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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. You might...if ever generous in forgiveness, to put last Sunday down as First day Fumbles. (im not , but lets for the sake of moving forward suggest it was ) Then we will need to see to semblance of both skills and plan execution else the Bumblers will make short work of us making the Freo excursion seem a picnic It surpises me somewhat as I seriously beleive we were a better team last year than our results indicated of the much debated reasons. Underneath all that was a team, I thought. I imagined, foolishly, that the starting position was the underlying ability and formwork and not the position it seems where after a very early start to training and much work we seem worse. Im looking forward ( if with a modicum of trepidation) to the Essendon game if for no other reason than to see something psasingly resembling a 'real' Melbourne effort. I know Rome wasnt built in a day ..but didnt we start months ago ?
  2. au contraire....there will be more talk if we actually see any of either !!
  3. Just read it myself and there are causes for concern . In principle what the AFL/AFLPA propose is manifestly ok. I would have thought 8 years excessive personally and figure 6 years...which equates to nominally a player drafted ( 2 years) and two subsequent 2 year deals ...as being fairer. Also 8 years with ONE club...a bit rich. I tend to agree with ol Jeffrey that this will become very tempting to the likes of some of our more entrepreneurial style managers to orchestrate things even more. This then further skew-iffs the scene distorting it. The flow on is then is lays a filed to embellish this or that totally undermining the spirit of this Free Agency idea. Its good in theory...but wide open in practice. gets a C- from me...needs to be reworked and more realistic.
  4. Probably in light of the Vancouver games..it'll be our official SKi Supplier sponsor
  5. Thats a very valid question. You would think that even on a bad day the mor eexperienced would simply play under par..but to commit basic erors is really plain unforgivable..there's rusty...and then there's seized !!
  6. well how about that..first post and nails it !! succint welcome to hell...well thats where demons live..
  7. not really...theres no announcement of it yet...is there ?
  8. Was more interesting reading what others on that forum wrote...not all seem to think we have no hope ..lol Always interesting actually to see what other teams fans think of this or that player as they will come at it totally unbiased ( with respect to the players ) as compared to say many of us who have issues possibly with this bloke or that. Some of those Bombers have a bit of insight...quite interesting....and some are air-wasters!!
  9. Im tending towards this. If he has the mettle...if he has the goods and wherewithall to bring this side to its potential then we ought to start seeing some real improvements over the next couple of months. If there is no discernable improvement then youd be fully justified to wonder why. You then also would be duty bound to ask 'that hard question" of is this the right path. We havent seen this team play much with the brakes off and I agree it might be prudent to allow Bails to show us what he can do before th eclub commits ..or possibly over-commits. No one is wanting his sacking. Hes done a marvellous job to date under very trying conditions... They are different now with a different expectation. I think we'd all just like that addressed.
  10. Hardly 2mins after...it was everything up to the point of snaring them. And ftr i thought Bailey had done well in ensuring we got them. we have a very yuoung , if not the youngest list going around. We have within that list , by all accounts , a treasure trove of talent. Much media has been written andd presented showcasing this. Bailey is on record as saying much effort had been put into some of the simpler things... skills wise...like kicking ( imagine that )amongst other things. Its quite possible and highly likely that this wont flourishas our forte for just a littel whiles ...but we arent seeing a lot to even get cheery about. But we are not the only team with a weightiness towards youth and the litmus will surely be over the next few months as more Challenge cup matches lead into the season proper as to whether there has been any real advancement of the team. The list is vastly improved since he ( DB ) arrived..the onfield displays ?? well......
  11. put it back into context...and its self evident...sigh
  12. nutshell
  13. Shehans job is to write about footy...hadly an agenda per se. what vested interest does he have to suggest there is unrequired haste ? Does he benefit from this as opposed to not writing this piece ? He will have ample fodder as source for articles without needing to invent things by suspending his previous thinkings. I suggesthe has simply voiced what many of us are thinking and that sunday was not what we were expecting and that this might result in a few people taking a breath. How does he benefit from this especially? he doesnt...a vested interest my foot. Hes just doing what he does..write about footy and the capitulation by Melbourne on Sunday was not what a lot of the footballworld, let alone us was quite expecting.
  14. Too easy to suggestits all a Subiaco thing and nothing to do with any of a dozenother factors. You'll need to widen your scope a bit. Your quite avid at introducing word into mouths. I suggested thatthe haste to sisn aspect might need to be revisited as is the whole theme of Shehans article.. Not to not sign him ..but maybe to watch and see a bit longer. That might be more prudent. My evaluation of him takes into context of where we were and what we wanted to achieve.. We got all the picks..now we need to face the front and win..its a different cause. Th evaluation hasnt changed at all.. he now has a different goal surely. cant you see that ?
  15. and that would be
  16. I disagree. The context of the last two seasons as opposed to now. The resources at hand and the time put in suggestthatall things being equal we ought to have made a fist of Sunday..That didnt happen. Remember that Freo finished as lowly cellar dwellers also...have had less of a dip into the font of gold as compared ourselves and yet seem to be playing a brand of footy with a differing frame of mind. I would argue the sytem for evaluting hasnt changed one iota......its that the results havent either thatis cause considerable !!
  17. Ive been very much in the camp of give him another year and let him have the two to show his wares. But its hard to argue with Mike here. I really expected more of the team, diluted and gren as it was , than what transpired as a feeble excuse for a game on Sunday. Im now second guessing my own thinking. Am I simply wanting him to have the advantage of an effective 2 year stint as some sort of honourable offer ? Is it actually warranted ? Is he really a good game day coach or more an educator ? None of these question scame into such sharp focus whilst we were using the last 2 years to stock our larder but now that we dont need to take that direction I want to see us play, and for keeps. Hopefully what we're seeing is an aberation from that ideal. Its easy to be distracted by the impact that say a Scott is having in Roo-ville and suddenly think wtf? I still think Bailey has something to show us and maybe unbridled haste isnt a neccesity in his procurement...maybe. Certainly efforts such as Sundays do him no favours.
  18. My only real disappointment from yesterday : so many people, so little clarity, so much pandering to myopic and short term vision. FFs was our first hit out on journey of thousands of steps !! Keep the faith
  19. Let us see how both the coaching brains and players react to this debacle of a new beginning. That will tell us more than yesterdays game will. Perspective and context required.
  20. Many of you are really selling this guy short. He will return the faith and respect this club is affording him. He is far too honourable to be swayed by the glitz of others. He is a would-be elder,a man of his word, for without that he stands for nothing. GWS et al will be wasting their time....
  21. Knew you'd do it !!!! lol
  22. lets all imagine a bridge lets all look to the horizon... and imagine that bridge is beyond it. lets worry about it at some possible juncture...should it ever loom , which I doubt !!
  23. i had a funny feeling you might hehe
  24. bugger !!! thanks for the effort of investigating...If I was a betting man Id think this will be one of those things that will irk and warrant a look at from time to time as possible updates arrive...unless the code simply doesnt support it in th emanner we'd like. Im not a coder...so will accept the limitations
  25. as I said earlier...hes cut from a diferent cloth !! many more things for this club to concern itself with before we need to worry over Liam coming or going...for if he is to go..it will only be home. And I think his community would be a little disappointed then. He'll be fine...
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