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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. not really......try it......just talk a little fast
  2. there have been no open training sessions this year due to covid practices the sessions reported here on demonland have been by members standing outside the wire fence training seems to be mon, wed and friday starting around 9am and generally at casey fields training times are not advertised by club no training at all on goschs as it is being redeveloped (made bigger) sorry for the bad news
  3. this one went very close to a done deal. richmond supposedly scuppered it
  4. dogga must be quite a chatterbox. they've been talking for months now
  5. thanks froggy, i hadn't thought of that wish the italians then were banned and we could have the italian roman-catholic athletes (ira) competing for the papacy
  6. can anyone explain to me how the the russian orthodox church (roc) is able to field a team at the winter olympics?
  7. being an orderly type of chap. i've been doing my planning for next 4 years. it goes something like this: back, back back back
  8. ok......seems i counted maysie in first row then again in second row specsavers booked
  9. still get 24 i know my eyesight is not what it once was, but have counted 5 times now should i book in at specsavers?
  10. for 1. how do you account for there being 24 people in pic - 22 + jj + sg =24
  11. oh bummer. i hoped it would work when the covid stuff settles down
  12. are you sure they can't be used for match day? any references?
  13. well i got one this year as did the grandkids
  14. see post#1 - it gets updated by george regularly
  15. that's coz we are all waiting for....... 2sday 22/2/22.......😁
  16. all this discussion on x years i presume everyone means x years in addition to this year?
  17. whats the collective noun for a demon a dynasty of course
  18. is it true uncle, that you went to university and became a letcherer?
  19. i agree, but then i don't think bt has any inclination to wanting to know.....he's content living in the past with his mates
  20. amazed he lasted that long......he did burn the candle at both ends....and in-between too
  21. i don't know what made you think that......strange all i reported was what i gleaned from a WA newspaper i didn't offer any opinions.............s'pose that's the way of the internet for crossed wires
  22. foreseeable future it looks like and he had some critical words to say about mcgowan
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