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Sir Why You Little

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Posts posted by Sir Why You Little

  1. No, didn't mean trade week... Its just that criticisms can be made of Brock off-field, but i think they can be made of BG too.

    Personally have some issues with Brad Green's profile as a captain and his lack of personality whenever he's done things in the media (ie. the footy show)

    I know he tries, but i think he's not the type to make the club look attractive. He's more vanilla than anything.

    its a petty criticism, i know.

    I wouldn't take too much out of the "Footy Show" as far as personality goes. I would be more worried about how Brad talks to the team in a huddle. His selfless acts of courage on field speak Captain to me. Brock does the same, but not yet as much. Brad Green is the one player i believe who consistently held his own in 2008. The B & F order i find staggering-but its only my view.

  2. Would be nice to get him.

    Get back Davey, Rivers, McLean and Molooney, add the number 1 pick and Ryan O'Keefe.

    Suddenly things look pretty good.

    I havent written off season 2009 like most. I think we can make the Finals.

    I agree, The players voted to start training early. Now Stynesy as prez with the Debt campaigns, new proven CEO coming home, i reckon the players would have felt pretty ordinary about the 2008 season. I think we shall see a vastly different team

    2009 Finals, bring 'em on....This years finals were such a yawn!!

  3. If He is contracted to the club for next year i would say that means he is a required player. All players were instructed to attend training this morning, By Carroll not showing up that would make it easier for the club to make that last year void i would guess. Interesting, i was sure he was going to roll up and

    hoping he would have the attitude "I will show you" maybe i was dreaming.

  4. Do you think Brock's actions on the field have not warranted it?

    That brisbane game that ended his season he played through the injury and was critical I thought.

    If you're going to talk about 'off-field issues' i think Green has some question marks too

    by the way, saw Brock out on saturday and he looked like he was moving pretty well, looks like he'll be up & going for most of pre-season

    I don't have a great problem with Brock being captain, in future years i think he will, but for this year i think Greeny should be the captain. I think he was our best player. What "Off Field" incidences are you talking about, not Trade week i hope. Thats just business. BTW i respect Brock for putting his hand in his pocket at the Debt Demolition.

  5. I definately think green should be the captain. His actions on the Footy field warrant it. What happened over draft week is in the past. Remember all players are tradeable. Green didn't want to leave the MFC, he wanted a good deal. He stood his ground and got it. Move on Captain for sure...

  6. He just merely confirmed it.

    Only about six trades went through in total. One of those (Warnock was pre ordained).

    Hardly any of them substantial.

    Trade week is hugely overrated.

    Some posters like this thread's author get carried away with their trade fantasies and have no iota of knowledge of the process nor what actually went on.

    Totally agree RR. There was not much to trade for. Draft day will be our test. Why swap crap for crap. Warnock 400 k untested!!! We shall see. I believe we already have the better Warnock

  7. Instead of taking on a challenge of helping to rebuild a club that has won 8 games in 2 years, you took the easy option.

    You are frontrunners of the highest order, and dont have the guts to accept a challenge.

    We dont need mentally weak players at our footy club.

    You are not men.

    How Far under the Salary Cap are those Cheating Blues now? That's all i care about. Niether of those players are proven. We may already have the Best Warnock.

    Prismalls knee buckled under his own weight. I didn't like the look of that long term, as i said yesterday i remember Steven Clark from Essendon who played four games and did his knee again against essendon! We still have all our picks guys. Chill its Beer Oclock!

  8. I wouldn't worry too much. I really don't think there was much to trade for. We have our picks and PSD in place. Brent Prismall has a bung Knee, Okeefe a highly inflated price. We Didn't lose Green, & nobody knows how good or bad Warnock is. Definately not worth 400 k. Carlton may regret that one. So all in all i think MFC was quite wise. Remember if there is no interest in Bell or Carroll that's that. MFC can't give them away. Think toward the Future-we will improve.

  9. Pick 35 for Prismall should do it I reckon.

    I love the logic around here that once a player injures themselves they are forever injured and can never come back.

    Pessimism amongst supporters doesn't make for a great club.

    I still remember Steven Clark in the early nineties. Played what Four games before the knee went "Bang again" Never to play again. Prismall is damaged goods so a low draft pick should only be used.

  10. Deep down i hope Green stays, i want him there to teach the young kids how to play. Green is selfless most of the time. He is not the greatest,but does go in hard. Pick 16 is selling him short in a way. But i am aware this is a top draft so..........

  11. I say trade him, if he is tossing up his options why should we wait! We have gone to his asking of 3 years, we are offering him a fair price with even some teams probably not prepared to pay him what we would be. He is holding us hostage and i dont like it. He must be weighing up if to go to a contender knowing we may me down the bottom for a few years.

    Very disappointing but i say move on.... People should be aware if Brad Green does not play for the dees next year it will NOT be the clubs fault for not trying but HIS decision to leave our club.

    I disagree a little with you here Mousey, I think the Results in the B & F have really [censored] Greeny off,, & i Don't Blame him. Mclean 2nd after only 14 games. Brad Green was a Shining light For MFC this year and he wasn't even rated in the Leadership group at the start of 2008. Brad feels he got shafted particulairly as his contract penalized him for not getting a higher B & F Nomination. The Voting System in place Stinks.

  12. Being competitive is obviously easier said than done. I don't expect us to better the win:loss ratio from next year, but I don't expect four 100+ point losses or whatever like this season. We're losing 4-5 veteran players (probably more) and adding younger players. We were inexperienced last season, and we'll be even more inexperienced next year.

    We need to draft well and wisely and go with a strict youth policy. If that means pain next year, then so be it. I'd rather see no improvement next year, but substantial improvement from then on in, just so we can get our high draft picks used to playing AFL football. The last two seasons have been an aging process. We haven't been rebuilding, but rather getting rid of/fixing the mess that Neale "I stayed 5 years too long" Daniher left. Next season is officialy the beginning of the rebuilding phase. Don't expect much improvement onfield. That will come from 2010 onwards imho.

    Melbourne needs to gain Respect next year on & off the field. I expect to see a little more improvement on the field than has been stated earlier on this thread, as a long "proper" pre-season is about to commence. with the 2 new teams being forced down our throats the MFC does not have years to grow & Nurture like the Hawks did. We must show improvement rather quickly. Remember that we are still without a Major sponsor & in these Dark Economic times ahead that will not be easy.

    Act Now.

  13. I think the trading of Green would be a win/win for him and the MFC!

    MFC is rebuilding and want draft picks for this so important draft. Green will get us a reasonable pick and give us that much more space in the salary cap.

    Green is playing good football and could help a team in the window of contending for a premiership. Why at his age would'nt he want that? He could get a similiar contract we have offered and have that chance of a premiership before his career is out.

    Thanks Greeny and best wishes! Would like to see you go to Port! Obviousley they think there Premiership window is still open.

    But I predict a big play by Collingwood by the end of the week!

    Nathan Brown Thought the same thing when he walked to the Tigers Didn't he. Think Carefully Brad Green. Things can turn around quickly. Think very Carefully about your future....

  14. Brad Sewell. And please never mention this again, it makes me sick :(

    Ferguson should have been Frog Marched out the door with a Melways page to Waverly. Brad Sewell in Red & Blue, Each Touch he got in the G.F made me drink another Beer!!! Jesus H. God Dancing Christ!!!!

  15. Rumour doing the rounds that one of the first trades will be Sentana O'Hailpin will be sent to the dees for pick 51.


    i dont know too much about him other than his passion is indeed infectious and can not help but smile where he celebrates like he just won the lotto after slotting a goal from 5 metres out right infront haha

    Is he a ruck or a defender?

    Ofcourse this is just a rumour so dont kill me

    Walk away from that deal MFC WALK AWAY!!!! NOW

  16. Sorry WYL.

    "Geeper" is the affectionate nickname Jimmy gave to one G Lyon.

    So Garry & Viney had a falling out hey, [censored] The club is bigger than one man. I Hope stynesy or Schwabb can do something to help reconsile the situation. To regain or MCC affiliation & to regain Vineyin the space of 1-2 years would be brilliant

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