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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. any mfc members had an email from club? i'm assuming 1pm today for lvl2 reserved and 3pm for lvl1 reserved seat members
  2. port's problem will be the swans. i can see swans scraping into top 4 if they continue their form
  3. only disappointing carlscum couldn't take their chances against jilong to complete a great round of footy
  4. from the 2nd qtr on they just got better and better......nothing like a sniff of it to build confidence
  5. well fmd
  6. just out of pure curiosity...... ......but how many wins did you forecast at the beginning of the year?
  7. i sorta half agree with this........err on the side of caution.....if it looks like a throw it's a throw but they seem to show no inclination to get tough....in fact quite the opposite again, why i would like to see some forensic evidence.....to quantify the problem
  8. well, i suppose like most things, the afl won't do anything about it until tyhey can admit it is a problem. which they won't do without irrefutable proof. that is why i said previously that i'd like to see a scientific forensic analysis of real footage to quantify the issue (one way or the other). ideally the afl would undertake this but any group like champion data, ch7, sen etc could do this.
  9. i wish they don't exist.......even i can't always tell these days without the aid of video.....some apparent throws are actually technically handballs and some seemingly valid handballs turn out to be throws i'm afraid the players have got too good and quick at disguising it......and we keep seeing more and more throws.......and you, me and many others get more incensed
  10. then if it's a draw the team with most shots on goal is the winner that'd encourage a bit more attacking! won'y happen of course
  11. i never said i liked it, red. but it's happening and won't go away. they'll never bring in video reviews. so what is your solution?
  12. throwing the ball has become endemic in the game. either the super quick throw off the toes simultaneous with ball contact or the many dubious over the head etc throws. the problem really is that these throws are so fast the umpires are either unsighted or don't have slomo vision. i would love the afl to have a scientific forensic study of video archives to properly analyse this issue but i don't think the afl care or have a solution. all they want is continuous flow regardless of rules. this is also why scrimmages are allowed to go on and on and why players with the ball and no prior are given endless time to get rid of the ball. it may be the only solution is to admit defeat and l throwing to be legal....but only if it is a two-handed throw (i.e. no nfl style throwing what do posters think?
  13. ethan was 18 at the time.....he had a very arrested development
  14. wasn't that where the great stuart spencer came from?
  15. umps favouring dogs #freekickdogs
  16. scott is the trump of pussytown he can gagf.......along with his sidekick dangermouse
  17. lygon street wil be bizarro land on monday/tuesday
  18. probably time to introduce some carrots and sticks
  19. my 2nd in 4 weeks, od people complain about % fully vaccinated but forget that mandatory 12 week wait after 1st is a loooong time anyway, i'd prefer more people on 1st jab rather than being on 2nd
  20. may the best diving team win or maybe another hand of god? win or lose wembley will be torn apart
  21. if only majak just had a lttle bit of mongrel in his play
  22. all of the above
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