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Everything posted by PeterJames

  1. So you accept Green is a flat track bully then?
  2. Feel sorry for Batram, think he is playing ok. Bruce kicks one down Ballatynes throat. Then dumb old davey pokes one straight to him
  3. Bates first kick a selfish shot at goal and misses by a mile
  4. 6.Green 5.Jamar 4.Sylvia 3 Moloney 2 Bruce 1Garland
  5. Bate - Shorter Version of Paul Johnson. Actually PJ was very good for about 10 minutes at the start of the last quarter. Watts is struggling, needs a spell in the magoos. I thought he was right about Bennell. Has little impact on the game, has a few runs down the wing but besides that isn't clean enough or finish well enough
  6. I actually would prefer PJ than Spencer.Spencer is just barely VFL standard. Annoys me seeing guys getting games because they are big.
  7. Newton is back on the rookie list. Just get Spencer out! Horrible embarrassment!
  8. Agree Volders with Davey but i disagree with giving Watts votes. While he was ok for patches but some moments he didn't go hard enough or get the ball in dangerous positions!
  9. Thought Bailey did well with the match ups with frawley on Milne, Moloney on Hayes and Jones on Dal Santo. Could have been more Pro-active going into the last and thrown a rivers or Garland forward. Thats my only match day gripe. Other than that actually playing Spencer... He is disgraceful! Needs to do something about Bate going MIA. Happens far to often.
  10. 6.Trengove 5.Frawley 4.Moloney 3.Green 2.Bruce 1.Jamar
  11. Been saying it for a while. Will get a few cheap ones next week ala last week and will get votes. Never understood everyones love for him. I actually think Dunn is a better option than him when Sylvia and Jurrah come back in. I still try to find positives in that Trengove was our best. Frawley did a good job on Milne. Jonesy and Moloney were good on St Kilda's best midfielders, the only issue is when they are negating we don't have anyone really in and under getting the ball.
  12. Trengove is one really good positive. He has to be favourite for the Rising Star!
  13. Jake Spencer is horrible. So whats Mathew Bate's excuse this week? He is such an ordinary footballer.Jetta is terrible! Joel Mac is lost out there. rivers not sure what he's doing!
  14. THe holding the ball against green was there he dropped it. but what was Jetta doin??? And Watts ducking his head and not marking it! Need the first goal after half-time. Is Grimes ok? heard he may be injured. Green and Moloney very good, why is Bruce captain and not Beamer???
  15. Watts terrible turn over then another soft effort. He is hard to watch personally
  16. Grimes looking ok from being at the game.. Garland looks unsure. Bate looks horrible but will luck in with a few and everyone will love him! Watts is attacking the ball more and looks like he has some hunger so hopefully that pays off for him
  17. Is there a way we can find out the promoted rookies? The way i have it is- Mckenzie nominated rookie Hughes for Petterd Spencer for Gawn
  18. But wasn't Max Gawn also on the LTI? And spencer played i think round 1 with Petterd playing.
  19. The next lot of games includes the Wiz at his best and worst. The 2000 game v Collingwood. I for one would love to see so go vote at http://signup.foxsports.com.au/competition/AFLChoosedayNight. Other games are Matera kicking 6 vs North Melbourne and Milne kicking 10 vs Brisbane.
  20. I could be wrong but i thought Hughes was promoted for Petterd. He played the week after Petterd went down. Mckenzie was the nominated rookie as you said.
  21. After coming back from overseas last year and going to an NFL game, talking to the local footy fans they were amazed by Aussie rules. One guy went to Sydney and saw AFL on tv and said all he wanted to do was go to a game. Had no interest in rugby, he thought it was a basic dumb sport. He couldn't believe some of our athletes and was talking it up to everyone else on the train. And after watching 2 games of soccer in the world cup that is just a putrid sport. Horrible to watch, slow soft crap. The diving is a huge blight on the game and everyone just abuses the ref. They carry on about sportsmanship but no-one shows it.
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