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Everything posted by Wrecker45

  1. ok. Great. Show me the models that predicted that. I follow the IPCC and they said the temperatures would rise and hit a tipping point which couldn't be turned back. I didn't notice any predictions of heat hiding in the oceans or changing current flows. Point me to them.
  2. I am openly supportive of the centre right conservative Government yet condemn Bronwyn Bishop for her actions. That is a text book definition of condemning something on principle.
  3. How is this link? https://theconversation.com/sea-level-is-rising-fast-and-it-seems-to-be-speeding-up-39253 A left wing rag trying to hype up the scare despite saying the sea level has risen 2 - 3 mm since 1993. If you miss the bit about only 3mm sea rises over 3 decades you could be forgiven for thinking we are about to drown because that is the tone of the article. But but but but but it says we will rise 1m by 2100. Based on current rising that will take alot of pissing in the ocean.
  4. Hahaha. I agree with the physics but can't argue with the facts. The climate has not had any statistical increase in warming for 17 years. CO2 and methane have increased over this period. Can you agree we have some kind of lack of understanding here. I.e the science is not settled?
  5. Nutbean you have done alot of reading on the subject and find it worrying. What alarming predictions have materialised since you have been doing your reading? I'll tell you what hasn't Rampant warming rampant sea level rises increased cyclone activity increased cyclone intensity polar bear numbers melting of arctic ice
  6. Why is it the skeptics always seem more open minded and practical?
  7. Earl Hood if you are willing to give 20 or 30% leeway you can't argue there was unprecedented warming. The basic physics of the greenhouse effect can't be argued and I believe in. How it works in a chaotic system is not clear. It also seems that the effect of Carbon Dioxide is overstated and anyone who thinks otherwise needs to explain the reason of the plateau to me.
  8. Exactly. You have nailed it. There are so many variables it is disingenuous to focus on carbon dioxide.
  9. When the predictions consistantly don't materialise it is an indication something is wrong. The impact Carbon Dioxide has on the climate is sick.
  10. That is a disgrace. Unlike some on here I am about principal not side.
  11. I only point out that the IPCC acknowledges the hiatus because they are an alarmist gravy train and rely on global warming to get paid and go on their junkets. The hiatus is measurable and undeniable unless you "homogenise" the data. Regardless of what I think the warming that has stopped is enough for you to be deeply concerned? Are you also concerned about the seas that are not rising as predicted and the polar bears that are thriving? I argue factual information continually because I hate being fead BS and will call it out when I see it. I do not work or hold any interest in fossil fuels. Having said that I would invest in them over wind farms as if it is a far superior technology and isn't relying on tax payer subsidies that could be rightly ripped away at any time. If you want to invest your money in over sized wind mills propped up Government subsities good luck to you.
  12. Proof - If I show evidence the previous Government put children into detention and the current Abbott Government is releasing them would that change your opinion at all? I am happy to do it but want you confirm you are open to change your mind. Stopping the boats - No the same number of boats are not attempting the journey anymore because by turning them around the Abbott Government has broken the people smugglers business model. Do you think the same number of boats are still setting sail knowing they have a near zero percent chance of getting in to our waters as opposed to a near 100% chance with the previous Government? It is very easy to see why turning back the boats in conjunction with a number of other measures has been very successful.
  13. My point is the models didn't predict that but you keep on believing the people who pushed the models. Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me. There is a pause (or no statistically significant warming) if you follow the IPCC or the HADCRUT data. I have never said the world is cooling.
  14. Hardtack we seem to agree on this. As I keep saying we have been warming since the little ice age... an undeniable fact. The trend over that period of time is up and our climate will always naturally trend one way or the other because it is always changing. We also had a sharp period of warming during the rise from the little ice age and over that period hysteria over global warming was bubbling. At that stage I believed in the theory. The warming has been in hiuatus for at least the last 17 years... an undeniable fact. This is a very short period in time but no less significant than the rapid warming. Ignore the hiatus because of the time period then you also need to ignore the rapid warming.In the stock market you would cancel the bull out with the bear.
  15. I read both your article and Nut beans. I did not bother with all the links dee-luded posted. My question was what period do you classify as long term not what the article says.
  16. Abbott went to the election promising to shut them down. He just can't get the numbers in the senate. Why did man move from horse and carriage to the automobile? From ship to plane? From typewriter to computer? From windmill to coal (irony)? Did Government assistance help the transition or did we evolve because the technology was better? If wind or solar were more efficient or effective without subsidies we would transistion to them. The fact is they are not.
  17. You do realize Abbott stopped the boats? What children is he sending to the camps? I think you will find the children in detention are a legacy of the previous Government and Abbott is actually releasing them.
  18. Could it be no one is contradicting me with any models that predicted a hiatus in warming because all the models predicted temperature rises over that period? Please someone who agrees in global warming predictions show me the forecasts that predicted a pause in warming.
  19. P-man do you think the money Shorten accepted from organisations his union was negotiating with had any influence on the EBA's his union agreed to? Seriously compromises the integrity? "Yeah but I bet the other side were as bad" doesn't seem to be going that well for Essendon. It is very difficult to trust a report arranged by a political party these days. They almost always have a pre-determined outcome.
  20. I'll pay that. I try to avoid reading them but the HS has the footy stats so I get it after the dees play.
  21. I just don't think that is a valid argument. You admit it is not conclusive. Science is littered with incorrect predictions.
  22. Nutbean - I appreciate you posing links but I asked for you to show me one climate scientist (or anyone really) who predicted a hiatus before it happened.Not after. Flimsy arguments denying a measurable fact are not persuasive. And if you you do believe those links you posted are you arguing the IPCC is no longer believable as they do recognise a hiatus? The science is settled right? So one has to be incorrect. Let me know which.
  23. I'm not sure what your point is. Are you implying I only want to stop illegal immigrants if they come by boat? If so so I can assure you I want them stopped no matter if they are coming by boat, helicopter, aeroplane, submarine, tunnel or any other way I haven't thought of.
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