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Sir Why You Little

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Posts posted by Sir Why You Little

  1. The AFL has moved the Bombers v Dogs game from Darwin to Telstra Dome to aid the bushfire appeal. I suggest they should move the Demons v Hawks game as well and give all proceeds to the appeal.

    More Demons and Hawks fans will attend the game and spend money and donate directly if the game is in melbourne. With more food and drink and admissions tickets sold more money would be raised for the appeal. If the same was done in tasmania it would only be a small crowd with far less chance of raising money. Imagine 20000 people giving an extra $10.00 each that would be $200000.00 for a start. If there were 30000 then much more.

    Come on AFL do the right thing for the people of country victoria who have suffered so much in the last few days, move the game to Telstra Dome and donate all takings including food and drink and the cheer squads can collect donations.

    Good idea, But i wonder if the AFL know when melbourne is actually playing? I would be suprised. I have realized they don't care if we don't have a sponsor & have done nothing to help our situation that i have heard about. We really are on our own.

  2. Oh how lovely it is to see England get smashed by the Windies. And they can consider themselves fortunate to make 51, when they were at one stage 7/26. Luckily for them Flintoff showed a bit of backbone.

    Let's hope they keep that kind of form up going into the Ashes.

    Yes that will shut Botham up for a few months! Heard him say a while back the Poms were an absolute "Monty" to white wash the ashes series 5-0 this year. Yeah Right Pom. IN Your Dreams.

    All out 51 Hilarious. Even Better than Geelong last year!

  3. We must go out there to win. We must aim to win every Game, it's the only way we can survive. We have to attract Sponsors. Sponsors like good product that a Mass Audience can identify with. At the Moment we are so far from that. But i do think the tide is turning. But we MUST win some Games.

  4. Can I apologise up front for actually being a Collingwood supporter. Liam Jurrah is a very close friend of mine.

    I just wanted to congratulate the MFC for providing such a welcoming and supportive environment for him. He is settling in very well and has already got a few close mates amongst the team.

    For background, let me set the record straight. Liam was not eligible for the national draft, because neither Collingwood or anyone else nominated him. He only became eligible in the PSD/Rookie draft after Rupert Betheras tracked Liam down in Central Australia, got his signature on a form and made a special plea to the AFL to allow his nomination to be accepted. It was, and the rest is history. For your information, however, I have it on very good authority that Ben Cousins can thank the Demons for him being drafted by the Tigers. If Melbourne had not drafted Liam with their first pick the Tigers were set to pounce.

    When Liam left the Collingwood VFL team in the middle of 2008 he returned home to play for his beloved Yuendumu Magpies. They were sitting near the bottom the the AFL-CA ladder. With Liam back in the side Yuendumu won the next 8 games on the trot and got into the Grand final. During an 8 minute spell in the first quarter Liam kicked 4 goals. Yuendumu won the flag. Liam won the equivalent of the Norm Smith. Believe me, this boy can play.

    Anyway, with Liam Jurrah (his teammates call him 'LJ') now at the the Demons, they have now become my 2nd team. Let me just say that he is one of the most exciting players I've ever seen - he runs like Aaron Davey and leaps in the air higher than Robbo. I certainly hope that he gets a chance to play senior footy this year as he is raring to go. Whatever happens, the MFC can be proud that they have broken new ground in having the first ever true desert footballer to play AFL. He and the Demons have already made history. Let's hope this is just the start of a long and exciting journey.

    PS. Even though my heart bleeds black and white, I'll be there amongst Dees supporters cheering Liam on when he gets to play in red and blue. Go Liam and go Dees!

    Thanks for that RudeBoy. After Reading this story i will watch closely the progress of LJ. Let's Hope he can win a few games off his own Boot for the Demons Now! Look out Queen's Birthday-Maybe that's when DB should run him off the bench early in the 3rd Q with the Instructions "Just Go For it"
  5. http://www.realfooty.com.au/news/news/liam...3423226301.html

    Great article by Martin Flanagan about Liam Jurrah.

    Gee I hope this guy makes it, sounds like he's got all the ability. Would be great for the club and his township.

    Go Dees

    Wow What a Superb Read. This is the sort of things we need at melbourne to lift our profile. The MFC is the place people WANT to come to & PLAY for.

    Positive stuff. Flanagan is a true poet & writer. I was up there amongst the tribe reading that.

  6. I put my hand up for this.

    I think that there is SO much potential to captivate this age group.. and I think that using websites like facebook and myspace (regardless of what some people think about them..) could be somewhat influential.

    Absolutely The MFC must be proactivein the Modern Communication world.

  7. This is a great Idea...Get Young supporters involved with the Club. Excellent. I am 45 and i would love to hear what young kids have got to say & think about our beloved MFC.

    Bottom line though is the Team on the Field Must start Winning. That is ultimately the only way The MFC will recruit young supporters in any great numbers.

    But a Youth Summit is a step in the right direction.

  8. I think it's a great decision to put junior up as captain. He has set a great example around the club for years, Made all australian sides.

    I am sure he has the players utmost respect-and that is what counts out on the ground in the heat of battle and on the training track.

    Well done junior and Good luck.

    Make your captaincy stint a memorable one....

  9. I've decided not to waste my time, cos you clearly won't be open to what I have to say.

    Forget I said anything, go back to reading New Idea & the Herald Sun. oooh! Quick, Today Tonight is on in about 30 hours, better go set the DVR!

    I'll say this though: I would have done exactly what Barrassi did. Doesn't make me any more right, or any less of an idiot.

    Are you saying that this story is some sort of joke?? Certainly wasn't for the people involved so be carefull with your words. When eye sockets are fractured things are getting serios no matter what paper reports them.

  10. I despise carlton so no amount of cash would ever entice me to put on one of thier filthy jumpers. C.J could not cement a spot in the bottom side. What does that tell us all...He may not be that good or his attitude is all wrong. Maybe some of both.

    The club is bigger than one man so let us think to the future and may we thrash carlton and thier dirty VISY Money.

  11. Not sure bout the marketing I grew up in NSW i moved down to Melb when I was 21 I hated AFL couldnt stand watching it.... 3 yrs later I go to every game I can and spend the weekends watching it. Got my first Membership signed and sealed 2 weeks ago. but I plann on converting all my old mate up home 1 by 1

    Good on Ya Mate you are the exact supporter this club needs more of. With you and your mates around Melbourne FC could properly represent this city. GO Demons!

  12. No worries occo. No harm done.

    Still it was interesting to see how a player with great potential to be anything in the space of around 2 years completely stuff it up. It's a good lesson in life for everyone. If a chance comes your way use it & cherish it because if you don't somebody else will...and chances very rarely come around a second time.

  13. Yes i am Sure if they are charged & sent to prison, the word will travel rather fast as to what they have done. Let's not forget they Bashed a woman senseless first then took out Ronald Dale. As Sam Jackson said in Pulp Fiction "You Boys are in a a lotta Trouble" Many Sleepless nights in the feutal position for those Bastards ahead..

  14. We are proud to announce the birth of our first child, William Jack! 8 lbs 7 oz.... Huge hands and feet..... The first addition to my own training group! :D


    HaHa! Look at him with his one eye open, A new one eyed Demon Congrats Jay Have a great "New Life" Know doubt you have signed him up. Send that pic into the Club. They would love it. Awesome stuff

  15. Sounds easy & simple i know, but we just have to give everything towards winning games while keeping costs down. This year we may not have a sponsor, who knows. but if that Happens our healthy meembership will have to dig deep in the pocket. Passion for this club has been in recess in a lot of ways, that time is now over.

    A few wins in a ro would do wonders this year. I have great Faith in our new Board. We will be one of the Big Victorian Clubs again. Patience and to everyone just do your bit.

  16. Give him a break? a break from what? he only joined the club a few weeks ago.

    What on earth are people saying?

    Its Fxcking January Guys!!! The boy hasn't even started his carreer yet. Log off & Go for a walk please. What a pathetic thread.

  17. No Need To Push Him to Quick. Don't forget his Body is still growing. We are not challenging for september this year i would think (Hope Ime wrong) But Jack will play when he is ready. I would prefer him to Bulk up a bit Before he Plays too much. Sure give him a run off the bench sporadically to sense the vibe at the G but let's get him right. Like Hawthorn did with players in the eighties.

  18. Great Game, Graeme Smith has become a Legend, that aside the result gives the Australians a new positive Start to the year. The new Australian team is already emerging. I am still Dark that Lee & Symmonds were selected for the 2nd test in the first place.

    But i wonder whether those two will wear a baggy green again along with Hayden.

    Bring on the Poms & Let's "Blitz 'em over there"

  19. There are two teams in WA for WA companies to fight over.

    There are 10 teams in Victoria. Its more competitive for the sponsorship dollar here. Collingwood knew they could not keep the prospective sponsor in reserve and knew they would go elsewhere so they sought to direct them to another Club that might be an advantage to them in other ways.

    Yes It is actually in Collingwoods interest to help get Melbourne up & Running strong off Field. Thus they do not have to pay out to us the competitive Fund each year. I Really believe the MFC will be ok in a few years. North melbourne are the team i would worry about. Those sympathetic opposition supporters who bought memberships for the kangaroo's last year may not be as genorous in 2009.

  20. 4 years go quickly don't they. I have been to thailand many times, sailed around Phi Phi but never walked on it...yet. I will as i plan to wear the MFC Footy Jumper over there one day, To see the school the club helped Build and to just remember Troy. Just for a few minutes of course as its bloody Hot.

    I was at his last game, ironically it was one of his Best. R.I.P Broady-never Forgotten.

  21. In this situation i would prefer Nick Davis on a one year incentive contract. I think he would be a better prospect for our very thin forward line stocks at present. 2-3 years from Davis would be great. He does have immense talent when he wants to use it. Bailey might just sort him out..

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