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Sir Why You Little

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Posts posted by Sir Why You Little

  1. Please pass this idea on to Jim at the summit-I sadly did not recieve an invitation....

    More merchandise available at Home (and away) Games very close to GATE 2 (MCC Members).

    If the Membership is only $50 For MFC Give we members the chance to buy Things as we are swiping the card. I Know there is a shop set up not faraway but it needs to be "in ya Face" Like Supermarket checkouts.

    I don't mind spending a little "Hard earned" if it is in my line of sight. Pro active selling. Make the MCC

    Entrance more Melbourne.

  2. Got an email from the club today in response to a membership enquiry, and attached to the email was the file 'new_logo':


    Is this a sign of things to come, or is this an old logo?

    That is a very cool logo. I like it. Forward we move with our heritage proudly shown.

  3. I remember a photgraph of "huddo's knee" on the front page of the sun newspaer years ago when hawthorn's star full forward, peter hudson, had surgery on his knee...

    this was used by anti-footy types in their propaganda...

    it could only happen in melbourne, they said...

    if huddo's knee got a front page spread, I reckon rivvo's knee deserves at least a thread on here...

    rivvo is a demonogist with the distinction of being the sole member of our team who is not also a demonlander or a member on both sites...

    rivvo down while setting up a crucial goal for us yesterday, soccered through by benno...

    first report...

    rivvo is off to the doctor wednesday, and will let us know how things progress from there...

    good luck, mate...

    Bloody Hell i thought Jared Rivers had done a knee!!! I am sorry about your mate but please do not scare me like that!! Flashback to '95 Pre season with the Ox-depressing

  4. I had a drink with him at his pub in Hobart during the '87 finals, when we demolished Sydney.

    Great bloke and was as excited as I was about the Dees back then.

    That's good to hear a story like that. You could see Gary's Beard on the Southern Stand wing while sitting in the members!! But there were a lot of '70s porn star beards worn in the VFL back then. Bakers was the thickest i recall tho..

  5. My mail is the MFC will soon announce a new sponsor.

    The reason for the delay was due to negotiation on "price". This delay was further impacted due to the fixturing.

    As a result and as I understand it, the MFC did not get the sponsorship fee it was originally hoping for.

    If this does indeed turn out to be the case, are we still not justified in "sooking" about our treatment at the hands of Vlad the Impaler?


    The Bottom line is we just have to win games-all these problems will ease if we can win some games & respectability. I sure hope the board are thinking along these lines, because everything else is just spin doctoring at the end of the day if we do not improve on the field. I am stoked we can get any major sponsor at the moment.

  6. I am an MCC/MFC Member and i think that connection will be our greatest assett in the future, but i agree in part with all the above posts that at the moment it is completely under utilized. MFC Merchandise should greet me before i swipe my Card on home game days. Club Reps should be at Gate 2 Making us feel passionate about the afternoon to come. I have always thought for years that t MFC has never embraced it core supporters nearly as much as it should. I should write to Cameron Schwabb on this point-anyone know his email??


    The lot of you.

    Its freaking preseason, get a grip.

    Its not sooking mate. Its a reality. Nothing wrong with being angry. The MFC is being treated like an old rag by the AFL at present. If they had any decency toward us they may throw us a little slack in the Pre season, but no...not a thing & then they lambast us for not having a good business plan.

    I really hope we can battle through this crap & some time in the future be in a position to stand up to the AFL. Time will tell

  8. If 2008 was a 'normal' year, I'd agree with your criteria.

    Keeping it simple I think Bailey is a good coach.

    I also think he will shown be a great coach.

    This is the way i have always felt. I remember Nathan Bourke speaking after the selection. He was genuinely knocked out by Baileys preparation & presentation.

    We have a very good coach at Melbourne. We need the other pieces..

  9. FTR if we win we're definately playing at Telstra Dome the next week, as the winner of Melb-Hawthorn plays the winner of North Melbourne-Carlton

    If i was Bailey i would be going Flat out to win that first game. Pick the Best side. Train Hard For it. Shove it up the AFL

  10. You know, Hawthorn will have started their pre-season about 6-7 weeks after we started ours, they won't be worried about the NAB Cup, whereas we should be taking it very seriously - we need to show our supporters that there is some light at the end of the tunnell, for our off-fields sake. Hawthorn won't give a rats about the NAB Cup.

    We might actually win this game. Not because we're better than them, but because they won't care, and we should.

    October 30, calling it ridiculously early.

    Ime in your camp. We as a club must take every game seriously from now on. All games for us are hard and should be planned for that way

  11. After 2008 i Personally do not have a problem with the whole list being placed on 1 year incentive based Contracts. I know it aint possible but its what should happen. Make players really want to earn their place.

  12. I can't wait for Bailey or Bruce's 'yeah we're looking forward to playing the best side in the competition so we know where we're at' line. Yeah we know exactly where we are at, don't need a thumping to remind is week 1. Very, very poor AFL.

    Don't forget though Hawthorn may still be Hungover from this year!! We might win!!! Ridiculous but Possible!!!

  13. Another statement!

    odds of playing premier 1-15

    odds of playing premier away 1-30

    odds of playing premier away two years in a row 1-900

    The AFL see it as a nice little opportunity for us to get comfortably smashed, perhaps in humiliating circumstances -

    just so our shattered players, coaches and supporters can have a nice little confidence boost to start off with and of course damage our membership and sponsorship campaigns and make sure the media and everyone else are getting stuck right into us from day one

    Thanks again AFL

    They want us GONE

    I just hope the club views all this [censored] as a challenge rather than putting up the white flag. The Character of the stynes board is going to be really tested over the next couple of years.

    "It's better to die on your Feet than too live on your knees"

    Midnight Oil

  14. It wasn't 1990 by any chance. I think we were down by 38 points early in the last quarter.

    Got an old copy of that game after taping the 6:00 replay that night!

    1990 at Windy Hill!! Darren Bennett went off in the Last Q. Brilliant Day, Last time i saw a game at that feral dump. Kicked 4 goals in Time on to win. Steve Odwyer left a lot of his teeth in the centre circle that Day. I have the whole game on tape.

    Proper Hard Footy. Thought i was going to be killed getting out of the ground. It got a bit scary. Essendon were not happy.

    Good side in 1990 Very Tough.

  15. I really think the club should use this as a marketing tool. get behind the club and break the curse... maybe not next year but in three years when we are playing finals

    You are onto a great idea there. Does the Club have a direct discussion Website?? Some of the Topics on here should be directly handballed to them. others of course should get nowhere near them. I like the idea of getting Norm Smith involved iin our next tilt. Bet he would love it to.

  16. ... to open their NAB Cup game with an easy one ...

    v Hawthorn at Aurora Stadium in Launceston.

    We are on our own..The only way we are going to climb out of this mire is to stick together. The AFL do not care about the MFC. It is clear. They are far more interested in North of the Border.

  17. Or at least 3 times every 2 years. Take Essendon for example about MFC getting screwed finacially. 2008 Ess home game at our home ground? 2009 Ess home game at Telstra to maximise there profit with a crowd of over 40,000 expected.

    Essendon have had an unbelievably brilliant deal at Telstra since it opened. They were the First to sign up to the Dump, & therefore manage to have a good deal on anything sold there. The Kind of deal we lost at the MCG in the 80's & must try to get back.

  18. You know mate after the devestation of the recent FIXture, I feel I have done a 180 on my thinking. That fixture just tells me straight out that the AFL are happy to let us die. No doubt about it. I now agree with you that we just have to put in an at least decent year of footy this year at the price of the draft bonus or we could really be in a mess. I still don't think we will have the cattle to take us all the way in the future but I don't think we can afford to risk finishing last again, Mr.Demetriou is sharpening his axe. That means of course we have to actually play decent footy, something we have been spectacularly rubbish at for the past 2 years. We need about 10 blokes to have their absolute best year of footy yet - probem is I can think of about 10 who had their best year last year, and that certainly didn't help us. Can we at least get bloody McLean on the park at least half the time please. Anyway, i'm with ya, back up the ladder pronto please Dees.

    Yes! I am glad you "saw the Light"!!! Fighting clubs get noticed and respected. Those on welfare year after year are killed off spiritually and in the real world. Carlton had Richard Pratt to lean on so they could afford to bludge for two years after cheating for about 20 years. We don't hold those cards, so there blueprint was never ours. (Thanks Mark Rielly Round 22 2007) Now he really put the boot into the MFC.

    Onward & Strong

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