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Demon Disciple

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Everything posted by Demon Disciple

  1. Melbourne's own Billy Elliot gets the first for the day
  2. They seem the most keen wwsw. Wouldn't cost us a thing as a DFA and would also be on pretty low coin. I'd give him a go.
  3. Agree that if we do split the pick, Kemp would be one of the 2 i'd target. Get his knee right and he could become a damaging and extremely versatile player.
  4. i think cards was being a tad facetious bing ?
  5. It will be interesting to see where he places in the B&F, that will further clarify how the coach views him.
  6. Great to see that reporters still know how to do their research. FMD. Sean was a Scotsman.
  7. football boots provide barely any protection to the foot, exacerbating any concerns into full on problems. Hopefully for Vanders and our sake he is over them, or at the very least, they have now become manageable.
  8. Sorry, but Mumford was woeful in the ruck as well. the only thing he was good for was giving away free kicks. Was given a bath by big Stef.
  9. Well when you've got OMAC, JKH, Stretch, Spargo and the Wagner's getting several games a year, it really isn't that high a bar to clear. Agree he isn't going to be a world-beater, but he will help improve our bottom 6, and that shouldn't be underestimated.
  10. Agreed. Sure Hill is a good player, but he is nowhere near $900K good. That kind of money is more for A-grade, heading into A+ category player's. Hill is a solid B+ at best.
  11. Agree, if it's for picks, there's gonna need to be more than 12 & 15 coming back.
  12. Not overly strong, going on the u16's report from last year. That and the fact that so many of the 'top' talents are already aligned to clubs via NGA, F/S etc. The amount of quality left for 'open' picks will be slim pickings next year.
  13. I doubt the Tiggies will be shaking in their boots on tonight's performance.
  14. No, but we’ve got players who think they’re worth a million.
  15. One can't get on the park, whilst the other you don't even know is on the park.
  16. Please don't tell me he used yellow gatorade (or is that powerade?)
  17. Agree D3. We know what our bottom 6 are capable of (not much), time to bring in some unknown quantities and see if we have some luck.
  18. Clearly Pert is trying to right the ship as best he can, one can only hope he is up to the task. Not sure if it will turn out to be successful, but it's better than if nothing was done at all.
  19. Judd also thinks he is God's gift to the world.................
  20. This is the massive signing we will announce after we have shafted ourselves during the trade period!
  21. 2 Things. Firstly, if as has been reported we haven't tabled an offer to him yet, how can we have then seriously low balled him? Secondly, if he has been seen at Waverly, as has been been reported, he might enjoy living on top of his neighbours and might've just been looking at a house ?
  22. Probably wants to get out of the spotlight that is football mad Melbourne. Sydney known to bring in players' wanting to 'escape' the footy world. Will cost them an arm and a leg to get him. Not worth it for an injury riddled player whose groin is just about shot.
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