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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. well the oval would be open to the public during non-training periods and the parkland involved would be free from parking....so there are benefits for locals and greens the club building facilities will be on railway land so that shouldn't upset them they will probably still get upset just because they can though
  2. quite agree about 2013 i blame prodee for that, he was the chief cheerleader for the classy outside mid as for now......even if he wanted to, we were never in the race with nothing to trade
  3. i agree it is hard to frame the rules for those situations that are not overtly violent, threatening or aggressive. a bit of common sense needs to be applied but that still wouldn't satisfy anyone. maybe the option of 2 levels of fines for the minor stuff with the more serious stuff clearly defined and sent straight to the mro
  4. hence my last point about being vaudevillian
  5. uncle, you will need to check with the the department of agriculture and food, western australia's (dafwa) quarantinewa service regarding your fungal infection. would hate to see you turned back at the border are you taking your favourite demonland hitch hiker?
  6. well, do you really want to see players (regardless of brownlow aspirations) lose games for minor inconsequential umpire touching. in most cases being fined guilty of misconduct and fined seems appropriate the only one of the recent charges that had a serious element to it was hawkins who appeared to lose his temper (then backed off). he rightly got referred to the mrp no doubt though the processes and commentary we have seen recently have been a bit vaudevillian
  7. specially when playing interstate at adelaide, perth or jeelong 33% more chance an ump will pickup the crowd confirmation
  8. i'm not even sure if the term full-back has any meaning these days given zone defence, intercept players, sweepers and pressing both ways. rance could be described as a chb as much as a fb depending on the opposition and matchups
  9. yeah, but isn't that just splitting hairs jeelong wasn't going to pay dangermouse what he was worth on the open market (hence possibly poorer compo pick) and cows were prepared to match the offer (not posed officially under fa) if it came to that, so they went the trade, but it was because they knew the cows would match the offer and they couldn't risk it going to the draft or him staying.
  10. dangerfield? not sure, but geelong ended up trading with cows
  11. the point is that you won't see them any more tired than they are now with minimal rotations they won't try (or be able) to run both ways constantly clogging up play. they (and the coaches) will be forced into a different sustainable game plan where they will spend more time in their traditional position you also might see more natural footballers playing than athletes. skill vs grunt.
  12. gold coast getting killed on all stats except i50s and goals, lead by 9 goals to 3
  13. and mick is such a hard guy to not like - lol
  14. yes except the rights holders would just replace the lost 25% of play with an extra 25% of ads ?
  15. especially when so much of the camera work is close-up
  16. great game of rugby. all they need now is an offside rule
  17. maybe brunswick street oval?
  18. that's not a fruit......that's a banana.....show some respect, moonie
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