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Everything posted by montasaurus

  1. I'm no medico, but I would like to make a point about wonna's injury. At his age and at this stage of the season I would suggest a hammy is very unusual. I wonder if that due to his rappid weight loss and "extreem" change in conditioning may have been a contributing factor. Interested to hear others opinion's on this if its just a freak occurance or have the fitness staff maybe made a mistake? Given his improvement over the pre-season and BOG in the intra club I wonder if he was a little over done as opposed to Davey who has been managed a little differently? Which ever way I hope there is no long term set back ala when davey did his.
  2. have a look at his kicking action, its a little different to the norm. I think thats what people were commenting on. But his attack on the football both at stoppages and general play was refreshing. My neighbour who is not a dees fan likened him immediately to strawbs or more to the point "that red headed mongrel strawbs". Put a smile on my face.
  3. were are a 10 goal better side then this time last year!
  4. Mcgain has to fire if we are any chance. Our lack of depth in the spin department cost us the series. Although not having a baggy blue in the bag might cost him a spot!
  5. I thought bail did enough to get another run on sat.
  6. our skill level has improved out of site in the 2 hit outs thus far. Our attack on the ball and tackling has also been improved. Both of these "competative" skills that DB spoke about so much last year allows us to implement "the game plan" more effectively And then..... But Hang on MO, you asked the question. If you feel it is too early to make any assessment you have just contradicted yourself, why ask that question. If you dislike the coach so much maybe put a photo of him on a dart board! I think you might be clutching at straws here! Lets look at the facts now, and that is right now, right today because thats all we have.... the club on field under our new coach is better placed then at the point when he took over. His continued use of cliches have in my humble opinion protected the club from negative media pressure that otherwise we would have attracted. So we should attack him because we as a club are yet to secure a sponser? <insert comment re dartboard!> Here's another idea MO, could you pls explain exactly where you would have us now if you were in charge? I'm very interested!
  7. There's a big difference between taking a shot at a player about their performance and taking a shot at your; club, administration, supporters, population etc etc etc. The term biting the hand that feeds you clearly comes to mind in this case! Also I would suggest that at this stage Vidmar could well be gone win/loose/draw. This was a brain fade/melt down what ever you like to call it. Harvey fortunately did not go this far but the ice around him is cracking! DB is moving the list forward and with only seeing 1 new recruit on SAT a marked difference could be seen. I can't see how any of your points are relevant to this tread MO. Facts are Facts but at this time 1 year under DB we are in better shape moving forward then we were before he took over!
  8. I think everybody is getting a little heavy on CS. Attitude aside let look at the 03 ND. l Draft Summary - Aside from Brock Mclean I don't know who else we could have taken in hindsight. 6 players in the 1st rd with <10 games. Andrew Walker is yet to stamp himself IMO and Cooney has question marks until last season. If the perceived attitude/persona issues can be resolved he may yet become the 2nd or 3rd best player out of this draft. I think a few are marking him a bit hard at this point. Lets face it we all know he can play. Just has to get more consistant and maybe hurt for the club a bit more. Look at selections 9,10,14,16,17,18? I think there are other clubs that would have killed to get CS 1st rd 2003! 1 Priority Western Bulldogs Adam Cooney 112 2 Priority Carlton Andrew Walker Carlton 81 3 Priority Melbourne Colin Sylvia Melbourne 70 1 4 Western Bulldogs Farren Ray 75 1 5 Melbourne Brock McLean Melbourne 75 1 6 Essendon Kepler Bradley Fremantle 58 1 7 Geelong Kane Tenace Geelong 54 1 8 St Kilda Raphael Clarke St Kilda 41 1 9 North Melb David Trotter 7 1 10 Fremantle Ryley Dunn 8 1 11 West Coast Beau Waters 61 1 12 Fremantle Ryan Murphy Fremantle 40 1 13 Essendon Brent Stanton Essendon 98 1 14 Adelaide Fergus Watts 6 1 15 Port Adelaide Troy Chaplin 61 1 16 Sydney Josh Willoughby 0 1 17 Collingwood Billy Morrison 0 1 18 Brisbane Llane Spaanderman 3 2 19 Fremantle David Mundy Fremantle 86
  9. That sort of stuff is rubbish and embrassing for all supporters and members. for a long time our cheer squad has been the laughing stock of the comp. On a side note I went to a non-melb game with a friend a while back who followed one of the teams playing. Having crappy top deck seats at TD, I decided to go up to some of the people in the cheer squad there and said that we had been seated at the other end in the opp. cheer squad. Within seconds people had moved and had welcomed us there front and centre, I might add I had my dees scarf on as well but that didn't matter they were more then welcoming. They were just happy to have a couple of extra people supporting their team (or in my case, getting into the stkilda players they were playing against them. ala the G train). If I was a new supporter to the game, I know which team i would taken a membership with! LIFT YOUR ACT OFFICIAL CHEER SQUAD!
  10. 30+ goal assists as well and we will be well on our way.
  11. These days It would not take much to have them added at a later date. better to be on the shelves potentially earning money then held back and offering nothing. Fair point to make though if a major is just around the corner.
  12. I would happily take a player of sylvia's potential from another club who had inj issues for a 4th rd pick in a second. Problem is a player like this I think is worth more to the current club then that, but not on the open market. hence you don't see them change unless there are issues b/w the player and the club. For me he has the ability to be great, body strength is not an issue it's his application and percived attitude that is the issue. Hopefully the coaching staff are all over this one!
  13. Great Assessment PP, I agree lets cross our fingers for 2 years time.
  14. I'm starting to get concerned, 2 games in and more of the same from Dunn. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying Dunn has played badly in either game so far but I would have expected to see a little more of Dunn up forward for the exact reasons above. Simply having him as a run with player in the NAB comps to me is strange as we demonstrated again we have a lack of leading, marking forwards without mentioning that guy with the initials N____ton! As I have stated before I really rate Dunn as a forward and surely deserves a chance to prove himself there. Even if it becomes a changing role with a bruce/green type role or even bate, there has to be more value there then a run with player in the middle. I wonder if beamer and/or buckley had have played on SAT if Dunn would have been in the middle or forward.
  15. Whilst there may be a short term gain, to quote RR - "Outbursts like that are either terminal for the speaker or the target." Long term I will suggest AV and/or AUFC will suffer from the outburst. There is a time and place for this stuff and its not at a press conference after a game. Regardless of the political issues AV's outburst like harv's was unacceptable and if DB was to come out next week and do something similar my view on him would change 100%.
  16. i wonder when he is out of contract? Would certainly fill a hole in our list, maybe we should start operation LETS GET PAV!
  17. Very simple, our skill level has improved out of site in the 2 hit outs thus far. Our attack on the ball and tackling has also been improved. Both of these "competative" skills that DB spoke about so much last year allows us to implement "the game plan" more effectively. Can't remember freo winning too many games after this outburst so the opporsite could well be argued that it had a negative effect of their club! Whats wrong with what Vidmar said? are you on another planet MO? if AUFC fail again against the victory lets see if AV is still coaching them next year! <EDIT> its one thing to be contsructively critical, but out right general attacks in the main stream media is playing with fire no matter what you do!
  18. I wonder what Aurelio has planned after this weekends loss. his last game v Melb will be hard to top! That aside there was another great example of a non-Cliche interview last year. After we knocked over freo mark harvey's assessment of the freo list and some of the snr players was nothing short of shocking. My jaw dropped when he was talking about some of his current senior players that he had a hand in recruiting and then tried to blame the prev operation for, of which he was apart. Similar questions have been asked of DB many times and he is only consistaint with his assessments - We need to be more competative etc, a little boring but keeping us out of the spotlight as much as possible. Imagine where we would be if we had harv's shooting off his mouth. Cliche's or not DB is doing a great job in my eyes, he is not as media friendly as ND but given time he will. Lets face it, DB has taken on one of the hardest jobs in football at the end of 07 and he has to be measured and very careful of what is said otherwise the media will be all over us. I wonder by the end of the year if harv's views on Perth will be similar to those put forward about adelaide by our newest honourary Victorian - Aurelio. It still make me laugh
  19. The one thing I liked more then anything about spencer was taps to advantage. This was the thing I was most critical about Jeff whites games, but spencer was fantastic finding our midfielders chests at the contest. The fact that he is hard at the contest is a bonus. Lets hope his next couple of games are just as good and hopefully that gives the club a real hard decision to make re Robbo's progress and LTI. I wonder if there is another option..... if we can demote a veteran to allow a rookie prior to rd 1?
  20. Good Post! Lets hope history repeats but make it a GF rather then PF.
  21. My Issue was that he didn't seem to be hurting after loosing a very important game for the club. Balls now in his court to win a lot of us back and he can only let his actions and game quality do the talking from here.
  22. Don't drop newton but drop sylvia.......... Now I have heard everything. I think both need the chance in the next 2 nab games and then we will see at rd 1
  23. Interesting that you would have liked to see our best tall forward in miller traded at the end of last year. This is the area that we are lacking the most and we don't have a brad johnson type player to fill FF. Rivers value would have been NIL as RR stated and sylvia still has the rest of this season to prove himself. You haven't found a bottle of that red stuff a little early today?
  24. And he has a red hot go as well, so my logic is that we are certainly no worse off then having MN down there. Maybe changing with Dunn off the IC.
  25. Freddy you also missed a couple of questionable free kicks awarded in the 1st that resulted in goals for the hawks in junk time to keep them in the game! Like you said one of those days. Lets spare a thought for the guy in todays age that dropped 50k on the dees!
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