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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. The last person Hird wants as his protagonist is one Ben McDevitt !!! mwmahahahahah
  2. and if someone had taken the eggs , what was it they did have instead, and where did it come from and show me the receipts
  3. Just something as food for thought Consider who is currently the head of ASADA.. >>> Ben McDevitt Now Benny boy WAS the Queensland Manager of the Australian Crime Commission and previously the Assistant Commissioner at the AFP and CEO at Crimtrac for 5 years.I Interesting for me is he was with the ACC at the time Dumbo did his dumb thing. This suggests that Ben will know all the dirt on this especially the peripheral players and be totally up on ifo that the AFL probably DOESNT have. Whats the chances that when coming on board with ASADA and understanding what they ( ASADA) needed to nail all the naughty ones that ASADA under new bosses tutelage set out to effectively regain all the knowledge that was relevant that Ben ALREADY knew existed but couldnt bring with him officially as it was bound to the ACC. Now Ben is highly unlikely to to have undergone a lobotomy and as such forgotten what he knows but knows he cant use it without rediscovering it in the uniform of a new investigation or at least revisiting the interviews and such that had come to light to date. As another ( apol cant remember who ) has suggested its also very unlikely that ASADA have ever stopped investigating after SCN were issued Sense suggests if you know where the worms are you keep at it till you get the biggest and the most. There was a lot of body language in those images of Ben at the recent senate estimates happening. Didnt look like a guy defeated or even hamstrung. He looked like the fox in the henhouse licking his lips!! Id be very worried if involved at Windy Hill
  4. As I see it ASADA would be suggesting EFC cannot [prove they havent and that all the circumstantial evidence points ( in the absence of anything else substantiated ) to the club having provided the drug and used it according to a protocol which parallels the injection program as described. In essence it goes beyond probability that TB4 WAS used as its beyond probability that anything else was. Its a bit like a Black hole...theres nothing there...but argue with Stephen Hawkings as to its existence...and understand how we know it does ( exist )
  5. The AFL wont have enough money Sue and do you think 17 other clubs will standby and watch the Competitions War Chest squandered on these bastards ??
  6. There are some things , inded we now see the nature of them , that the AFL can not effect even through want and effort. A major one is the judicial system of this fair land. Dumbo and Dill have been at pains to keep things away from courts where they could. Do you suppose once 17 players have their feet kicked out from under them and their seats upon the reality bus are given that a Legal Stoush , whose force we have not seen in sport before here won't unleash ?? if Essendon thinks it is plain sailing after this dust has settled then they are beyond help. Essengeddon is around the corner, make no mistake
  7. What never changes is that PLAYERS ARE RESPONSIBLE. Thats in concrete. Only mitigation may or may not be applied . Responsibility actually never changes. The scenarios mentioned whereby athletes were unwitting in their takings or was a medical emergency just dont apply here. "here ...sign this..... " all those little words should have set alarm bells ringing So , again, how many players even contacted their sloth of a medico ?? How many contacted ASADA ?? They werent so much unwitting and they were halfwitting !!
  8. Id think 18 months would prove seriously invasive and manifestly annoying for the club and its players in setting up 2016....diddums !! Of course if they ( players /club ) are stupid enough to contest say an 18 month penalty they might not like the 'bonus" that WADA would most likely win. double diddums !!
  9. dont forget the mini series !!
  10. yes..maybe games but they cannot train with club or be part of anything organised. They are isolated
  11. I fully expect this to all go totally ape shlt/pear shaped...once the tribunal announces the penalties. I come from the standpoint that at no real moment has the club ( for mine ) actually understood the climate and world it was now in. It to me still harbours notions of 'deals' and stuff. I think EFC and indeed the numbskull players think some negotiated settlement will manufacture. Some rude shocks awake. The Windy Hill fan club etc all think some rap on the knuckles and a bad boy fine might manifest itself where as the proper reality suggests a ban of at least a year ( probably ) more Happy to be redirected in my thinking but I understand that once any ban is invoked, its in force. Neither an appeal nor court action are able to set this aside ?( i.e its on , til its not ...sts ) Actions can modify it but they are still banned until otherwise advised. I think this is part of the outcomes that most parties will be ill prepared for. If there is justice then the all in bun fight that will erupt will keep the idiot players off the paddock whilst sucking every last cent that the Windy Hill idiots have in their delusional quest to reverse their situation. I dont thoink the AFL will need to suspend or abolish the club. It will disappear into itself..
  12. I think they should get 2 but might get 1. Wada will appeal if only 1. I think theres still much to play out though beyond the players. Watch this space !!Edit. A very possible outcome actually might be18 months. Dont think Wasa would appeal that. Players would but will be on deaf ears I suspect. 18 months would finish some careers and dent the rest. EFC would be in strife...
  13. Ernest...it WILL be resolved That occurs with the process having worked its way to its logical conclusion. This may yet require appeals etc from any and all but it will end. That this may not happen to a schedule of the AFL's liking is tough turkey really. That this may upset and annoy various to do with Essendon is really of no consequence. Do the crime, do your time. If those governing a sport see a breach and subsequently impose a penalty well thats all there is to it. Not everything has a price, sometimes principles are above it. Essendon may well not like whats coming there way, but there was a simple solution to the current state of affairs.........
  14. I dont actually see what the conflict is. You have wrongdoers who shall be punished, and rightly. Mediation, what for ? This isnt btw about the LAW...its about RULES.....to which all parties are bound.
  15. Its dog eat cat now
  16. Dont they already have veto ??
  17. No ones copped to actually being guilty yet afaik
  18. cant see that happening...theyre not even interested in forcing Hird out of the game
  19. How long ? About half as much again as they are wide
  20. Stupid is as stupid does
  21. Sad when anyone dies
  22. so tbe obvious penance is yet to come ???
  23. Jnr..Go look up the original AFL naughty charges !!
  24. nor do I ...its rubbish I seriously think its part a nd parcel of the unique situation. Nearly all current focus is as to an individual and this is why his occurrence is so unique...and so important I think 2014 will concur that once the dust settles on all of this WADA will publish a major re-write. WADA have been caught with pants down, little and Co know this and have tries to leverage it. .....to no avail . thats luck really edit I.T...keep in mind theres no reason why the ban wont be 2 years !!
  25. well theres a 64 dollar question.. Yes they can. But strangely its only if they seek to compete does the clock reset Whilst suspended they can not train , play or scratch themselves in the name of the game. til then its a bit murky. Watson and Fletcher will have their game as IR reps noted. Will work against them...good !! everyone else is playing around in the cracks atm.
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