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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. I get that....but if they've been sold a pup they'll be chasing their tails... I cant blame them for that.
  2. The Curious case of Clarry Oliver.... just gets better (not ) Something nqr about all this. The gods are caning us.
  3. Most Footy grounds grew out of local participation... They've seen a lot of history. The G reeks of it. Marvellous was a commercial enity born out of wedlock it is a Mary Shelley like concoction.... though to be fair there's some sentiment to be had for Franky. It is indeed soulless...its a cold lacklustre place... there's worse...
  4. There's worse places.... Havent been there since that Chyna Flu thing,..it might be better...might not be..lol
  5. Am a little confused over this. Weren't we chucked off Goschs ??
  6. Very much.. Tmac possibly more than Benny though ideally they play a different role. Tom very instrumental in angling the ball in.. We miss that
  7. It's often used but the cliche 'this will be a very interesting/telling game' is extremely apt. Neither side renown for giving up much in their back halves..... both can craft a game through the guts. Scoring ???... hmmm. The Saints might endeavour to use the corridor more . Our mids defensive games will need to kick in, and up. If the Aints find paths into their scoring half without allowing May and Lever their opportunities then we might have a spot of bother. It's a fairly quick track. The pockets arent as fat which ought to bring us closer to goal by default ( if no intent ). But also the sme for them. In a fashion i see this as some bizarre shoot out of sorts... not a bang bang ....for bang type ... but with similarly miserly defences whoever can create a way to score...will. Now i know that sounds ridiculously obvious ...but neither team will have a easy day on the scoreboard. I suspect two differemt modes of attack. I dont expect a high scoring game.. maybe 12 goals to the winner... and there lays our biggest challenge ....kicking 12.... its been a while. Go Dees
  8. I really dont think it's quite all of our own doing in the sense that there ARE two teams out there and two Coaches battling wits. Our intent , and for quite some time now has been to enter the forward 50 as deep as can lobbing the ball to a contest and then pressing that contest with the idea of oppornistic extraction resulting in goals. Essentially it is hoped to put maximum pressure on the opponents defence. If they fumble or fail to clear we , in theory, can score. This worked OK whilst oppositions weren't geared to this. Back in 21 etc We didint kick to the pockets nearly as much . We did try to put the ball closer to the square...and in front. We played the wings a bit tighter in. But since our 'glorious' Sept our game has been studied, disected and in many areas countered. Knowing we WILL bomb away oppositions now force that contest wider.. Knowing our adversion most of the time to the corridor oppositions have forced our wing play..wider... As a result the delivery starts wider and remains wider.. Opposition defenders almost know what we'll do before we do...it's become that predictable. What irks me no end is if oppositions want to force our little pack formations out to the pockets theres an obvious upside....there's invariable space opening up behind it..closer to the corridor...about 30-40 out or thereabouts..Ironically..excatly where you want to be. But we seldom have anyone there and when there is...more often than not burnt. We do it sometimes but it looks very un-natural This sort of awareness and craft CAN be taught, can be practiced. If we dont change our way(s) we're wasting the efforts of the rest of our players.... we're wasting our time
  9. Change ??.. its been our M.O for years
  10. I dont blame the players at all in this regard. I agree is absolutely a coaching/gameplan issue. You could chop and change in/out whoever in the front half and it wont make one iota of difference if we keep playing that style. It is THE dumbest front half footy going around.
  11. Id love to know if anyone actually thinks we're going about our forward footy in a good fashion, in a meaningfully productive way ?? I.e... we're doing it right and doesn't need addressing....
  12. Seriously.....stop.. Thsts exactly the point hes making.. Earlier we're taking shots ..in his words.."between the posts ".... thats aka ..in the arc.. the place you want to be.. 45deg from either goal post.. no more than 40... thats gold mining Territory. He goes on to say we're now taking shots further out and at greater angle... If thats not being in the wrong spot i dont know what is rjay. You're flogging a dead horse mate.
  13. Instead of EVERYONE racing to goal... just needs someone to stop and turn around.. whoever has the ball only has to wait a tic and our man is open. Yep...not a lot of sense out there.
  14. I cant remember who we were playing... but Bennett had posession of the ball on the boundary. He was about 55/60 at he mark so kicking another 5/10. A mate... non Dee.... he's got no chance... Me... betcha a beer....... Yep... enjoyed that one. .... 🍻 😉 About the best kick I've seen.
  15. He can be both 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  16. Spot on... None so blind as those that WILL NOT see .....
  17. Yeah.... i looked around for any sign that may have suggested " new home of the MFC" .. strangely none to be seen... odd ....lol
  18. Sorry...must have missed something.. How are the Filth on Goschs ?
  19. That's no go..... he won't fit in......
  20. And it will make beat those whinging bastards even sweeter. Interesting the person saying the least. Bairstow. He knew he [censored] up... but too much of a snivelling wimp to say so... just letting his numnut team mates to slag off. What a bunch of clowns
  21. That's brilliant.... funnier even in her accent. Gotta love them Stats !! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  22. Hardly takes an Einstein of any football experience...recent or otherwise to understand we're making the game harder than need be by being in the wrong spot.
  23. Great analogy...was exactly what we did in Nepal... Clarry might not like it but those jets need testing before use.. He's paid to play footy... The fitness gurus are paid to get them there. Method in the madness ;)
  24. Bizarre isnt it... Occams Razor... If they're doing it time after time after time.... with no remonstrance from the bench.....I'm going with instruction ;)
  25. Dont put too much weight to pressers.. Apparently there was a coach who said player X was to welcomed back to the fwd line.... turned our he played on the backline... I know... fancy that.....lol.......
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