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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. i thought it was more accidental. anb only had a tenuous grip on him, he was falling away and just hanging on. i'm not sure what he could have done except try and totally release him. multiple weeks would just be a crucifixion and highly political. i'm hoping they referred it upstairs just because it was quite different from your usual sling tackle and i hope the club go in hard for him
  2. just go to bed, guys........now goodnight
  3. i like bernie, but he should stick to partying
  4. you don't need to assume anything......take it as a fact ?
  5. ethan trollblay?
  6. no, they have no integrity concerning their integrity
  7. "licensed medical facility"........................lol
  8. computer says noooo
  9. been a bad year for eddie i feel sorry for him....not
  10. yeah change the song. problems fixed
  11. so why did they allow 1,000s at the gold coast on sunday? would it be because a qld team was playing?
  12. i'm not familiar with wwe, so i looked it up.......and yes, i see what you mean "spear tackle" terminology in football i believe originated in rugby (both union and league) and here it is where the one tackled is lifted, turned upside down (to some degree, usually greater than the horizontal), then dropped or driven (like "spear") to the ground. A very, very dangerous tackle which can lead to concussion, broken neck or paralysis. this obviously is very different to the term used in wwe
  13. nothing to do with 3-5m run up a spear tackle is where player being tackled is lifted off the ground (generally above the horizontal) and then head/shoulders slammed into the turf. nothing even remotely what kozzie did, tackling player front on then driving him backwards onto his rrrs it was a textbook great tackle and he should be applauded for it
  14. it wasn't a spear tackle or even a semi-spear tackle if you want to see a spear tackle go and look it up on youtube for nrl wish everyone would stop calling it a spear tackle it was the sort of front on tackle mumford does frequently and un-penalised. you'd think mumford would be more dangerous than little kozzie. kozzie's so-called sling tackle was very marginal. surprised he got fined let alone paid a free-against (assuming this was the one he got fined for)
  15. you seriously think ato would get involved for a relatively small amount of unpaid tax for something 30-40 years ago i also don't think banks are legally obliged to keep account details for that long and i seriously doubt whether those tape backups would even be readable now
  16. and how do you get access to player's bank accounts? they are now past-players. no contractual connection to club or afl
  17. i'd expect the paper trail has long ago disappeared hard to see what would be left to investigate will go nowhere (officially that is)
  18. I've been listening on 3aw. I've never heard commentators talk so much about free kicks, both those missed/not paid and those paid wrongly. they are totally perplexed by the umpiring.
  19. goto big footy > demons forum > find replay thread > goto end of thread

    probably need to wait for a few hours after game

  20. rain belt accelerating estimate hit surfers in 45 minutes....more than a shower duration maybe 45 minutes........so ending about 20 minutes before kickoff
  21. if i'm any judge on the speed of the radar (doubtful) rain will hit the gold coast around the 2nd quarter ?
  22. don't be too sure http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR661.loop.shtml
  23. i'll see if spirit of norm smith replies, he's at least seen real contracts
  24. i'd still like for someone with contract experience to explain how injury payments (or not) are generally handled
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