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Everything posted by Wrecker45

  1. I'm very familiar with Turnbull's stance on those issues and that is why I am concerned about him. My interest was in what you meant by we KNOW what Turnbull thinks yet you go on to say he is keeping his cards close to his chest.
  2. Turnbull is keeping existing policy because his ego will be removed from parliament if he changes Abbott's winning position on the Carbon Tax and Same Sex Marriage. I'd love you to explain to me how we KNOW what Turnbull really thinks but he is keeping his cards close to his chest. Surely it is either one or the other.
  3. That's the Labor way. Never their fault they can't run a budget surplus. Not saying it was Swan's fault that Rudd had such an ego or Gillard was incompetent. Not saying it was Hockey's fault that Abbott kicked so many own goals. But as I said it is no coincidence that with weak treasurers they oversaw weak Governents.
  4. It is no coincidence that our PM's keep getting over thrown when they have such weak treasurers. Rudd/ Swan, Gillard / Swan, Abbott / Hockey. They were no Hawke / Keating or Howard / Costello
  5. Bronwyn Bishop isn't facing any police charges because everything she did was within the rules. That is why Abbott said the rules need to change to become more inline with community expectations. Peter Slipper faced dishonesty charges because he tried to hide the fact he was on an all day winery tour courtesy of the tax payer by filling out fraudulent and misleading cab charges.
  6. I love the races but must admit I have been busy with young family and business since last spring and have had little time for racing. So not really up with the form. I believe the Japanese have some horses coming out so you would have to monitor them closely. With some of the major trainers having the cobalt scandal hanging over their heads who knows how anything will play out.
  7. Agreed. Abbott appears awkward whereas Turnbull is charming and self confident. Turnbull would have never stopped the boats, repealed the carbon tax or suggested a plebiscite on same sex marriage yet will reap the reward of Abbott's hard work because of his style alone. You could see the difference in Liegh Sales on 7:30 last night she has gone from shrill with Abbott to Fawning on Turnbull. No change of policy just a change in style.
  8. His social views seem more in line with Labor than Liberal but his free market ideas are stronger than Abbott's ever were. The Nationals have already got in writing that their support for Turnbull and a coalition Government is dependant on the keeping of existing climate change and marriage policies. If he shifts left on other social issues it could make for interesting watching.
  9. That was disgusting but can hardly be attributed to Abbott no matter which way you slant it.
  10. What Abbott actually said was "I think if the Prime Minister wants to make, politically speaking, an honest woman of herself, she needs to seek a mandate for a carbon tax and she should do that at the next election.". To any impartial political commentator that should be fair given on the eve of the election Gillard said "There will be no carbon tax under a Government I lead" and we all know how that changed after the election. But such was the hatred for Abbott that any time he winked, looked at his watch or called a female out for lying there was some underlying form of misogyny involved. I'm not sure what Penny Wong or Tanya Pliserbek will talk about now that Tony is on the back bench. I haven't heard them speak a sentence without saying "but Tony Abbott" in the last 6 years.
  11. It depends on how you judge the success of the carbon tax. If you expected it to have any measurable impact on the climate even in the long term it is/was an abject failure. If you think it is the best way to transition to a more efficient form of energy history is against you. The great leaps forward for man kind in technology haven't been helped along by taxing the existing technology. We didn't move from horse and cart to motor vehicle through a horse and cart tax. We didn't go from typewriter to computer on the back of a typewriter tax. We moved because the technology was better. When a cheaper more efficient form of energy is commercially viable we will switch. If you are worried about pollution then lets concentrate on eradicating that. Carbon dioxide is no pollution. If you judge it on a shift away from capitalism and towards more Government control then it is a great policy.
  12. CBF - I've already explained why it is flawed logic to judge a Government on number of bills passed. Repeating your flawed argument doesn't make it any better.
  13. Just imagine how much he would be hated if he had a head like Melkshams. Garland started so far back this year in the pre-season he was running at the back of every group by a mile, sometimes laps behind. Had no fitness base at all after the previous year. He will start on even footing next year and have an even better season. He has finished top 7 in the b&f 4 of the past 5 years and the only year he didn't he hadn't done a pre-season at all. We have absolutely no depth and yet some people want to get rid of a bloke who is versatile in that he can play on bigs and smalls and is consistently in our best players.
  14. Melbourne football club is the oldest football club in the world and I reckon Frost had the worst ever toe injury in our history.
  15. Alot of guilty people in the CFMEU then.
  16. A sign held up behind him is all they have?
  17. I'm not advocating Currie for Melbourne but expect he will go to a club desperate for a ruck and once he strings a few games together and gains some confidence will be a solid AFL ruck. He's a much better contested mark, user of the ball and tap ruckmen than Spencer.
  18. Great. So why don't you want the Craig Thomspon's of this world who are giving unions a bad name brought to justice?
  19. Ok. Using your logic you haven't been around since temperature records began so you can stop commenting (alarming) about global warming.
  20. Actually I was a paid up member of the CFME for years when I was at uni because I worked part time on construction sites and membership was compulsory. They stank then and they're worse now. I've been on strike because there wasn't traffic lights between the free parking lot (paid for by employers) across from the site and you had to walk (no more than) 50m up the road to cross at the lights. The construction company in charge of the project employed a lolly pop lady the following day to appease the union but we went on strike again because they wanted traffic lights not a lolly pop lady.
  21. I'm ot even going to pretend I have any idea what you are talking about. But to answer your question I am all for an investigation of corruption on the companies working on Federation Square if there are allegations of corruption. You see I want corruption stamped out on principal and don't turn a blind eye to it to fit some political narrative. I find it incomprehensible the way Labor is kicking and squealing about the umpire to try and drown out the findings a widespread union corruption in the Royal Commision.
  22. That's hardly a reasonable measure. Aside from the fact that legislation often runs over a number of parliaments so it is not entirely accurate anyway and that some legislation is much more important than other. You have people like Jacqui Lambie in the Senate who block everything not on merit but rather to campaign on something that has nothing to do with what she is supposed to be assessing. Then you have Bill Shorten blocking things that Labor went to the election promising and the Greens voting down an indexation in petrol excise which they have previously strongly campaigned for. This says more about them than Abbott. Measuring a Government of on bills passed is like rating a footballer on number of possessions. Dean Terlich averages more possessions that Christian Salem so he must be a better footballer type logic.
  23. Perhaps look up the meaning of bi-partisan support. Also suggest you learn how to spell the name of the party you are incorrectly giving all the credit for the RC too.
  24. The whole union movement stinks but if you want specifics Craig Thompson has been proven to have been corrupt by a court and we all know he was looked after like a cup favourite by the Labor party because they were worried about losing power if he fell.
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