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Sir Why You Little

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Posts posted by Sir Why You Little

  1. I just whacked another $50 on.

    Shhh, dont tell the mrs though, i took it out of the money i had put aside for her impending birthday present. She'll still be getting something nice, but it will be worth 50 bucks less.

    Ha Ha that's a Beauty "Sorry Dear I couldn't get you that i had to Donate more Money to The MFC-Priorities my Dear" Love ya work!!!!

  2. Pretty naive to say Collingwood don't travel well.

    Granted they travel less, but that is a different argument

    I know there record is not too bad, But they travel such a small amount any win puts the ratio up by about 5% !! Melbourne on the other hand at this point in time Travel appallingly. I remember when the interstate sides first came in to the comp. We travelled pretty well. John Northey got us pumped pretty well

  3. I am sure Gardner and his Board made some very bad decisions just as Jim's Board will on their watch.

    What would you consider to be the 5 worst "very bad decisions" that you think Gardner made?

    A very Difficult Question when i am not part of the Meetings and Business Deals to answer. All i do know is the club has a debt that seems to grow everytime i look at it. Over paid Ageing players Yze should have been delisted after 2007 along with Nietz (or at least should have annointed and had a transition period with a new Captain). Basically the whole club needs to be more accountable top to bottom. Our Deal with the MCC has always been terrible since the Eighties. This is the First Big Job i hope Jimma addresses.

  4. I think we might end up with the lowest combined brownlow votes in the history

    we only dominated the west coast game our other 2 wins could have votes going either way

    I predict 14 Votes total for MFC at this years brownlow

    14 Votes!! My you are genorous i would predict no more than half that=7 Votes Total

  5. - We travel well

    - We have more premierships and stopped your run of 5 straight flags

    These Two Points re Collingwood make me Laugh........How can they be sure they travel well when they don't go anywhere

    and Collingwood stopped our run of SIX (6) Flags-count them Thru mostly deeds of thuggery as they were well known in those days of one umpire.

    Six of our Flags were won against your mob and lets hope we can win a few more before i am gone!!

  6. Approaching my 50th birthday, my sage realisation is that Collingwood bothers me little compared w. the hostility I have for Carlton. I enjoy Mick's whingeing (last weekend about having to travel!!) & their lack of reward for all the $$$ they throw around. On the other hand, Carlton proving that cheats do prosper ...

    I feel exactly the Same about Carlton-They have cheated the system since 1965 (although back then the rules were very fimsy) But But look at the Club now-Full of first Draft Picks!! Rewarded for Cheating. Because of the Cardboard King they now call themselves The "Green" Club!!! Giving Dodgy Jobs to Chris Judd at Visy...Wake up AFL

    I am really hoping Carlton Fxck up again with the salary Cap. History says they will as that club feeds on Greed ragardless of the consequences. Let us watch carefully........

  7. I have nothing against the Board run by Gardiner & his team, I am sure they worked Long & Hard, but the Results are they made some very bad decisions that have left the club hanging by a thread. God help us if Jim Stynes had not come along.

    If our debt is continually rising there is only so many donations that can be made. This is my major concern. Cameron Schwab staerts next week, that is a major positive, and when our new journey really starts.

  8. Don't you love revisionist history.

    If you are going to enter a discussion of the Club's finances then at least get your facts right.

    Fact 1: In each of the four completed years of Gardner's Chairmanship, the Club made a profit, significantly reducing debt in the process. For the six consecutive years before Gardner's election the Club made a loss, accumulating over $5 million in debt in the process.

    Fact 2: At the time of Gardner's standing down the Club was on track for an operating loss in the current year of $1.6 million. This is very disappointing and unsustainable. Gardner and his Board are ultimately accountable for this result. Any improvement (eg fund raising) or deterioration (eg cost of sacking of key executives) in this position in the balance of this financial year is attributable to decisions made by the Stynes board.

    Fact 3: There was no coverup. On 10 July Jim Stynes said this: “Obviously when you come into it you’re not totally sure what’s there but I’ve been really pleased with what I’ve seen,” Stynes said. “I haven’t been shocked, or there hasn’t been any skeletons hidden in closets".

    You may well be correct-But The Bottom line is the Club is a mere shell at the End of the Gardiner Years. Other Clubs have Surged on during that time off field. We have gone Backwards. That is not re inventing History.

    I love this club & i want it to survive and be strong, but when i read threads such as this i really don't like our chances at all

  9. There was a thread not so long ago that had something to do with ranking your top 5 heart-breaks as a demons supporter...

    Of the generation that have been supporting from about the mid nineties:

    Obviously Broady ranked number 1.

    2002 semi-final against Adelaide was up there. Trapper's finest footballing hour.

    And I think Schwarta probably ranked second in amongst all the others.

    We should have a look for that thread sometime... Was a good one.

    1987 Prelim will always be no 1 Heartbreak no matter what decade you discuss, but yes it would be good to get that thread Back up and running

  10. Naitinui is a great athlete but he is a long long term project. He would be totally smashed up in the AFL right now-He is long & Lean right now. Jack Watts is in Melbourne at Brighton Grammer (who already wear Red and Blue) so he must be our number one priority.

    Let me say one thing though. Daniel Rich is a total Gun-I have seen him play for Subiaco via Tape who just won the Flag easily from Swan Districts. Rich is a young Superstar, so if the Dees pickrd him up i wouldn't be too concerned, if only we could get Rich & Watts.

    Bring on Trade Week!!

  11. So basically the Hawks recruiting policy then?


    Absolutely, They have had a Totaol Clean out since 2004 and backed themselves all the way. The Club is Loaded with Cash and assetts. Next week they are not just in the GF, they are a serious Challenger. I am Tipping a Few sore Geelong Bodies next week. This new team plays very Similiar to the 80's. The MFC should look at the Hawthorn Blue Print very Closely over summer.

  12. You say it like kicking 100 goals a season is like shelling peas

    No Melboune player has done it in 150 years

    Its a damn good reason why we haven't had success or so long. If only we could get a Big Athletic CHF that would Help. Ahh Yes Jack Watts is available-Excellent

  13. Wasn't it up at Albury at Lavington Oval? Or was that the third time he did it?

    The second one was at the G against Sydney if memory serves me correct.

    Yes the Second time was defanitely the 'G against bcoz i was sitting not far from his mum & she was Gutted like everyone. The whole 'G went Silent. I am pretty sure his first Injury was close to the Junction but hey it's a long time ago & i Just get [censored] off thinking about it.

    Hawthorn are about to start another Dynasty-again. Around that ime both clubs were broke...The MFC still is......

  14. Colin Must play some top line Football in 2009 otherwise i would be asking him to move on.

    Look at Hawthorn, inin 6 years they are seriously cjhallenging for a Flag, why because they Drmand the Utmost from players.

    We as a Club must do this. 2009 Shape up or ship out Col. No more late nights out with your Pal Alan Didak please...

  15. Jack Watts - 8 goals in 6 games in the TAC cup. Pass.

    Naitanui averages more goals in the WAFL.

    Naitanui is years away from being an AFL Player. I watch a game evey week at the ABC, The WAFL is nowhere near the standard we are used to. By the Time Naitanui plays a senior game he will be homesick & be back to Perth. Not worth the Effort sadly as the MFC does not have years to wait.

    Bring on Jack "Charlie" Watts ............."Should be a good one today sir.Local Boy"

  16. Walker is on Adelaide's list. He was drafted under the NSW scholarship player rule - the one that Melbourne hasn't really embraced much at all because of the costs involved.

    That would be right!! We don't get involved because it costs too much. I can sense a feeling of the dreaded Fitzroy Black Cloud Hanging above our great Club.

    Well watch out for Walker he is a class act, sad to see him wearing a Froot Loop Jumper it will be!!

  17. Yeah I understand that you think we would loose members and I certainly understand that members means money. I just argue the fact that it would happen.

    As we speak Melbourne are trying to Rekindle the Connection with the MCC. To lose the word Melbourne from our club is just a stupid Niave idea. We are Melbourne, at the moment its all we have.........

  18. hey mate

    thanks for the update

    do u have any info about age?

    any info about height, weight, body type, stats

    any videos or articles

    do u think he could still be around in the 2nd round?

    I suggest you look up Norwood on the web.

    Number 24-Seen him kick bags of 7-8 quite regulairly. At present he is quite skinny but thats ok. If he still exist in the 2nd Round I would Grab him FOR SURE!!

  19. Was talking to Guy Jalland at a mates 18th the other night- he is the dad of some mates of mine (twins)

    he was saying that the club has fruther debt than it thought... and although the millions that have been raised so far, there are still millions to wipe off.

    keep donating people, and make sure you've bought your memberships for 2009, because we want this club to survive, and at the moment- it isn't looking like it. Get everyone you know to sign up for 2009

    So who is Finally going to show us the "True Picture" of how stuffed our Finances are. I want to know the Truth and as a paid up member for 2009 think i deserve such info. C'mon MFC show some balls. We can turn it around like the Hawks but first we need Honesty.

    Gardiner & co it seems really buggered things up didn't they....they are all so quiet.

  20. Taylor Walker. Norwood SANFL Young Full Forward. I Have watched him via ABC Television Recordings all year. He is Young, Raw, Needs to bulk up a bit but my he has Talent, and is a mighty Long Accurate Kick. Seriously reminds me of a young David Nietz. I hope the MFC is seriously thinking about him. Watts & Walker just might be a Gun Forward Line in 3-4 Years. Forget Natinui go for Walker. He will kick 100 AFL Goals in a season barring injury.

  21. We were a "real" chance until the season actually started. We lost the first six games of the year and then lost the last 4 games. Finishing with 9 and 13. In reality we were not a show at all.

    After being knocked out of the 1994 finals in unceremoniously in straight sets, Carlton (now Visybank) were set for revenge and monstered the competition savagely that year and finished 18 an4 at the end of the H&A four games clear of second.

    Yes Yes I remember all that RR-My point was that if the Ox had Played the season like a Carey or Jakovich we were a Big Chance. We lost the First six Games because the Ox wasn't there!! How Many Brown paper Bags were Handed out by "TheCArlton Crew" pre '95

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