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Lord Travis

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Everything posted by Lord Travis

  1. Everyone needs to get this in their head. We do not have a first round pick this year. We are not allowed to trade our first round pick from next year. How do we get Wines or other players who are not free agents and have to be traded for? The answer is we can’t, unless we trade our quality. So unless we are willing to trade Hogan, Oliver or Petracca, then this trade, or trades for other good players such as Langdon, cannot happen.
  2. May as well close this thread. There is zero chance of this happening. He’s not a free agent, and we don’t have anything to trade with. We have no first round pick this year, and we are not allowed to trade our first round pick for next year. Unless we’re willing to trade Oliver, Hogan or Petracca, then trading in Wines is impossible.
  3. Just checked my phone on lunch break and saw this news. Absolutely wrapped! Huge signing and will be a rock in our forward line for years to come. Now only Brayshaw is left and we’ve locked away all our stars!
  4. This. Us being handed it as a home game for the past approx 15 years has netted us with 10-15 million of dollars. The club is definitely thankful we've been able to host it for so long. It's only fair we alternate going forward. We’d get another home game, potentially a Friday night, to balance the fixture.
  5. Wouldn't trade him unless we got a late first round-early second round pick. He's a pick 3 who's had 2 top 5 BnF finishes for us in 4-5 seasons. He's out of favour and form at the moment, but would be a starting centre square midfielder for most other clubs. It's not worth giving him up unless we get late first round-early 2nd round pick IMO. He's worth far more to us as depth, and would be one of the best midfielders in the league not currently getting a game.
  6. Hahaha I've grabbed screenshots and attached below. Have a look at Dive 1-4. Can see McKernans arms clearly beside Rance, doesn't even touch his back let alone push it, Rance misjudges ball and then launches into a superman dive to milk a free kick. Pathetic. He'll get a fine for diving/staging, but I'd rather than suspend him, as he's a repeat offender and dirty player in our game. Still can't believe he's so adored after king-hitting Watts in the back of the head. Commentators talked it down saying he was frustrated! Has there been any news on radio today about Lever anyone?
  7. Why hasn't the thread title been changed to 'Clearance Oliver' yet??
  8. Ben Brown will be FF, Hogan CHF. Hogan performing better IMO. Hogan's kicked 2 less goals in total, but averaging 10 disposals more, more marks, more inside 50s, more score assists etc than Brown. He's got him covered comfortably in pretty much every area and might pass him on goals too. They play different roles, but honestly Hogan's output is a step above any other forward in the competition this season. He's becoming Buddy like and incomparable to others, such is his output and brilliance!
  9. No concrete news yet, but there was a clip on afl.com of him leaving the hospital/doctors being harassed by journalist and he was walking unaided with a barely noticeable limp. When probed if he'd done his ACL he said not sure and doctor wasn't sure and he didn't wanna talk about it further. I feel if it was full blown ACL he'd have been on crutches? I'm still hopeful it's just a strain and he'll be back after 4-6 weeks. Clip of Lever is in the first part of this video http://www.afl.com.au/video/2018-06-03/rance-will-be-embarrassed Also, great to see Rance come under attention in a negative way for once. The guy's a dirty cheating piece of sh*t, and probably the most over-rated player in the history of the game. Never seen a guy get so much praise for losing so many one-on-one contests. When I checked 2 weeks back, he had conceded the second most amount of goals out of all full backs this season, despite Richmond flying!
  10. Hogan has kicked more goals, had more disposals, more inside 50s, more score involvements, more goal assists, higher disposal efficiency, same amount of marks. Hogan has been the best forward in the game so far this season. He's been unreal, and I feel there hasn't been anywhere near enough recognition or hype for the season he's having. He's on track for 60+ goals while averaging midfielder numbers in terms of disposal etc. To top it off, Darling is now injured and was on crutches at the end of the Eagles game, so will likely miss a few matches at least. Hogan a lock for CHF and deservedly so. TMac would also be in contention if he didn't miss the start of the season. If he keeps up his current form he'll make the squad but not the 22.
  11. Gawn would be a lock for first ruck. Hogan a lock for CHF. Jetta a strong chance for back pocket. Oliver and Melksham would both be in the squad of 40, but not in the 22 at this stage.
  12. 6 - Jetta 5 - Hogan 4 - Oliver 3 - TMac 2 - Gawn 1 - Brayshaw
  13. BOG today. After a slow start to the season, he's worked into ripping form and will surely be All Australian this year. What a brilliant small defender he's been the past few years!
  14. LOL at Rance's dive just then, pathetic! I'm actually convinced that the commentary and hype around him is a giant prank on me and I'm part of a Trueman Show type thing this year. Absolute batshit crazy! Tigers smashing them now and getting a percentage boost. Looks like both them and the Eagles will overtake our percentage tonight. We still have a firm hold on third place though with Swans over 20% behind us.
  15. Just the standard commentary by the commentators and media about Rance. Back before half time he marked uncontested in the backline, then took off and kicked long to a two on one with his teammate out-numbered. Ball turned over immediately due to a bad decision and bad kick by Rance, but commentators blew their load about how good he is at rebounding! It's excruciating every week listening to the hype around a guy who repeatedly f*cks up and gets smashed one-on-one. He wouldn't be in the top 10 backmen this year, let alone in the conversation about best of all time!
  16. Why is everyone suggesting Joel Smith to replace Lever? Has he been excelling in a key defensive post at Casey? Can't recall seeing him named as an emergency for us yet this year. He's too short and small to play key defensive post at 191cms and 88kgs. Wouldn't he be competing for Hibberd or Vince's spot? I'd expect Frost to replace Lever, Keilty if he has another ripper game tomorrow and they think he's ready.
  17. So assuming he’s going to be out for some time, is Frost the current replacement in the VFL?
  18. Incompetent attention seeker. We should grind out a 4-5 goal win here, but definitely haven’t played well today. Good teams still win even when they’re not playing well, and we’re now a good team. Big change from the past 12 years!
  19. If we were on today we’d be 50 points up already. Doggies are a proper shite footy team and aren’t even playing well today. We’re just playing dumb lazy footy and will have to grind out a win today. Confident we’ll win fine, but definitely not playing good footy like the past 6 weeks.
  20. Thank god for Jetta. He single handedly saved us 3-4 goals that quarter and has kept us in the game. Midfield needs to lift and lower the eyes going inside 5”. Long bombs to packs are useless. Wake up Demons!
  21. Most games. Most games as captain. Most goals. Legend. Miss watching him own the G. Congrats Neita!
  22. Great to lock away all these youngsters. Just need Brayshaw to re-sign and join Oliver, Hogan, Petracca, etc. Fritsch and Spargo have had great debut seasons thus far. They've both shown attributes that suggest they could have long successful careers in red and blue. This also shows how highly the club rates Petty, re-signing him despite not playing a senior game. By all accounts he's developing nicely down at Casey and could become a player with time.
  23. Not surprised Wallace ignored us. He's quite anti-Melbourne, always looking to sink the boots in when we're down or in this case ignore us when there's nothing he can pick on. He's a deadset f*ckwit and a tragic waste of skin.
  24. After the horrible year he went through last year, it's great to see him out there enjoying his footy. He clearly has lots of mates at the club and shares the love around. Handballed 2-3 goals off today too, so could've kicked a few more. He's in All Australian form at the moment. Absolute freak talent. So glad he's in red and blue!
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