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Sir Why You Little

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Posts posted by Sir Why You Little

  1. MICHAEL EFFING LONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU SON OF A [censored]!!!!

    At the 2000 GF I arrived at the

    MCC Reserve at 2am soit was a long day. At the games end i waited till Michael Long recieved his medal Booed him as loud as i could. Heard a bloke somewhere close to me yell out "You're a coward Long" Agreed. Went home. Have never rated long since that day. Dog.

  2. Ok.... if there are say three aspects to a player.. his ability to get it.. his decision making.. and disposal then its the latter two that for me are always the concern for Cam...His disposal MOST of the time is deplorable.... he's a @#!*% useless handball..and often undoes much good work by placing his so called footy mated into serious danger..as they say...with friends liek that!!

    He , to me , has never matched his stand out stellar year of a few back. In reality I think he simply played above himself that year and thats the cause of much constrenation as we have expected more.. He simply isnt capable of it.

    Have no doubt he seriously puts in...its his output thats debatable :rolleyes:

    I don't agree that Bruce "Played above Himself" as i do not think that is humanly possible. Just says to me Bruce is now under achieving. Harsh i know but a fact. Yes i know he has played injured but Footy is a brutal Game. James Hird played injured quite a bit to & look at his carreer. Can Cameron Bruce improve? He must to stay on our list. He would agree

  3. Now this might be seen as stupidity on my part, but when Hawthorn were kicking back and forth in the dying stages of the game, to me it suggested that Hawthorn weren't going to let Geelong even touch the ball. Making it all the more painful for them (the fact they were going to lose the GF) and they could do nothing about it. Call it unsociable football, but Hawthorn were effectively saying 'The cup is ours, you are not worthy or deserving enough to touch the ball in the dying seconds of our premiership'.

    This is only in the situation of a team winning by enough that the win is guaranteed.

    And good on them i say. If that was Melbourne going on to win the cup :rolleyes:, i wouldn't want our team to let the opposition get within kooee of the ball in the dying stages. But hey, that's just me!

    I was Thinking the same thing exactly whilst i was watching that game. I really enjoyed watching Hawthorn take the Cats apart Mentally. They were not at all scared by Geelong. No more smart arse on field comments from that [censored] Matthew Scarlett.

    Dont Change the Rules any Bloody more KB!!! Idiot (I do like your Toyota ad though) you can have that one!!

  4. Gee Mike I bet that Article took you all of 5 minutes to think of. What a Cutting edge Journalist you are. YAWN. Of course that is the path we must take. Going to be a bit Bloody Hard now though as the Fx!@#$%ing Gold Coast & Western Sydney becomer the AFL "Flavour of the Month" They must be assisted in every way. Why would the AFL want Melbourne to win a flag.

    I would love to follow Hawthorn's Blueprint-Pity it is no longer possible!!!!

    Why must we have 18 Teams WHY..............gimme one GOOD reason

  5. sure has, as has people thinking that this is the last chance to draft

    we have next year too

    but keep up the good work

    the content of your thread was good

    Actually the GC get a whole lot off access to a bunch of 17 year olds next year so it really does start after this draft.

    Why did Gardiner vote for the 2 new Teams...Grr!! Thanks

  6. Acker is great in the Media-Seaks his mind & speaks well. All the stations would have called him last week, so he accepts. Good. If you don't like it. Turn it off. Simple.......xx Get Todd Viney back as our Midfield coach NOW

  7. First thing we should do is try everything to get Todd Viiney back tto his Home. Toughen up our midfield. Trade hard and Tough at the Draft. Hawthorn are to be commended for what the last 5 years have done. We have gone backwards on & off the Field. ENOUGH. Get Tough Demons or DIE

  8. So on the Front page of the Age this Morning & the Sports Section Rohan Connolly wrote a Huge Story on the Return of James Hird. All based on Nothing!! Had he spoken at all to Hird Nope not a word. Heard James on the Radio this morning. Lets just say he was [censored] off & rightlly so. Connolly should be ashamed of himself. I have worked in a news room years ago & in many places he would have been sacked. All Future credibility on Rohan Connolly articles should be taken with a grain of salt. His Sources are obviously not good. Front page of the Age-to be rebuked by 7.30 AM !! You are a pillow Connolly Hang your Head. The Age CEO's will be Furious!! Stay Tuned

  9. Heard a comment on Saturday that many of the hard nut Hawk mids were drafted while Brereton was in charge of Football dept - and he insisted on toughness being a criteria.

    They certainly play with mongrel. Will be interesting to see if they control it against the cats. Last year they totally lost it against the kangas in the final they lost; 3? reports.

    They won't give a stuff about getting reported on Saturday-I am tipping a very Brutal Game. If the Cats win Back to Back they will sure earn it. Luke Hodge set an example last week. Blood will be spilt just like the Classic of '89. (The Greatest game of Pure Aussie Rules i have ever witnessed) I Hope all of the MFC watch it closely.

  10. The sooner he comes back to the club in any capacity the better. You are right WYL the hawks ahve become one of the toughest teams and im sure most of it would be put down to Viney

    I was staggered at the Hawks Toughness last Saturday. That is what we have to aim for. Don't forget Clarkson & Viney played together for two years at the MFC. Both were Tough.

    Priority Jimmy-Get Todd Back Home, Can we use our no. 1 Draft Pick!!!!!

  11. Any idea how long Todd is contracted to the Dawks? He is one person we definately need back Home.

    I am not suprised that Hawthorn have once again become mean & nasty again. It's also the way Todd played.

    A true Hard Nut. The MFC needs Viney teaching our midfield

  12. Was Alan Johnson still playing in the 90's? If So he must be in the side in the Back line.

    Sean Charles was a Great Forward before he hurt his wrist

    The Great Sean Wight-put him anywhere, always gave 110%

    The Duke Earl Spalding-Forward Flank

  13. Well you're the one who stated with such authority that Gardner made some very bad decisions.

    I agree that management of our aging list was not optimal. Do you really want the siuts in the Boardroom deciding whether to not to give Robbo another 2 years or 3? I don't - that's what the Board employs the Footy experts in the Footy Dept to do and then hold them accountable for their performance. Gardner, not Stynes, overhauled the Footy Dept in response to performance issues - appointments included Connolly, Bailey, Prendergast, Wellman, Mahoney, O'Donnell and Mark Williams. From memory 14 new players were introduced to the Club post-2007 with more changes this year. Big tick for Gardner from me on this one.

    Debt? You couldn't have taken much notice while Gardner was Chairman because it came down in each of his 4 years in the Chair.

    Accountable? Blah, blah, blah.

    MCC? This problem has been around since 1981 and Gardner was not the fiirst to be defeated by it. Jim is giving it the priority it deserves and the very existence of our Club swings on the outcome of his efforts.

    No mention of MOP home, Casey, membership (36%) and revenue (37%) growth over 4 years, stable Board with 3 female Directors, finals footy in 3 of 4 seasons etc. At least mention the good with the bad.

    I dont have to state anything with great Authority, it's all their in front of all of us to see. Our Club is an absolute Cot Case at present compared to the rest of the AFL. I am not Blaming Individuals but as a member i think its reasnoable to ask questions as to why it all happened. Maybe Joe Gutnick mneeded another Term. Who Knows in hindsight. But Christ it couldn't have been worse.

    The whole china thing was a farce. In time maybe but the old "backyard" needed to be sorted first.

    Let me ask you something...what positive things did the last board achieve before they left in silence..i am trying to think of some. We went backwards in a hurry.

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