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Sir Why You Little

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Posts posted by Sir Why You Little

  1. I think the cost would be the biggest part.

    Not many families would be able to afford going to the airshow, then the next week/week after going to the footy then the GP. GP is fine though, they'll probably just get free tickets.

    1 pm game will finish at about 345, thats an hour and a quarter. Storm in a teacup people

    You have obviously not been to a Grand Prix Race Before. Before the main race there is always a strong suppt card of Races. People go to the Track early in the morning & Stay all day. Very Few people arrive just before the start. This is not good planning if it is correct. This site will be full of complaints next year when it happens. You wait.

  2. OH MY GOD

    Have you read any of this thread at all? If you have, you have completely missed the important point on which the whole discussion is based.... I mean what the hell do you think we are all talking about?

    How many times do I have to tell people something so simple




    Please, i'm begging all of you, remember this and don't commit thread pollution by coming in and stating things that are just plain WRONG

    win 4 or less = 2 picks in the top 4

    win 5 or more = 1 pick around the 5-10 mark

    this is FACT. this is so simple to understand.


    Dont take me for a fool!! 2009 Draft is compromised. The age requirements are shifting so a lot of those presently elligable will not be ready till 2010.

    This is the last draft where all the talent is available. After this year getting early Draft Picks will be a cherished memory. Don't forget Western Sydney will follow in the next 3-5 years God forbid. The way to make our club attractive is to start demanding a winning culture from Supporters Officials & Players.

    We blew our chance of 2 years of bottoming out in 2007 & cartank knew it.

  3. I have never been a Rod Butters Fan at all, infact the few times i have heard him speak i consider him to be a little derranged!! But i agree with him and his points in this article. For the Saints to be $1.4mill in the red after winning the NAB Cup this year is a Shocking result from thier board. 2-3 years time that club will be in a bad way (All their top players are getting old together) I just hope Jimmy & the Boys are right on top of all the Business economics out there. The new direction the MFC takes has to be the right one.

  4. We've got the grand prix until 2015. THere is another major event on the same day - the international air show which comes to Melbourne every 2 years.

    Is that correct-The Air show is on that day aswell??? The AFL certainly do not care whether the MFC lives or dies do they. T he air show is fantastic & always draws huge crowds, as it is a rare event i shall be attending. If that is also the day of our first round game AFL i shall blame YOU entirely for me not being able to attend.

  5. Gee Thanks AFL Another quiet kick in the Guts to the MFC. I am a fan of Grand Prix Racing Myself as my father raced cars back in the '50's so its in the Blood. Thanks for scheduling the MFC to play against a major sporting event. Low crowds, Low TV Ratings. Thanks so much. What a brilliant selling point for a new sponasor this is-AFL Bastards

  6. Port Adelaide should never have been allowed in anyway. For all there success (and they have won many SANFL flags) There support base is a slice of the adelaide population. Those who do not follow Port, Hate them with a vengance. So the crows supporters would revell in low power crowds. Within the next 10 years they will struggle unless they can upgrade the stadium deal at AAMI, Like us port cannot Bottom out-Supporters will not accept it. There crowds dropped right off after round 13


    Nice try changing your argument instead of just admitting you stuffed up what year GC are coming in

    Your kind should have their keyboards confiscated :angry:

    Chill out & Have a cold beer Mate. Whatever the Situation with GC, i Don't care if i am right or wrong to be honest. I just disagree with "Bottoming out" again next year. We can't afford it.

  8. Funny you went from talking about next year to the last 40 years. :rolleyes:

    We are going to have to develop the current list and it will take time. We cant afford not to do it and do it properly. We then have to improve our capabilities off the field to ensure any success we have is real and enduring. The AFL are effectively "managing" Clubs like Kangaroos, Western Bulldogs and MFC. They have all the leverage currently to do it. They are not.

    Its just that i don;t want next year to be the same as the last 40+ years. It can't be. Sure the AFL will keep us alive on a drip feed, but at what cost. I don't believe we have the luxury of Tanking for Draft Picks. My Opinion

  9. You are wrong.

    You make it sound like a choice. It is not. All Clubs will go through a phase of bottoming out at some stage as a natural outcome of the draft and salary cap as their list matures and their stars fade and retire. All Clubs will go through a bottoming out process at some stage. The issue is to manage the process and to prepare and maximise the talent you can take on the list.

    No Melbourne have been "bottoming Out" & accepting Mediocrity for over 40 years. We cannot afford to do it anymore. If we do we will have the same History as Fitzroy. With the 2 new sides being created, this will give the AFL more leverage to oust any "Basket Cases" in the future.

  10. Correct.

    Thats not what i have heard, but i am not going to argue-whatever the answer we cannot afford the luxury of Mediocrity next year, Hawthorn had that luxury because of the success in the 80's & 90's. We must aim higher next year

  11. yes but you don't have your facts straight

    we need ONE more draft pillage, ONE more year of being losers, THEN we get better

    as somebody said recently 1 more year of pain for 15 years reward

    you do the math

    The Gold coast recieve a heap of picks next year before the draft is open to anybody else. The Days of bottoming out are OVER. I wish posters here would understand this.

  12. Its what i always thought. 2008 was completely unnacceptable. Any more of those & we are finished. To all those who think we need to bottom out again, I doubt we could afford that. Sponsors would walk. Who wants to be associated with losers. MFC must be bold

  13. Win as Many Games as Possible. Next years Draft is totally Soiled with Gold Coast Picks. Not woprth Bottoming out For. Learn a Win at all Costs Attitude. Our club must strive to accept nothing less than this, as was the case until mid 1965. We must get back to that way of thinking using modern tequniches

  14. This morning Dean was on SEN.

    I really like Dean, in fact i think he is the right man for the job! But sometimes i wish he would just answer the question directed at him. he always manages to beat around the bush and ever really gives a yes or no answer!!

    this morning he unfortunately looked like a fool. he was asked if Chopper will be there next year..... he did his usual we will sit down with nathan and his manager, ricky nixon next week and talk about things etc etc etc... (which he said last week as well mind you)

    After they spoke with Dean, the SEN krew rang Ricky Nixon and asked him if Nathan will be a demon next year... Ricky had a little chuckle and straight out said NO!!!!!

    this means that perhaps they have already had that chat and coming to terms with $$$ etc, (which is fine) but i think if Dean knows he wont be there, and ricky knows and nathan knows, and lets be honest we know considering he missed the B & F and didnt start training this week..... then why dont they tell us.. the paying member and loyal supporter?? i appreciate that there is a situation here with $$$ as he is contracted... but a simple NO like what ricky said would have been just fine!

    Dean Bailey Cannot give a definitive answer on carroll because of legal reasons. $$$ are involved. Get off his case.

  15. Certainly was. Maher is very frustrating when asking questions. He asks the questions and almost answers it himself sometimes in the process before an answer can come from the person he is interviewing. Nothing new from Bailey.

    Glad some one else notices that. It is trully beyond me how Maher has got so far in journalism. He really is terrible, & i don't say that lightly. If i was interviewed by him i would have him gagged & Chained so i could answer. John Faine on ABC 774 is the same.

  16. Moanaghan = no loss, because no payout; plenty of fish out there.

    Clarkson; blessed with above average support, with direction dictated by Dunstall & Co originally.

    Viney; if he was worth something Hawthorn would have made an offer he could not refuse. Instead, he left for Adelaide. Never liked crap around here to get him back to Dees.

    Fagan and Evans; who are they?

    Speak For Yourself!! I watched many games involving Todd Viney & I want him back in the MFC Family-He was A True Hard Nut.

    Clarkson is a top bloke-Good luck to him

  17. dude. no need. I'll answer them for you.

    Q1/ The members want to know, "What does the club intend to do with Nathan Carroll?"

    With Nathan Carroll's case, we are trying to sort out some issues and work out what is the best course of action. We're looking forward to having discussion with Nathan and hopefully finding resolution that will satisfy both parties.

    Q2/ MFC need a leader and tall marking forward - "will Jack Watts be the No.1 pick at the Mfc in the National Draft for 2008?"

    Jack's a quality young player who shows everything you're looking for in a young man but there are 2-3 other outstanding talents to also consider when making that choice. No doubt whoever we pick up at pick 1, will be an exciting prospect for MFC.

    Q3/ "Are the players and coaching staff looking forward to spending the Summer at Casey Fields for pre season training?"

    The lads have started training this week and they all have come back looking sharp. The facilities are great down at Casey and it'll be fantastic to set up base there.

    Q4/ "What do you see as a pass mark next year in terms of wins?"

    I'm not going to put a number on it but I'm looking for the team to improve and be more competitive.

    Q5/ a) Is there a short list of players that the club is looking at for the Pre Season Draft with Pick 1 on December 16th?

    cool.gif If so who are these players?

    There;s still a long way to PSD and frankly it's too early to tell. The player we want could re-sign with their club tomorrow.

    Q6/ What can Melbourne supporters look forward to in the 2009 season?

    Improvements from our young kids. The likes of Petterd, Buckley, Morton, Maric, Grimes, Jones, Ferguson will all have another year in the system and will be bigger, stronger and better. Hang in there Melbourne supporters, the future's looking bright.

    This was very close to the real thing!!!! There was no earth shattering news as thats always hard to achieve with andy Maher Hogging the Mike.

  18. No, didn't mean trade week... Its just that criticisms can be made of Brock off-field, but i think they can be made of BG too.

    Personally have some issues with Brad Green's profile as a captain and his lack of personality whenever he's done things in the media (ie. the footy show)

    I know he tries, but i think he's not the type to make the club look attractive. He's more vanilla than anything.

    its a petty criticism, i know.

    BTW would you be prepared to tell Brad that he is "Vanilla" to his face?? I doubt it very much. Too much hiding behind a Keyboard on this site. Demonland is better than that.

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