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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. At some point some agency WILL get Dank into court...I'd buy a ticket
  2. how it sounded to me also...but apparently hes just a midnight jock....so hey
  3. thats fine...Dank played him..Thats all. Dank likes to use venues...or shows without too much reason to fear from the host. The other bloke lapped it up also.
  4. cmon...played as a stooge to Dank....sorry doest rank high in my estimation
  5. Hence my saying the drives needed to physically disposed of. Forensically Id be enquiring as to how their Network was backed up then. To other drives, to dics/tapes maintained off site, to a cloud like farm etc Interestingly enough its actually good practice for ridgy didge ( hence we excuse EFC ) companies and orgs to maintain annual increments for quite a few years...5 often. So....if you only knew where to look....... edit thanks DeanoX...confirmed my suspicions
  6. thats always been my thinking. If a decent IT dept. The incremental backups would probably be the place to look. Anyone being halfway clever would realise to physically ditch the drives any info was on. Be asking if any server overhauls etc occurred soon after the brown goo hit the fan? Probably too late now to find the old backups but id still be making representations to infotech....amazing what IT depts...and administrators know
  7. maybe the ACC might keep things to themselves, or only deal with bonefide gov agencies of merit......not shifty sporting organisation totally self absorbed !!
  8. All about shifting the goalposts !!
  9. I wonder if Dr Moreau used placebos ?
  10. its a good question... only they would know I suspect. They will have been interviewed most likely...but to what avail ??
  11. the 8 not charged didnt participate. Didnt sign the 'waiver"
  12. hard isnt it
  13. neither...waiting on the AFL tribunal to hand down its decision
  14. I think any reasonable observer understands there had to be records ,and that everyone knew exactly what was going on ( and in ). It just doesnt serve the EFC to present these, they'd be incriminating....so the dog ate them
  15. not familiar with the interviewer...who is this nong ? edit: Danks is like some imposter Boxer that gets into a ring...dances around, feigning punches but making sure he gets no where near the opponent in case they land a real hit !!
  16. I just cant see 12 mnths ... It doesnt reconcile with any of the published guidelines to penalties etc. But arguably we're talking what WADA would give, so what the Tribunal choose can of course vary. All the whiles with such I think that its nearly always been brushed aside that we're discussing a multiple breach not an isolated occurrence . Penalties are quite severe for a once off let alone that which the club/players perpetrated . I cant see how WADA will consider 12 mnths nearly sufficient for such a systemic affair. This is a test case , a precedent setter and not just for AFL , nor Australia but for world sport. What will be the message to all of the team based comps worldwide if these players get not much more than a smack on the bum !!. AFL might give 12 mnths...WADA will get that doubled ( at least ) ... just my thoughts of course.
  17. A thought Ive been toying with and it really only goes to the penalty and not guilt. The AFL are reknown for playing its own peculiar game. Im just wondering if the AFL wont try and box clever and the tribunal comes down with a guilty verdict and then only issues a 12 mnth ban that together with allowances of time back to SCN issuance ends up being effectively just the rest of the season and a bit of the off. Now most of us here will know that will trigger an appeal by WADA. I couldnt see the players objecting to that , especially after all the evidence had been laid bare, sure theyd be at least 'not so dumb enough" to poke the bear twice. In doing so the players are banned, for starters and the AFL can look like the benevolent sheriff to the power boys in the game, all the whiles knowing full well WADA will trump in and extend it eventually...but its out of the AFL hands then... they can walk away ( run more like it ) The AFL plays both sides against the middle...hes guys...we did our very best....a Year !!! Hey WADA..well if you must do what you must ......
  18. Be curious to know if any of the 'break away' lads offered up a tad more information that the Windy Hill lot.
  19. was in many of the rags Sue Tribunal told Bombers texted each other about ‘Thymo’ injections
  20. Everyone ought to read reread this a few times.. Amongst the various things it says to me is that there exists, especially in the mind set of Golden Boy , a predisposition to happily go where no coach has gone before. He's only too happy to try this or that, despite known side effects or even where they arent overly well documented. Now does this really sound like a chap who wants to use a baby formula ?
  21. would have thought that like anyone should he breech ethical standards as required or brought others into harms way hes for the chop
  22. Prety much on the money I suspect CHF
  23. Seriously. Dont be here then. Interesting to some of us
  24. AFL is desperate to soothe
  25. would have thought that this meeting was somewhat inappropriate. .. just me ??
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