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Lord Travis

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Everything posted by Lord Travis

  1. Batram Martin Bell Rivers Garland Johnson Id say Martin fullback on the monsters Garland as CHB for the more mobile forward Rivers 3rd man up loose Bell for medium sized forward Bartram for the small forward Johnson as the rebounder. Id also put Brad Green or Ricky Petterd in place of CJ as the rebounder. Or Green in Rivers position as loose man around CHB (which lets face it he has been this year due to Rivers constant injuries) Think Warnock has been OK this year, but not sure if he will hold his spot for the future with other more talented players coming through. Whelan to interchange with Bartrams role on small forwards depending on match ups. I still think Bell has a place in the backline as he is usually pretty tight defensively on his opponent. Has just been poor rebounding this year. Bode to be delisted please.
  2. No point trading him. He is 27 (?), too old to hold much value. We'd never get anywhere near what he has been/will be worth to us for the next 2-3 years helping the new young defense coming through. He's having a good year, but shanks a few kicks. The way I see it, when you're getting 25+ touches most weeks, you're entitled to shank a few.
  3. Essendon will likely draft Hurley this year. They'll have Hurley FB, Ryder CHB, Gumbleton CHF, Neagle FF, for the next 10 years barring injury etc We will likely have Warnock FB, Garland CHB, Miller/Bate CHF, Watts FF It's pretty even for the spine there IMO. We have a far better midfield crop coming through currently, but you never know. I think we're ahead too, but the Dons are performing better than I thought they would and their gameplan could certainly become a successful one in the future as their players get a few pre-seasons and years experience under their belts. I think in 4-5 years time we'll both be top sides playing vastly different footy.
  4. Great to hear Grimes is getting through games and showing glimpses of his immense talent. Sorry to hear Sandy having such a poor run this year
  5. Morton gets to the right spots. He sees the play before it even happens. Once he puts on some more weight he will be able to compete well one on one, and also start laying more tackles and going in harder in the centre square. He will also get used to the pace of the game and learn how long he has to dispose of the ball so he doesnt get rushed as often. He is still young and learning people. The reason he was drafted so high (and the reason he won the Larke medal last year for best player of the champs) is his disposal is top notch and he knows how to find it. Alongside Cotchin, he will be regarded as the best of his draft.
  6. Wow im good B) People bagging Bells game today, you realise he played on Brad Johnson for alot of the game, and had him pretty well covered? He certainly wasnt our worst today. Get off his back. Juice was ok with poor delivery, still got alot of work ahead of him though if he's going to be an AFL footballer. On a completely unrelated note, did anyone see Trent Cotchins game vs the Eagles? That kid is really special. He will mesmerize people in the future that's for sure! Pity he wasnt around at pick 4 Still pretty happy with Morton
  7. Thank god Bode was dropped. Really poor footballer with little upside. Predict Newton to kick 2 goals from 7 touches and 4 marks. Morton to have 21 touches and a goal. Valenti to rack up 9 tackles.
  8. Bode needs to be delisted. He is rubbish and will never make the grade. Looking forward to Morton returning. Hopefully his confidence is up and he has a great game.
  9. That tattoo is awful. Lucky he's a star or Id lay into him some more
  10. Tess is right. He is eligible this year. His partner in crime in the midfield Scully is not eligible until next year though. Maybe you just had the two confused. Scully will likely be a high pick in next years draft. Blease will likely go somewhere around pick 15 this draft from what Ive read thus far. I hope he falls to our second pick, as he is exactly what we need IMO. A pacey wingman with good skills and a good work ethic. Some of his second efforts on Weds were superb and he kicked a fantastic goal in the last quarter! Needs to put on abit of size still though before he can play at AFL you'd think. If we could get Warnock, then draft Watts and Blease, we will have gotten ourselves a good young ruckman, key forward and pacey midfielder, which are the 3 key areas that need addressing. Could be a great draft for us this year :D
  11. Bring back the 90s demon plz k thx bai
  12. You mean the same guy who DIRECTLY COST HIS TEAM 3 GOALS THROUGH BASIC ERRORS just off the top of my head? The same guy who fluffed basic 25-30 metre passes under no pressure? The same guy who fumbled bouncing and ran straight into a guy probably half his size and got pwned? Yeah, that guy! He didnt need to dominate? He didnt because he's not good enough. If he's a #1 pick he should be at least in the top few players on the ground and having a big positive impact for his team. He did neither. If we're going to have #1 pick, I want a guaranteed star, not a speculative superstar. We probably wont have another #1 pick for over 10 years again. Best make good use of it and pick someone who is going to be a guaranteed star. No doubting he is an athletic freak and COULD be something special. BUT, in my opinion he doesnt look like he has the smarts to put it all together. He struggles with the basics and doesnt have footy smarts. He's an athlete, not a footballer. I dont think it's worth the risk personally. Hopefully we manage to poach Warnock, and then take Watts. Then we'll have got ourselves a gun young ruckman and gun forward in one hit.
  13. I think they may pinch #1 pick from us the way theyre going. Playing awful footy at the moment. And now resting they're star midfielder, Braun retiring, Cox possibly off for surgery on his foot later this year... Going to be a tough ask finishing lower than them with the spirit we've been showing!
  14. Well done to the kid. At the start of the year I didnt have high hopes, but he has sure proved me wrong. Hopefully he continues to put on abit more upper body strength and develop nicely. I'd hate for him to be a one year wonder But he looks like he will be around for a long time. I even added him on facebook Im so impressed
  15. B&F winner: Brad Green Season Underachiever: Nathan Jones Season Overachiever: Paul Wheatley Best First Year Player: Wonaehzdwaget8LOL Best Clubman: Brad Green Final Position: 15th Number One pick: IF we have #1, I'd say Watts Delistings: Weetra, Holland. Bode? Retiring: Neitz, Yze. Trade: Bell This should be interesting.
  16. Nata has alot of upside, but (flame away morons) currently he isnt a pinch of [censored] on a footballer. He won alot of taps today from his freakish leap, but around the ground he was woeful. I actually lold at him a few times and thought to myself how the [censored] is this guy the supposed #1 pick?! He is a freakish athelete, but he isnt a footballer. He doesnt know where to run to get possessions, and he doesnt read the play around the ground all that well, and his skills are average. He is 4-5 years away from having any impact at AFL level, and that's assuming it all works out and he puts it all together. Rich was great. He is Luke Hodge mach 2. Can be abit lazy and doesnt have elite fitness, but his skills and smarts are elite. Will be a great player for whoever picks him up. Unfortunately our needs are elsewhere. Watts had an average day due to poor supply, but he still showed why he is being talked about as a #1 pick also. His marking is strong, his leading is strong, he is quick off the mark and he has good skills. He is still skinny, and with abit more size to him he will be a great forward who will cause match up horrors. Abit of Reiwolt style player in that he has strength and agility. We need a tall forward, and he is it. He won the Larke medal for best player of the champs, and our very own Cale Morton won it last year. Lets make it two in a row! Hurley was great. Best defender Ive seen at that level, but he wont go #1 because he is a defender. Whoever gets him though has a Scarlet/Lake combo for the next 10+ years. Hartlett from SA also looked great. He is nearly on par with Rich IMO. He has great pace and skills, and you would think he'd round out the top 5. IMO, we should go hard for Warnock whether we have to trade or get him PSD. We get him, we take Watts with our pick, then look for one of the speedy mids with our late teens pick. I think if we get pick 1, and Freo have pick 3, we should look to trade pick 1 to pick 3 plus Warnock. They want Rich or Naita, and they might not get either. Give them #1 pick so they are free to choose one of the two, then West Coast will take the other. Neither will draft Watts as he doesnt want to leave Victoria and is roughly on par with the other two anyway. Then hopefully we'd get Warnock, Watts, a speedy mid with late teens pick, and save out PSD pick for bargaining or the best player around. Wishful thinking I know, but could be done.
  17. Also, cant wait for a Garland vs Murphy match up. Seems like a perfect match and could be something special to watch!
  18. Not to be an @sshole or anything, but how is Brad Green not winning this? He has been superb all year and in AA contention IMO. He has been good every game and leading from the front with his courageous marks and directing the play from HB. Would be happy with him as our next captain actually!
  19. Really cant wait to see this kid in action. I've got a jumper with 16 on it, and I'd like not to have to change it :D But seriously the guy has big wraps on him. He was a great leader at junior level, a ball winning midfielder/HBF, and would've gone top 10 in the draft if he didnt have back injuries late in the year. It's always good to hear stories like Grimes' where they supported the club growing up and are over the moon to be wearing the red and blue. Hopefully he has a long and fruitful career.
  20. He obviously hasnt set the world on fire over his career thus far, but his last 3 weeks since being brought into the team have been good. He's been told by Bailey and co what he needed to fix and improve in his game, and to his credit he appears to have done that. I havent been his greatest fan to date, but if he keeps up his current form then he is in our 22 and hopefully will be for years to come. We need some classy rebounders and CJ could be one of them. Keep it up!
  21. Inspirational bit of play that was! He's doing it regularly now too. Great signs from big PJ who is having a great year. How good was the crowd also?! The sound from the members wing was amazing yesterday. Kudos to us all :D
  22. From what I gather, Minson made a sledge to Kane Cornes about his team having about as much heart as his 2 year old son....who has a heart defect. Pretty disgusting IMO. Also considering Kane had just had a 2nd son the night before, he did well not to let it set him off. If I was him I wouldn't have been able to hold myself back from smashing him into next week.
  23. Would if we could mate lol Think Rivers' career is pretty much over. He's barely played since 2005, was in average form then anyway, and the game has changed since them. It's faster, more taxing on the body, and he's going to struggle to keep up even if he is fully fit. Sad to see such a talented player cut down. We've had a few of them in our time havent we
  24. Good stuff. Love Hamish (and to a lesser extent Andy). Bloody good effort getting that many members in what is a pathetic year. Just goes to show there are supporters out there handing over their money and doing their part. Now hopefully the team can repay us in the future for what we've had to put up with recently
  25. White dropped, Jamar still in the side? It's official then. Melbourne FC= 08 Lets hope Naita is worth it!
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