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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. he also said gus has spoken to freo his link to age article however crashes with age 404 error - page doesn't exist (article removed?)
  2. what did you think of the setup at gosch's?
  3. yes! yes! a massive further 13 memberships. yay! 65,816
  4. and because he was stupid enough to admit it and claim it was a "skill"
  5. and how often did selwood end up with cuts and blood on his head from this technique. instead of people being worried about head injuries they kept saying how brave he was. he's been called duckwood for as long as i can remember.
  6. well i already had my left hand finger on the caps key for the preceding * so I thought what the heck, in for a penny, in for a pound sometimes i just live dangerously
  7. lol. putting on my @demonstone hat *Gosch's
  8. 15 years. that must just about the time selwood started playing staging 🤣
  9. lol,...not sure i'd equate stengle with degoey
  10. can't really see him going to the cats. their culture is quite strong and doubt they'd want the risk besides.....he's too young...lol
  11. exactly......the media has consistently avoided discussing how freo can get the trade done, when it is blatantly obvious they don't have the picks. even fitting him in under the salary cap with the figures being thrown around is problematic. but the only "story" from our "expert" correspondents is just that he is going......cos that gets the clicks except the goose hutchie of course, who says just got to the nd and meth-coast
  12. i'm sitting on the fence here. some good arguments on both sides but think of this, if with the 4 recent cases, if he had slotted say 2 of them, and i'm sure he should have, would we be having this discussion? the tracc one was the most blatant, but he was only about 7 metres from the goal post and might have just misjudged the likelihood of being tackled, but he still should have handballed to tracc. those close to goal, congested possessions are always panic ridden decisions
  13. almost at a standstill, but should stagger to 66k? 65,803
  14. you've convinced me. ethan good catch
  15. if it does come to a trade with freo, i can see it going up to the last 5 minutes of trade time. it will generate a long frustrating fiasco with demonlanders going bezerk i still can't envision what freo have to trade so expect it will get quite "creative" with a number of clubs involved
  16. that's a very serendipitous observation of yours, yb 🤣
  17. i'm definitely not a fan of taylor walker. i think he's a bogan and a boofhead. i wouldn't be chasing to get him at our club myself, but i would trust the club, if they decided otherwise, to be in a better position than me. what i objected to was the "known racist" expression or label. racism is a very broad word and covers a very wide spectrum. i wouldn't use the expression "known racist" just on the basis that a person made a racist comment in jest or otherwise, same as i wouldn't brand a person who told a lie to be a "known liar". stereotyping works both ways.
  18. and at 31 he is not capable of redemption in your ideology? bit of a waste of time punishing him and sending him to re-education courses then, i suppose? and i'm sure you've never made a racist joke or comment (indigenous or otherwise) in your whole life? p.s. i'm not really interested in going after him myself, but i'll leave that up to the club
  19. a bit expensive to take grundy's contract. he's stiill got 5 years to go at over $1m/yr. so even if the filth pay some for 5 years, the remainder and risk of 5 years length will dissuade most suitors
  20. "a known racist" make one racist comment, apologise, take medicine but branded for life....and you reckon tex is the bigot
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