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Lord Travis

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Everything posted by Lord Travis

  1. Agreed, it’s not stacked. West Coast midfields is an example of a stacked midfield. Our midfield had full personnel last year. Barely a game missed by Gawn, Oliver, Viney, Brayshaw, Harmes, Petracca, Jones etc. we finished 17th and were the least effective team in history at converting inside 50s into goals. We might have some talented names in there, but reality is our midfield rarely performs well outside of winning ball and bombing it to the opposition. Yes we’ve added Langdon and Tomlinson to the wings, but neither are classy outsiders and both just add running power, not smarts and clean disposal. Our midfield needs a shakeup. I’d be looking to trade one of Brayshaw, Petracca or Viney. There are clubs like Essendon crying out for ball winning midfielders. We’re crying out of classy disposers. Gotta give something to get something.
  2. We have a gaping hole in our forward line. We’re crying out for a tall forward who can kick a bag. Daniher can do that. We have zero currency to trade with this gear having traded away our first rounder already. Getting Daniher for free trade-wise as a free agent would be a coup, as long as we didn’t pay extreme overs. I actually believe he’s fit to play right now, but just doesn’t want to at Essendon. Yes he’s injury prone, but there’s no other options this year.
  3. Shows the value of a good strong key forward and good leadership too. We are crying out for both right now!
  4. Good. Who wants less footy?
  5. Bigger benches are not needed, especially given quarters are being shortened. If they do make the decision to extend the bench capacity though, it suits players like Bennell and Vanders who can get gametime and have an impact in bursts whilst managing loads on their bodies.
  6. Has he been drug tested recently? Might not be able to play for a while if so? (I’m fishing ?)
  7. Bennell up and running... mouth watering prospect. Let’s see how his calves hold up, but promising signs!
  8. Haven't kept in the loop with footy news. If so, then that present a whole lot of different challenges! Regardless, I don't believe Jackson is ready for AFL level at this stage.
  9. Person unable to work and locked in isolation for 10 weeks due to global health pandemic gives themselves an outgoing haircut. Massive club culture issue that. Get a grip Hutchy you stale peanut.
  10. Assuming no injuries to the following players, I'd go with this line up. B: Jetta May Lockhart HB: Salem OMac Lever C: Langdon Oliver Tomlinson HF: Melksham TMac Petracca Fwd: Pickett Weideman Fritsch Mid: Gawn Brayshaw Viney Int: Harmes Jones Petty Hannan A few notes on the team above: - Hibberd is cooked and omitted. He used to be a great rebounder who'd run then unload precision penetrating kicks to advantage. He earned All Australian selection this way. Fast forward to 2020 and his kicking is now a liability. His fitness has always been an issue, but at his age and with ongoing back and hamstring management, he now doesn't have the dash he used to. It means he takes off, can't go quick enough and then unloads rubbish barrel kicks to nothing as a result. He's probably the biggest liability in our team. I'd be replacing him with Lockhart and rotate players like Harmes and Rivers in future to the back flank. - TMac plays best when allowed to roam up the ground as a CHF. His strength is his fitness. When anchored to the goal square, he struggles to wrestle and has poor agility. His drop off is due to poor delivery, but also not being suited to FF IMO. - Weid to play FF and provide Pickett and Hannan with lots of crumbing opportunities. - Inside midfield rotations to be Oliver, Petracca, Brayshaw, Viney, Harmes. Outside to be Langdon, Tomlinson, Salem, Fritsch. - Jones to play more forward flank and either be the kick inside 50 or taking longer shots at goal. - Petty as the interchange tall who can play either end. - Jackson not ready yet. He's not suited to key forward roles as his contested marking is poor and he's not a natural forward. In practice matches we've seen him excel in the ruck, and be really poor as a midfielder or forward. Develop him in the VFL as a ruck resting forward. When he's ready, he can be second ruck to give Gawn a rest if team balance is maintained.
  11. Stevens has addiction issues. Unsure if they’re the result or cause of his mental issues also. Stevens was breaching AFL isolation and social distancing rules and will be in trouble regardless of what happens. He’s also not willing to give police any details surrounding the incident. Seems very likely to be drug dealer stuff gone wrong. He’ll likely never play any meaningful AFL level footy again. It’s a shame to lose another talented footballer to drugs. It’s also a shame that mental health is becoming a go-to excuse to cover other less savory choices and issues.
  12. I’m too young to have a meaningful vote as I was kid when Robbie played, so I’ll opt out. Both are legends of the game though and I hope to see someone of their ilk again in red and blue one day.
  13. Tipped Neitz to win this competition a while back and expect him to do so. He holds the records that matter. Most goals, most games, most games as captain. He’s the best.
  14. In hindsight Neeld was a terrible coach, and Morton’s development was probably ruined like many others from that period. Shame we wasted all those high draft picks. Hopefully we’ve got it right this time. Still not convinced after another 17th places finish...
  15. Love them both but Neitz for me. Most games, most goals, most games as captain. He holds the important records at our club and should win this competition.
  16. Garry achieved more and a better player at the peak of his powers. Max may finish his career as an MFC great, Lyon already is one. Be interesting to see if Garry comes up against Stynes or Neitz in the final round. Both have a strong claim to the title!
  17. Viney had a far more accomplished career, but I liked Davey more. He was a joy to watch, always provided excitement both offensively and defensively. He changed the way the game was played when he burst onto the scene in the mid 2000s.
  18. 100% agree with this. Trengove was the pick of the bunch in my eyes, and all draft rankings had Scully and Trengove as undisputed number 1&2. Our issue wasn't getting the picks wrong, it was development. Trengove wasn't slow pre-foot injury. His draft class 20m sprint was 2.95 seconds, which was in the top 20% of underage players tested for speed. Statistically, Trengove and Martin were near identical for their first two seasons. If anything, Trengove was more impressive as he had the same output as Martin whilst also being a leader in a struggling club with a poor environment and little support around him. He was the closest thing I'd seen to James Hird at a similar age - he was excelling all over the ground and oozed leadership and class. Once he got made the youngest AFL captain in history and suffered injuries, his output dropped off and statically he actually became worse than his debut year and never recovered. It's proof that injuries and poor development meant he didn't get the best out of himself. I truly believe had he not suffered those debilitating injuries and had better development by the club, he would've become a great of the club and likely one of the best players in the game. There have been rare cases of poor drafting - Lucas Cook for example - but reality is the main issue for our club is development, and we still haven't got development right decades later. Guys like Petracca should be stars of the game instead of just flashes.
  19. Schwarz for me. Favorite player as a kid and he was an athletic freak for his size before the knee injuries hit him. His 94 season was something special.
  20. Gawn is elite. Oliver is close, but not yet there. Lever, Viney, and Brayshaw have each had a season that was worthy of All Australian or close to. Of those three, only Lever in my eyes has the potential to become an elite player. Bennell and Petracca have both showed many flashes of elite talent, but need to deliver on this talent for prolonged period of time. Next tier down is May, TMac and Fritsch. No other players on our list have shown the potential to be elite IMO. Talk of Jackson, Pickett etc is very premature.
  21. Recency bias is a legitimate thing. More recent players are fresh in people’s minds and will usually win a vote. Similar to how Dustin Martin gets talked up as one of the greatest footballers of players time. It’s recency bias and in reality he’d probably be lucky to scrape into a top 100 list.
  22. Both great servants of the club. Junior McDonald gets my vote as I think he was a better leader. Both good players who got the most out of themselves and should be admired. Was a sad day when Junior was pushed out the door.
  23. Loved Woe when I was younger, but White was a great player for a long time. One of the best ruckman of the 2000s.
  24. Max is a gun and likable character. He’s a superstar of the game and hopefully he’ll retire a premiership captain. He obviously gets my vote. That said, I think Beamer is a tad underrated on here. When at his peak, he won a BnF and was basically the only competent midfielder we had. Even the likes of Nathan Jones were less capable and willing at the time. Beamer tried to lead at a time when we had no leadership and the club was a disgraceful mess. If he’d had better coaching and stability around him, I think he would’ve wound up far more accomplished and liked. I’ll always be grateful for his efforts, as he was the only one trying most weeks!
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