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iv'a worn smith

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Everything posted by iv'a worn smith

  1. If he is a lier,then he only reclining. If he's a liar, then that is a different thing altogether. That said and has already been mentioned, while Neeld is still in the chair or any other incumbent in 2013 for that matter, both the AFL and Paul Roos cannot say, yes, Roos is up for the job. In any event, I believe the chances of Roos coaching in 2014 are extremely thin.
  2. If Roos, as a true football person, still has the fire burning in his belly for footy, then he may well coach again. Question is, if he decides to coach, who will it be? I would welcome it if he see the challenge of coaching Melbourne as a worthwhile challenge. However, I will not be holding my breath on that one. Maybe Peter Jackson can articulate a strong case in our favour to Roos. Hope springs eternal as they say.
  3. Given the current state of affairs, on top of the "tanking" saga, the last thing the AFL will want to do is give us a PP. The foundation needs to sured up, no more window dressing. WYL is right again.
  4. Given Jackson's published examination of the club; thus far, I would be interested to know the cost of running the FD, benchmarked against other clubs. Are we paying over the odds, in terms of salaries paid?
  5. No at all old chap, but when a so called argument has no substance to it at all, then there is not much else you can say. As I I have consistently said, we can wait, we can equivocate, we can ponder, but it will not change things that must be changed for our very survival. No-one is saying this current playing list will be finals bound, but they are certainly better than what's on display at present. You can wait if you like, but you are likely to miss the bus.
  6. Neil Mitchell is only interested in one thing.................... Neil Mitchell. He will not promote anything, which does provide him with the direct kudos.
  7. Well said Bob. You are right on the money. It is time supporters stopped making excuses and we must move to be a better position soon.
  8. We will have a $1.5 mil deficit this year. While Jackson makes it clear we can cover that, he is equally clear that we cannot have another loss like it in 2014. People on it here want to equivocate. Simply put, we cannot survive unless drastic action is taken. Get the wool out of your eyes. There needs to be a clear strategy, which can be implemented. That is Jackson's brief. He also knows that we cannot wait for another "generation" of players to come through. The "market" must see a discernible change in the MFC very soon. Don't kid yourselves. We are currently on very perilous ground and the AFL wants to protect its brand, regardless of what anyone on here thinks of Demetriou.
  9. At the risk of being accused of living in pre-historic times, let me throw a few names at you from 1988. Jamie Duursma David Flintoff David Williams Graeme Yeats Stephen Newport Ricky Jackson. Champions, stars or legends? Hardly, but they all played in a GF. Not only did they play for their coach, they played for each other. Is that rocket science?
  10. You may well be right, but we cannot afford to lose a core group of players in one hit, while yet another re-build is on.
  11. Mate, please understand, I mean no disrespect, but surely our on field performances have not affected you that much. WTF?
  12. That's not the point UH. What is most concerning is they know that players on our list are soft targets, simply because they are sick of the environment. That is the issue.
  13. No more excuses please. We need a clean out off the field. Simple as that.
  14. In the meantime, the vultures are circling to see what appertising pieces of meat remain on the MFC carcass. Players who have obviously displayed AFL level talent in the recent past, will be targets - if not already- come the end of the year. We can't afford to lose the likes of Frawley, Sylvia, Watts and Garland in one hit. Believe me, several clubs are already right into these players. We need to stop the bleeding immediately.
  15. I felt physically ill yesterday. It was a performance that was inexcusable by any measure. To top it off, Sylvia has a brain fade and Dawes will also be looked at. Surely no-one on here can continue to defend the indefensible. Listening to Jackson yesterday morning, I get the distinct impression something will happen sooner rather than later. And it bloody well needs to. The MFC is fast becoming terminal, if we sit by and twiddle our thumbs.
  16. OMG, we agree RR. Can you believe it? Points well made Rhino.
  17. WJ, I agree, Mark Neeld certainly deserves respect. What confronts us now is not all of his doing. I accept that. In a an ideal world, he should be retained, but something is terribly wrong at our footy club, which requires drastic measures. It is clear that the AFL are not going to sit idly by, while the brand is being trashed.
  18. No, No and No. But principles of good business practice are fairly universal. You ignore those principles at your peril, whether your business is in trouble or not. The business cycle is never stagnant. You need to always protect the brand.
  19. Maybe so, but I suggest there is a reason this has been circulated. The AFL are an interested observer in all of this.
  20. Agreed, but according to some on here the "brand" is not important. Rather we need to wait for the supposed turnaround to come.................. again.
  21. Tony Sheehan is a journo with a reasonable pedigree to say the least. While is may be "wishful" thinking, it suggests an underlying dissatisfaction amid the AFL hierarchy.
  22. Love it, can I use it McQueen? Or I could stick to all over it like a fat kid on a smartie.
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