from the draft to rebuild.  Roos went in with a definite strategy of getting multiple first round picks over a number of years to build the core of the side.  They've done that now.  What we have now in terms of top-end talent is what we're taking forward.  Like the other top sides there are going to be some trades, top-ups and free agents, but the core is set.  If we're going to get to the top it's through improvement in the players we have and adjustments to the gameplan.  Realistically, we're probably two or three years away from seriously challenging.  Once the core players hit their mid-late 20's though, we'll be a powerhouse. 

  2. If he's really only 190 then I'd pass unless he shoots up this year.  Too small for a KPD and while he's a good kick he doesn't seem to have a lot of pace to him to play as a flanker.  Also, you have to watch the guys who have big bodies in the juniors.  They often struggle to adjust to playing in an environment where they aren't the biggest strongest guy on the park. 

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  3. Pretty happy with the game all things considered.  The tweaks to the gameplan are good.  I loved seeing us using the short pass to a leading player to advance the ball rather than just bombing it down the line for a stoppage.  It did cost us a few goals due to poor skills, but that will improve as the players get used to it.  I also loved seeing how quickly we switched the ball when we got it right.  One play in particular where we'd bombed into the 50 twice only to have the ball come straight back out, Jones used his head, hit a quick pass to CHB which then went out the other side and resulted in an uncontested mark in the f50.  We only got a point, but the play was beautifully executed. 

    I love the look of May.  He's a wrecking ball in the contest and has a beautiful kick.  His presence and leadership in the backline is already having an impact.  If we can get games into Lever as well I think we'll see some drastic improvement there. 

    Frost as well.  He's loving playing as the third tall.  He gets to use his pace and leap to intercept and run away from people.  His kicking is a bit of a problem at times, but he just set up so much play today. 

    I am still bothered by our i50s though.  We were better today, but still scored from less than 30% of our entries.  That lack of efficiency is still our biggest issue.  Hopefully Rawlings can figure it out. 

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  4. Just now, rjay said:

    Dumb and all as it was...

    It was better than the first game against Port where we stood by and watched Max cop it from them without a whimper.

    At least we had some passion in the game and Jones was supporting a teammate.

    If I had my choice I would take this.

    Especially since we won  ?

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  5. 3 hours ago, beelzebub said:

    the short answer is the AFL over-steps everywhere and everything.  It's so being stuffing up everything that was once iconic about OUR game it has forgotten it was only mandated to manage the game on behalf of the clubs,not dictate to all and sundry.

    The hypocrisy of the AFL knows no bounds

    Sums it up nicely.  +1 

  6. 38 minutes ago, Ethan Tremblay said:

    How’s the bruises on Fantasia’s arm from Stratton pinching him? Bizarre from Stratton. 

    Saw that at Casey when Jurrah was FF.  His opponent was trying to get a rise out of him.  Jurrah just ignored everything he tried.  You could see him think it over, then reach out and pinch his arm just to see if he got anything.  Jurrah didn't even twitch, so he gave up. 

  7. I am somewhat amused to see Scully decline to tackle in two consecutive contests that his running ability took him to.  All the running in the world doesn't help if you squib once you get there. 

    Bonus that he then had a free run and bounce through the middle and stuffed up the kick  ?

  8. On 6/8/2019 at 6:48 AM, Skuit said:

    Right - and I bet none of the Hawks' fans give a flying what he costs. None of the other teams seem to be bothered by salary-cap concerns, I don't know why it's such a big issue with us in comparison. Give money to whoever wants to come to us who will make us better. We can cut our list to 38 if need be. Buy a flag and then sort out sustainable cap-practices from there. 

    The Hawks manage their cap really well.  They are going to shed Roughead and maybe Smith at the end of the year which will free up plenty of cash to pay Martin. 

  9. Weideman was decent today.  He should have had that last goal, but as others have said, he took the contested mark.  That's better than most of our list already.  If he plays like that for the rest of the season we'll be happy with his work. 

    • Like 7
  10. I have to say this.  Garlett is weak as [censored].  For all his speed and skill, he tries to run past contests and do a magic slight of hand tap to knock the ball clear rather than putting his body in.  He misses goals because he's more worried about being tackled than taking an extra step to line the shot up.  He dropped multiple marks tonight because he was looking for who was coming at him rather than watching the ball into his hands.  I don't care how many scores he had, he doesn't do the basics right and he's afraid of contact.  He has to go. 

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