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Posts posted by Nasher

  1. Making a special game where they can all play for the last time, is pushy and insulting.

    Absolutely. This kind of thing would be a very public "hey everybody, look, we're sacking these blokes". I'm not quite sure why Gouga seems to be such a fan of the public humiliation route when it's so unnecessary.

  2. Yeah. Allow him to part ways with respect and dignity. It's not going to make MUCH of a difference to sack him now, if any at all.

    The guy deserves some measure of respect. He's done a fair bit for the club.

    Agree 100%. I'm glad the club is treating Neale with the dignity and respect he deserves. Sacking the coach at this stage provides absolutely no benefit whatsoever.

  3. Aaron - Alwyn in their first 7 games

    Goals: 11 - 11

    Marks: 11 - 29

    Disposals: 78 - 91

    Kicks: 59 - 49

    What's that tell us? SFA if you ask me. Their starts have been almost identical, that comes as no surprise given that they're built almost in the same way. You can't compare the two yet because Aaron is a senior, experienced player and Alwyn is still taking baby steps.

    Ask again when there's been fair time to measure the two.

    The other thing to consider is that Aaron was 20 when he played his first game and Alwyn was 22.

  4. Yeah exactly. It seems strange that McLean and Whelan are named on the bench - I would have thought they are either in the seniors or not playing at all. McLean and Whelan should never play at Sandy.

    Agree. It just means they're giving him until the last possible minute to prove his fitness. He won't play.

    Out: Warnock, Holland, McLean.

  5. Yep.

    We'll be stuffed by round 10, but still win ten games by the end of the year because Danners wants to keep his job, instead of playing the hard line and going for the picks by playing young 'uns.

    9th in 2007...

    Mediocrity thereafter...

    I just hope that if we do tank (which is what you're saying whether you mean to or not), you and everyone else who supports the idea of "kids at all costs" don't spend the next 10 years complaining that we have a losing culture at the club, and that we don't know how to win etc. That's all that is going to come out of Wallet and his "flying the white flag" as Rhino put it.

  6. If you want to blame someone blame Neitz.

    Why do we have to blame anyone at all? It's a team game and in the end, there's probably hundreds of little things we could and should have done differently that might have pushed us over the line. This fingerpointing game we seem to get in every week is just scapegoating, and it's a pointless, fruitless exercise.

    It's a team game and every single player should shoulder some responsibility for the loss, not just one or two.

  7. Rubbish.

    Neita's horrific form and stupid 50m penalty, Jones' sloppy tackle that was paid in the back, players missing easy shots on goal yet again... that cost us the game.

    Davey was brilliant today, and his run off the half-back line was the main reason we could compete with the Dogs.

    Absolutely, completely agree. Davey played the all-round game today. Appeared in the forward line to crumb when needed, and took marks on the last line of defence when needed. To single him out for the loss is absolute madness.

  8. Could it be your clock that is out? :D

    The timestamp on the posts go by the clock on the server. IE, At the time of posting this message, my clock says 10:55 but the server clock says (whatever the timestamp up there ^ ^ ^ says). Its clock gets synced with an NTP service so it should be pretty accurate.

  9. Last night was symbolic of the way the game has turned ... just basketball on a bigger court.

    Everyone runs back into "dee-fense", the other team kicks around the perimeter until someone makes a lead ("cuts through the paint") and there's an opportunity to mark. What's called man-on-man is usually really just a "full court press", resulting in kicking around the perimeter as far back as the defensive side of the centre square. When there's a turnover, they all then "transition" to the other end for the same perimeter play. "Tempo football" is just another name for passing it around the perimeter, only with no shot clock.

    I'm waiting for the fist commentator to call the inside of the 50m arc the "paint", and a free kick a "foul".

    Send Dennis a letter Maurie. He'll be talking about it on TV before you know it.

  10. if the afl was a business itd be broke and the shareholders wouldve sacked the board. thats how bad it is being run.

    The AFL is a business, and a very successful one at that. If it had shareholders they'd be laughing all the way to the bank because the AFL makes a massive profit every year.

  11. Sorry about the long post. Nasher, I blame you. :D

    First class thesis as always DD. :) Fair points on everything you said.

    Just on your point about Sandy, I wish I could go down and watch them play. If I lived in Melbourne I'd be at TBO every weekend. As it is I see Sandy play once a year, when they're in Hobart (which they won't be at all this year).

  12. Adobe has a lot to answer for. A Flashy website is not necessarily a superior one. Whilst more colourful than its predecessor it is perhaps even more inept. Probably a lot of footy fans would be happy with a straight text presentation but of course this would preclude advertising options. Heaven forbid.

    Adobe don't have anything to answer for. Flash is just one of their products, they don't force people to use it. The AFL and the crew they contracted to develop their site (Telstra) are the ones who have a lot to answer for. The current AFL website stinks.

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