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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. hey, that baby boomer comment is plain offensive and unwarranted. more your prejudice showing.
  2. well if hwsnbn had played it probably would be a crows win (just like our game)
  3. yeah, just like he raised his boots to fend off when marking
  4. just saw the results....wow, go suns........haha karlton, made my day, along with jeelong last night
  5. can see giants pulling this off......great effort
  6. you're right colin it was an unfortunate analogy (esp in the us sense) and honestly unintentional. i should have used another epithet like "baying for blood" or something similar......bit l;ate now to correct but i will anyway
  7. according to covid worldometer.... australia has approx 36,000 covid cases recorded for 36 deaths, so that is a death rate of neatly 1 per 1,000 cases of course there could be more cases due to untested asympyomatic people but this would be small as most would be picked up for testing via contact tracing
  8. not for a second defending him but fair to say a 6 week game suspension, $20,000 donation, lost game payments, national level public condemnation and probably his career is a fairly decent punishment by most standards. i appreciate a few a few people would like to see to see him placed in the stocks or given a public caning but let's keep some reasonable perspective
  9. all very well and good...........but none of those other codes are a patch on aussie rules as a game and spectacle
  10. well covid does take prisoners. not everyone who gets covid dies. some do, some get long term effects and some are asymptomatic.......just like people who get az and may get tts just different probabilities p.s. looking forward to second dose of az next wed
  11. not too bad need to change the split into 3 groups rules. as it is group 1 > group 2 > group 3. i.e. group 3 has easiest run in last 5 games.
  12. sounds more like public service shambles than government per se
  13. vic lockdown from 8pm today - 7 days
  14. and a new fancy toilet block named the flower pot
  15. it's the vibe of the thing....it's the constitution......it's mabo.......but moreso......it's the look of the thing i rest my case
  16. and this is the point.....or at least the glass half full point. pakula hinted strongly there was more to come but you're welcome to take the glass half empty point of view ☹️
  17. might work that way with mro, but not with tribunal (no option to accept lower charge)
  18. wet game......forecast 90% 6-8mm rain 18c max - during game 14c - 12c
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