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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. well known former player manager ricky nixon says "nothing to see here"
  2. c'mon, qd ... he couldn't be that bad, could he?
  3. i'd prefer they move it 5 kilometres to bass strait
  4. easy ... womb transplants now available you may have to go to thailand or pakistan for the op though, in your case
  5. sounds a shoe-in to run the afl integrity unit
  6. businesses can put their profit margins wherever they want to accc can do nothing about it as long as there is no illegal activity (like price fixing/collusion) it's a bold faced rip-off but perfectly legal
  7. to have a hole in the heart you must have at least a heart to begin with 🥴
  8. could someone please stuff something down richo's gob to stop his dribble
  9. i prefer to be addressed as "one's", if you don't mind, uncle
  10. no need to be drinkist, uncle and it's my right if i want to be a sheila
  11. at this rate might not be enough players left for the finals series 😮
  12. i believe it was a second offence. might have had something to do with size of penalty? don't know for sure but i think a third offense might be automatic suspension?
  13. big difference, rab between a non-contact sport and a contact sport
  14. i reject the notion that sicily was careless and had other options when sicily made the tackle he was already in a non standing, somewhat unbalanced position. he had to leap at the player and tackled around the hips. at the time of the tackle he was off balance and couldn't have much control over how the tackle ended up. he was not standing and had nowhere to go except down toward the ground. he even said he tried to be under the player so he brought him down on top off him, which he largely achieved. because there was an angle between their respective directions there was always going to be a certain amount of twisting. on top of this another player went over the top of them making contact with the lions player which must have influenced the fall to some extent. now the whole sequence from tackle contact to being grounded was pretty quick maybe about 1 second. It was not prolonged and there was no double action. given sicily was off his feet and had too little time to react he couldn't change what was already in motion. if you have played the game at a decent level, you would realise it was just an unfortunate football accident that couldn't be controlled. i'd even commend sicily for being able to make the tackle in the first place when he was himself unbalanced it wasn't nasty or careless and he didn't intentionally try to hurt. accidental injuries do happen in a contact sport. to suspend him for 3 weeks is terrible and sends no meaningful message to other players
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