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Posts posted by Nasher

  1. He's quite right. The club has to make a considered decision on the coaching position and it happens to be one of the most important decisions the current Board will have to make. You have to take the emotion out of it and fickle supporters and members usually deal in emotion. This decision is too important to allow that to happen as we've seen at other clubs that it's a disaster.

    I'm personally in favour of change because it's been 10 years and we don't appear to be able to go up another level. I'd like to see something different. That said however, I'm glad the decision's not mine and I'll declare here and now I'll never allow myself to fall into the fickle supporter category. That means I'll be at the Dome on Friday, I hope I'm not the lone Demon fan there and I reckon we'll give it a shake!

    Agree Jack, if Paul G said as described above then I'm happy. His job is to make decisions based on what he and the board believe is the best for the club, NOT what the members demand he do. People seem not to understand this.

  2. have i got this correct? are you really here on demonland advocating not to bring in newton? lol wow.

    you must be new here haha the rest of us are obsessed!

    Give him time!

    The Newton (non-)selection is definitely the biggest storm in a teacup I've ever seen in my time on Demonland or Demonology.

  3. Misled by the thread, he is saying. Somehow he thinks telling him Newton being selected to playing for Sandringham Seniors is misleading... :rolleyes:

    Come on, you deliberately titled this thread "Newton Selected" to mislead people. You did it on purpose for a kick and you got the desired result. Don't turn around now and say you didn't mislead anyone.

    Besides, that was hardly Rumpole's point anyway.

  4. How often to supports stop "supporting" a side? Membership and attendances rise and falls but I would have thought most people's support for a team was constant. That is, if you're a Melbourne supporter you probably will be for the majority of your life, regardless of how many matches you attend or whether or not you're a member.

    Even if supporters were "dropping off" I doubt it'd be a very significant drop.

  5. Interesting comment. There are many reasons why someone's grammar may not be up to your standards, perhaps English is his/her second (or even third) language, which may explain their errors. So with that in mind are you telling me that someone from a non-English speaking background lacks credibility?

    I'm yet to see any person who has learned English as a second language whose only grammatical symbol is the ellipsis and doesn't use a single capital letter or the full spelling of words because of a misunderstanding of the language.

  6. Brown was rested from Sandy on Sunday, he had a cracking game against Adelaide, and he was also the chosen one to deliver an impassioned speech to the playing group before the Collingwood game about what it means to play in a blockbuster. Everyone can point out all they like about the deficiencies of the little fella, but he is the heart and soul of the footy club.

    I think that's a good point. It's difficult from the outer to estimate what effect a player like Brown has on those around him. The fact is that he'd throw himself on a grenade for this team and it's that which primarily keeps him in the side.

  7. I'm only interested in winning premierships, they haven't won one while I've been alive, and they also haven't looked like winning one in the last ten years. I'm fully prepared for the club to do the smart thing for the rest of this season so we can be a much stronger club for the next couple of years.

    For me it's more than just premierships. It's about watching exciting young players begin promising careers. It's about getting excited when a forward kicks a freakish goal from the boundary line 50 metres out. It's about watching tough young bodies clear packs and belt the ball out of the middle. It's about watching a bloke take a courageous mark in the back half of the ground to prevent a certain goal, or chase down some pesky forward running in to an open goal 20 metres out. It's about screaming loudly at the end of the game when you know the players all put in 110% effort and we got up.

    I want a premiership as much as anyone. I want to taste that ultimate success too. But not at the expense of every other joy I get out of footy. To me, every loss cuts deep. I hate the thought of finishing last, or close to it.

    I'd prefer to see us get to the top through hard work, intelligent recruiting and gradual improvement. I think that would feel far less hollow than knowing we threw away seasons at a time just so we could improve our position in the draft.

  8. Difference is that ND has finally realised that he isn't a defender. Has been played more as a winger and has thrived.

    Pardon? He is a defender and he has been played in the defensive 50. That's why he's always present to take the kickins.

  9. strange that he holds down the positions of ruck coach and media manager. i thought he was the ruck coach, this was confirmed recently on 'ology, but i cant find it on the mfc website anywhere...can anyone confirm it?

    also if he does have these dual roles its not a surprise that the vic clubs are so far behind the interstaters is it?

    Ruck coach is a part time position that would take up a few hours at worst a week. No club has a full time ruck coach as far as I'm aware,

    I know Sam wasn't doing it for any more than a few hours a week when he was at the club.

  10. If he is going to be given yet another chance then I'd like to see something a bit different, for example play him on the wing, we all know he has a great tank and loves to run through people to give him the space to do it.

    The problem is that there's better options for the wings. If he plays on the wings we've still got the same problem in that we've got with him playing at CHF anyway, because his delivery in to the forward 50 stinks.

    Currently there's vacancies in KPF and KPB posts but with Bate playing the way he is and Rivers to return and Frawley in the wings they're not going to be there for long. Miller's window of opportunity is closing fast.

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