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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. went to dorks' web site. couldn't find a single article on sicily's report/suspension. strange. heard on radio, dorks still to decide re appeal. other club is appealing though.
  2. any news on appeals to appeals board? is there a cutoff time?
  3. out of curiosity ftb, what happened to all the standing room areas for kb. i didn't see any options for ga members to upgrade to "standing". did all those standing room areas just go unallocated. i'd much prefer standing to level 4.
  4. i can't see what sicily did wrong he only tackled him around the waist then the other dork came over the top of them accidentally mid tackle what was sicily to do? dorks have to appeal this ... just crazy logic at play here
  5. i played football with john salvado in 1970. east malvern, federal league. he played full forward. think salvado kicked a ton that year or maybe the year before/after?
  6. And, Daisycutter, I feel so sorry for John Crow Batty because you have labelled him an Anglophobe. How do you know he is not directly descended from Sassenachs? Which, in itself, is a quandary, because if he was a Sassenach then he may well be an Angle Phobe, because the Sassenachs was the Scottish term for Poms, i.e. Saxons. Therefore, if he was descended just from Angles, the other German tribe - which it delights me to say was what England was named after, ha ha, just as France was named after another German Tribe - the Franks, well, ya gotta get some pleasures in life as a German immigrant, then he wouldn't by definition be an Anglophobe. See how complicated all this can get?????😋😍😎 here ya go
  7. if you read his post you will see he was talking about a "win at all costs" culture specifically using violence. he gratuitously introduced british colonial culture into the discussion for some strange reason. I merely pointed out many other cultures who employed win at all costs and violence at times in the past it's not that hard to understand ... even for you
  8. i understand monbon ... sometimes your brain just doesn't function well 🤣 get better soon
  9. "what ever it takes to win Anglocentric colonial/settler culture" puleeze ... get your hand off it what would you say to the russians, germans, romans, mongols, japanese or the ottomans?
  10. and the afl will say 'nothing to see here'
  11. strangely this pic was used as the last pic for the aflw team training galley on mfc site i wonder if he trained with them or it was just a pic mixup?
  12. nah, "filth" is the best all-round and most accurate descriptor 🤣
  13. i think the football commentariat have joined the ranks of real estate agents, used car salesmen and reality show producers. when i was young i seem to remember that the footy press was much more humble, more positive of the game and the players. now they are arrogant self-promoting rabble rousers looking to highlight negatives and criticise clubs, players and coaches whilst over-accommodating their masters at afl house. part of the problem is that there is just way too many of them fighting over the same scraps like seagulls.
  14. not sure that the word culture is apt in a collingwood context
  15. hate is just too mild a word ... i abhor and despise them ... and that's just for openers
  16. gave up about 11:30 so missed the last 200 run feast. Went to bed hoping for a decent partnership. woke up and was very pleasantly surprised 😃👍
  17. maybe he's just wearing his cloak of invisibility.
  18. no, more confused than ever seems to be most accurate
  19. what's so interesting that you got the urge to post about it know something we don't?
  20. i can agree with you layzie but i think it just layzie (pi 😂) that commentators make up these silly definitions to define much more complicated and nuanced situations. regarding the "feet off the ground" judgement i could equally proffer the argument that if the front foot is planted it could increase the impact as it acts as an anchor to leverage higher force. the implication of feet off the ground i think is supposed to imply more chance of hitting the head but this would only be true depending on whether the legs are straight or bent and the angle at which you make contact. the issue though is simple. you either hit the head or you don't (regardless of where your feet are) anyway, if the mro have an agenda they will use any argument to justify any decision they can the shoulder bump is dead (even if it still lives in the instincts of many), thanks byron 😂
  21. the feet leaving the ground is just as stupid as the eyes on the ball myth watch someone running in slomo and most of the time it's no feet on the ground now, significantly elevating yourself and actually jumping is diiferent and can be dangerous especially in a bump. my point is leaving the ground is not the same as jumping yet people don't seem to see the difference
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