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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. ok im confused Dawes down field can mark...point end fumbles...wtf
  2. Melbourne being run over by the DEPLETED team...what day yo PAUL ??? huh
  3. GWS...no bench..Roos cant exploit this ffs
  4. Honestly..I know we're crap but how does Roos come out of this unscathed ???
  5. I had the 10 goals right....just the direction........ Strangely I liked the frustration of Watts... maybe just me
  6. Melbourne...a team of firsts GWS's FIRST win at the G you clowns
  8. Ok..I'll say it...I know he isnt out there but wtf is Roos actually accomplishing ??
  9. I really thought Dawes could play......my bad
  10. get off his bakc...half our lot couldnt take a fn mark if their life depended on it...He takes the game on.... point your angst at the no hopers !!! He was unlucky not to goal and then your comments would look pretty fn stupid !!
  11. Kent...Kent Kent.....good onya son...bad luck
  12. whos our fwd coach ffs...teach these guys to lead to the CORRECT positions !!!
  13. theyre not confident to take their first option ( gut instinct comproimised )
  14. cant believe im saying this...just kick it Tommy
  15. in space...he needs space...Like Bizzel used to actually
  16. M Jones...fffs dont take all fn day
  17. hey..was just using his head !!!
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