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Posts posted by Nasher

  1. Rowan Jones, Lewis Roberts-Thompson, Josh Mahoney, Gary Moorcroft etc.....

    Premiership teams need all types of players, I dont see why Wheatley with his brilliant kick, speed and versatility can not be part of a Premiership team

    Steven Armstrong.

    There have been some stinkers with flags to their name.

  2. Your Highness, not for those who blindingly say keep without looking at what is across the table as part of a trade.

    ...which is why I found it doubtful he'll be traded. Unless he's part of a complicated deal I think it unlikely that anything we get in return for him on his own is ever going to amount to the fair-good value he has in our side.

  3. My understanding is he was one player who was put on the trade table in a big way last year and got no worthwhile nibbles.

    IMO he's a fair-to-good player who is far more value to us as a player than he is as trade currency. A keeper for mine.

  4. With due respect to our Tasmanian posters around here they certainly are a strange lot over there on the Apple Isle. Despite losing by 7 goals to a Sandringham side that was far from the strongest side it has put on the field this year, the Taswegians are treating the game as a moral victory - DEFEAT TO BE PROUD OF.

    We're not all strange, it's just the Tassie coach that is an oddball. I reckon Daryn Cresswell has single handedly destroyed his coaching career this year.

  5. Is everybody over this season?

    Not really, I think the season still has a lot to offer.

    Does anybody care if we lose this Sunday?

    Winning or losing is less important to me at this point than just seeing the right signs.

    Do people actually want us to lose to get the best draft picks possible?

    No. I never "want" us to lose.

    Will you be upset if we lose?

    As above, winning or losing is less important to me at this point than just seeing the right signs, but I am always upset to some extent when we lose.

    Are you going?

    I'll be watching it on TV; would go if I could.



  6. Don't bet on it being an absolute flogging. Sandringham won't have too many MFC listed players to choose from this week given our injury list.

    It'd be interesting to see Sandy's forward line if Newton, Dunn and Miller all line up for the Dees with Sautner also not available.

  7. There's a bit of irony there.

    I remember coming home from work one day in the early to mid 1980's to read about how Melbourne was interested in two up and coming young South Australian brothers. We drafted Darren Jarman but he never came to the club while Andrew Jarman insisted he wouldn't leave SA. Darren Jarman eventually played for Hawthorn and later joined Andrew at Adelaide. Both were champion footballers and we missed out big time.

    Andrew was drafted by Brisbane the year after we drafted Darren; also didn't go.

    I've always wondered how that works though. Did players have to nominate for the draft then, or could clubs just name anyone? If they did have to nominate, why would players (such as the Jarman boys) nominate themselves if they had no intentions of going where they were drafted?

  8. Can anyone tell me why the game is being played in Nonsenston?

    Our corrupt govt gets the Gunn's Hawks matches played there at 'Pork Barrel Park' - you think we could at least get this one game against last year's premiers in the State capital.

    Yep, disappointing. Shame, I've always enjoyed the Devils / Sandy games, as I've been to every one that was in Hobart.

  9. A healthy body is everything in this sport, as Bell demonstrated this season (before this week, damn).

    It's no coincidence that as Sylvia strings a few games together his form is getting and confidence better.

  10. I don't see why liking a coach and respecting him have to be mutually exclusive.

    I think Neale, being the nice guy that he is, lets the players get away with failure too easy.

    He lets them off the hook with little consequences, as evident by the fact that many underperforming senior players continue to get a game each and every week.

    Personally, I think that's been the #1 biggest misconception in Neale's coaching career -- that he's too "nice" to the players. He's an affable character on the exterior but I'll wager my house on the fact that behind closed doors, he is capable of being as ferocious as any coach is.

    #2 is the idea that he doesn't "blood" the kids soon enough.

  11. I'm sure he only played because it was Neale's last game. He's all heart and IMO deserved a last run with his coach.

    That mistake in the last was a shocker but you can't pin it all on one boo-boo. It just doesn't work like that.

  12. I was pleased. He worked hard, made the contest every time, and did all the team things like chasing and passing off when someone had a better shot.

    I think he (and Robbo for that matter) had vaseline on his hands though. Maybe it was the nerves but he dropped a few marks he should've taken, especially that one in the last.

    Overall though very happy. Definitely earned another run.

  13. 1) 3 Melbourne players from the past ten years who you hate/hated seeing in other team colours.

    Powell, Woewodin, Thompson

    2) 3 current Melbourne players you would like to see in other team colours.

    None, as long as they're on our list I like them all equally.

    3) 3 current Melbourne players you would cry if you saw in other team colours

    McLean, Jones, Neitz

  14. out of interest, the head coach at sandy, mark williams, would that be his full time job? like it would be if he was an mfc coach? because if it is a 2 trainings a weeks plus some other stuff type job well its a big step from vfl to afl. don't get me wrong, im not trying to diss mark, im just interested thats all...

    It's a full time job.

  15. Because Mark Williams will be coaching Sandy? He isn't officially an MFC coach, and I'm not even sure if he's technially a member of staff.

    Riley's probably the coach on our staff with the best credentialls, with senior experience and a few years behind him as an assistant. He's the logical choice.

  16. I feel a little sad and empty to be honest. You kind of get used to things being the way they are.

    Best of luck Neale and thank you for doing the honourable thing. It can show once and for all that you've always put the club ahead of yourself and that's something I admire very much.

    I think this is definitely the right thing for the club but for me it isn't the relief I thought it would be.

  17. Hey all,

    We're just wanting to gather a little information as to how you came across this website. If you could please vote in the above poll, and perhaps give us a little explanation.

    I discovered Demonology after they got a mention on the Footy Show in 2003 and heard about Demonland through that site shortly after. Since then I've been an active member of both sites. I've considered Demonland to be "home" ever since I set up the new forum in late '05 and became part of the team after hearing the lads were unhappy with their existing setup.

    Edit: As an extension, I've also added another couple of questions to gauge some of our demographics. Cheers.

    Edit2: If you voted in the poll before I added the extra options but want to vote in the gender and age polls, send me a PM with your age and gender and I'll add the votes in manually.

  18. True, but then why did he say that he'll take the opinions of the players into consideration?

    He said that it is very important to him that the players get on with the coach, which in my opinion is absolute crap. They don't need to like him, they need to respect him and work for him and listen to him. He needs to demand all that from them.

    I don't recall a single one of the players ever saying they "liked him". They said they wanted him as coach. They may've even said they liked him as a coach, but that isn't the same thing as liking him as a person which is what you're talking about. I believe Gardner is correct when he says it's very important for the players to "get on" with the coach. If they don't, you get a situation where they just don't listen to him. Believe me it's no fun playing footy under a coach you think is an absolute dick.

    I believe the players do have respect for the coach, though after last night's insipid performance I am starting to have my doubts.

    He didn't say it's going to be the basis of his decision but it is something he'll take in to consideration and I think he's 100% correct in doing so.

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