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Everything posted by Nasher

  1. Wet Toast is silly but harmless. Calling us Shemons has clear misogynistic undertones. Whoever started that is clearly a boorish oaf.
  2. Other players will no doubt get to 300 but I doubt one will be as meaningful to the supporters as this one. He was the one shining light and face of the club for so many years. It feels like he’s been on the journey with us. It feels like “we” are playing game 300. I’m so glad he’s made it to 300 and I’m glad it will be played in front of a huge crowd, when we’re going well. He deserves it. Go Chunk.
  3. 20,667 days. Our mission is to avoid the dreaded 21,000.
  4. Just watch that again. Absolutely great effort by Rivers too to interfere with Wingard’s run without giving away a free. Hibberd’s heroics wouldn’t have happened without that.
  5. I just don’t understand Robbo. Surely he’s not half-sloshed when he’s on air - how can that be allowed? But if not, then how can an incoherent oaf manage to develop such a high profile? I’m not fussed about him one way or the other, I just can’t make any sense of what I see when he’s on my TV.
  6. Fair point. May have let the sea of “drop Melksham” posts scattered about the place colour my interpretation of your post.
  7. I haven’t written anyone off, Earl. I’m not saying you can’t compare them because the modern players are better. I’m saying you can’t compare them at all. The passage of time plus the changes in the game means you’re not comparing like for like. Acknowledge the past greats for what they were by all means, but comparing them with modern players is pointless in my opinion. Edit: I agree that the best measure is probably how they compared to their peers at the time. To me that would definitely put Gawn right up there - but it’s still very hard for me to compare them from our last premiership era.
  8. Can’t see how it makes sense in any way to drop him. And for what - so Sparrow or some other marginal player can play? Chunk can come back in and play his 300th in Hobart. Good one. He deserves his 300th to be on a big stage in front of a huge home crowd. The crowd deserves it too. For years he was our only good player. Even if the team is marginally worse for it - and to be clear I think that’s very much debatable anyway - then so be it. The only thing I’m disappointed about is that I can’t be there next week.
  9. He registered 9 score involvements, kicked 3 goals and only played 69% TOG - only ANB played less. Sometimes I think it must cause people physical pain to acknowledge when he has a good game.
  10. Gee I cringe when people compare current era players to players with players from 60 years ago. Even if you could reliably remember how good they were, which I’m very confident nobody would be able to, the game then was played at a significantly lower standard. And how do those 30s to 60s era greats compare to the stars of our 1900 premiership? Best ever is a question that can’t be resolved. I can confidently say though that Max is definitely up there with the most influential players I’ve seen in my lifetime.
  11. Yep, I’ve got him on the wing. Forward line of BB, Weid, Fritsch, Kozzy, Melksham and one of ANB or Spargo. As someone in the post match thread said, he takes Brayshaw’s wing, Brayshaw takes Jordon’s mid role and Jordon goes out.
  12. Out: M.Brown (Petty) [Spargo] In: Weideman (May) [Fritsch]
  13. Non-dilemma. Just pushes further up the ground when Weideman and B.Brown are in. Can’t be dropped in current form.
  14. Easy as decision. He’s not so far off that he’s truly costing the team yet if you compare him incrementally to who would replace him (Sparrow et al), so he stays. Plays game 300 in front of a huge crowd, and gets chaired off to a standing ovation after a good win and gets to wave to all the loyal MFC fans who have been on the ride with him. He becomes a week by week proposition after that.
  15. Hibberd played at a level I thought was behind him today too. I’d almost forgotten how good his best footy was.
  16. Wasn’t that a typical Frost game? I mean that in a light-hearted banter way, not a bagging way. It had everything, his desperate best and... the rest. I actually felt a bit bad when he kicked the clanger straight to TMac, but I also 100% expected it. Completely to script. Contrast that with Lever’s game. Just wow. Hard to fathom how far we’ve come in defence.
  17. Now: yes. Immediately before next game: no. Won’t matter how good we get, I’ll always have an upset stomach immediately before the game.
  18. I wasn’t convinced at the start of the year but I’m definitely convinced now that there’s room for TMac in the side even once Weid and B.Brown are in. It’ll be smalls such as Jones to make way. Interesting conundrum once Fritsch, B.Brown, TMac and Weid are all available, but Goody will want to try and make it work given the quality and characteristics of the individual players.
  19. Out: Brown (stiff) In: Weideman
  20. Very, very pleased with that. Scrapped and fought and wrestled for an ugly lead, then blew them off the park when the young opponents tired. Super mature performance. Loved it.
  21. I think we’ll win, we really started to wrestle momentum at the end of that quarter. Frustrating game so far though. Hopefully we can clean it up in the second half.
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