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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Worthy sentiments. Hes my firm favourite over time. As others suggest the 'intangibles' are the grey area. Geny Y inst reknown for timely acquisitions as opposed to the "now" He is a lad apart is our young Tom..an enigma of sorts. you can only hope he has more fabric mentoring him than the likes of Sports Management.
  2. I think its a far draw of the bow to suggest theres a degree of amicability between Lynch and Gubby. Theyve cooperated with each other in the past. and in a very different way than one might suppose AKA and Leppa would have.
  3. Lets not confuse professional with ethical
  4. Further to this its not at all coincidental ( or rather it is actually ) that you have these blokes influencing the circumstances in which Scully is to make a decision. I wonder to what extent the club is biting its tongue, desperate to bring about order to this pompous stand-off whilst not wishing to cut its nose off , spiting face.
  5. I Must admit to having a bit of a giggle ; reading in the papers and such etc whereby so many who were whooping it up mercilesly at Melbourne's expence laughing and lauding the likelyhood of us losing Scully as some form of *alert* *alert* *that T-word* tanking-karma are now the very same screaming foul should we actually come out of all this ( should he go ) actually more like winners than losers. Footy's funny !!
  6. "I'm content with his form at the moment. " Im a bit confused Artie.. you want to keep him or not ?? lol I do agree though Artie... hope he's traded ( CM )
  7. I would have thought youd be amongst the first to remind us that Rucks take much much longer so the Jamar was always a longer term expectation. Yet all the whiles you could see where Russian was going to end up..there were snippets etc. You really dont get this vibe off of Cale. Morton performs little cameos during a game whilst never putting a whole one together. Im all for cashing in whatever market-value he has and investinig that anew. end of season trade bait.....thats about it.
  8. No.. always need to revitalise your team here and there. Its a sign of a healthy program. Never rest on your laurels etc. Must admit that kind of scenario ( as portrayed by the HUN ) had cross my conciousness. Theres an appeal. I think ive even mentioned it somewhere under the guise of 'bird in hand v two in the draft " If he stays..good ..if he goes..the world wont end, and we get some bonuses. We cant EVER make this team about one player.
  9. Probably for the want of............ nothing categorical can be written. Probably more than a handful are werry werry close !! ...but not enough...alas For sure Velocity is getting away with murder al lbut in ability to run rampant. They must be p!ssing themselves.
  10. woulndt mind that info ...lol
  11. Its intereting at times to see how others view games. I take the following as example. Emma Quale ( whos writings on this game I rate very highly ) produced this list after the Dees/Port game: BEST Melbourne: Petterd, Trengove, Frawley, Sylvia, Jamar, Jurrah, Moloney, Rivers, Maric Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/demons-outshine-port-20110716-1hjjr.html#ixzz1SMAeWe1T the Herald Best: Melbourne: C Sylvia B Moloney R Petterd J Trengove L Jurrah A Maric M Jamar I thought Col good,(very) but not best . I thought personally Trengove was BOG. not far behind was Beamer. but for mine the next was Martin. A bloke his size just ought not be so agile, fortunately for us he is. He should have been knackered ( and maybe he was) but he seemed to handle the sticky condition incredibly well.. Frawley was easily next, Petterd, Maric. Jurrah had a really good 40 mins or so but considering it was his "climate" , possibly harshly I expected him to tear Port apart ( for a whole game ) . Jamar was good but didnt dominate. Rivers was good in parts and a calamity in others. Why are we so attrocious as a team overall at short passing. Tappy fires bullets, geez id like to receive his kicks , but id need a kevlar vest !! What happened to Martin, Emma ?? just interestred
  12. wasnt privvy to it... can you expand
  13. You , possibly like my self feel a tear in the space-time continuim.. I think the MFC has worked out its boundaries and will observe them.. Its all smoke and mirrors. The whole fiasco of this mongrel birth of GWS and to a lesser extent GC has been founded on smoke and mirrors. The AFL has wanted particular outcomes and happily nudged and bullied its various agendas through. All and sundry are collateral damge in this desire. And we will all just have to wait. Im also in the camp that wishes to know just how dodgy Toms knee(s) are. Are we being blind to serious shortcomigs whilst in the glare of super-capabilites ( supposed ) I actually fervently hope he does stay but that its out of desire and on merit. All rewards to be comensurate with both. Still ...its a bit hazey in the room still
  14. Always has done. Lets wait for the next exciting offering from Blucher. Keep inmind his backgorund, i.e a heavy does of sports journalism so he's wel placed to construct a 'story' or two
  15. Is someone actually questioning the logic of the Vlad Empire ?? Since when has common sense ever applied to AFL thinking ??
  16. were we watching the same game? Watts wasnt out of th egame at all.
  17. was a very good game for him to learn from. Didnt get his way and wasnt aloowed much space. Hes till tried , and tried..and tried. Didnt lower his head...admirable. His contributions were limited for sure. He'll need to adapt to thisas he'll become nmore and more hunted. Interestiing times for him ahead
  18. Jurrah without doubt hasnt continued to spark, hes sort of treading water in a fashion. But I think in all honesty hes got a hell of a lot on his plate. Not too many players wil lhave to concern themselves with not only pushing themsleves week in week out whilst having to worry about whats happening back home. He's a community leader in absentia and it must get to him. He has my sympathies in that regard. I marvel at how the club ( and indeed LJ himself ) have managed it to date. Cant be easy. Bate will probably find himself with a DCM come seasons end. Maybe fresh fields might renew/continue his career. Dunn's bben mentioned...he might be joiing Bate. Morton for mine is not living up to expectations...but that been done to death Greens performances have been all over the place really. Curse of the captaincy ? Davey before injury was well off the boil. Maybe we were spoiled with Chip's stellar 2010 as 2011 isnt quite so spectacular, but hes not alone.. a few more are lucky not to get a mention. Im not sure which Sylvia will show up these days... needs much better consistency and impact. Bit of a trend amongst all that.. as a few of the "senior" players seem to go missing at times.
  19. Ive raised this earlier.. This , as it would apply to Scully , is al but moot. He wil lget hwt ahe ends up getting irregardless of the agreement. His "dollars" are in a different sphere compared to the greater majority who's contract might be influenced. So possibly ..re .'any' player it might apply...not so re Tom i'd suggest.
  20. Whilst I understand the obvious intent of the rules ..There is a certain niaivety to suggest all players are little angels.. They are after all humans, and humans have frailties etc. And guess what...some even lie...and cheat etc. So lets all pretend shall we..!!
  21. Just for those that have missed an obvious point. Scully has indeed made a demand of the club, that he WONT commit until the end of the season , if inddeed he does. Now some may see this as a nonsense but as its the crux of the matter I hardly see how it is. Many different options come into play at season's end that arent there now that is if there are indeed any real options at all. As RB, Myself, RR and others have already noted here the environment in which all this is taking place has changed from when the initial gambit of "I wont sign til eos 2011" was announced. Much about anything in life is the position of one's motive. There must be something terribly terribly important about the timing ( and its associated possibilites) that has Scully/ Velocity adamant about not signing now. Many other players arent taking this repose. They are adjusting as deals and offers are made. Some wil lsay, well he's entitled to do so. In a fashion I cant disagree. Bu tin theface of all things it really smacks of an ulterior reasoning. What more does he need to know ? He knows what GWS have on the table..He knows what MFC has on the table. Its irrelevant in reality what transpires at the CBA..So again What ? I hear the deafening silence from those that suggest "all is well" . If there is nothing untoward then there is only benefits to the club and himself to sign now. . He could probably get an instant pay rise in doing so. Irregardless of what the AFL say .. The club would sit easier, the fans would sit easier , the focus would return to footy and this is his want after all...supposedly all about the footy. But he doesnt . Why ? This kid would make one hell of a poker player !!!
  22. Sums it up entirely.... The Truth is out there !! just where ??
  23. Malthouse.. I'm no sure thing Mick adds fuel to a fire. Eddy must be having kittens !!
  24. keep in mind deals ...and signed deals are a little different... One is excused for feeling theres a distinct agenda by the AFL... ...probably because there is !!
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